I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 992 Insanely confident? Let Wang Mang kill the great-great-grandson of the corpse demon patr

After hearing the Great Patriarch's words, the Corpse Demon Patriarch was immediately speechless.

Especially when he saw the cold eyes of the Great Patriarch, he dared not speak.

Moreover, what the Great Patriarch said, he couldn't accept it at all!

Unless it is said that he is thinking about the position of the Great Patriarch!

Despite this idea, the ancestor of the corpse demon also has it.

But the question is, can such words be said?

Saying it is courting death!

Seeing this scene, the black and white old devils sneered even more in their hearts.

If the great patriarch is really angered, the corpse demon patriarch will be in trouble!

The corpse demon patriarch can become the great patriarch, so he is naturally the strongest among all the patriarchs.

Seeing that the corpse demon patriarch didn't speak, the great patriarch nodded and said, "Okay! Just follow what this little guy said."

"Also, Patriarch Corpse Demon, go ask your great-great-grandson if he is competing with this little guy for the position of Great Elder of the Outer Sect."

"If you don't want to, the position of the great elder of the outer sect belongs to this little guy."

Hearing this, the ancestor of the corpse demon immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Yes! I will go and summon him now!"

After speaking, the figure of the corpse demon patriarch disappeared in an instant, obviously he was going to summon his great-great-grandson.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was not surprised, and there was no worry in his heart.

Because, even if it is suppressed in the same realm.

Wang Mang's combat power can still crush the opponent!

Because, he still has the Chosen Art to display.

Although Tianxuanjue is a sixth-order low-grade supernatural power.

But he suppressed the realm behind the sixth heaven, and his combat power happened to be the peak of the realm master.

Once he casts the Heaven's Chosen Jue, his combat power will once again touch the realm king's combat power.

Therefore, he can be said to be invincible.

In addition, he also has sixth-tier low-grade top magic weapons, and sixth-tier low-grade top defensive magic weapons.

This old guy's great-great-grandson, what can he use to fight him?

Among the combat power of the same level, he Wang Mang is not afraid of any enemy!

This is also Wang Mang's confidence!

Even, without humility.

As long as Wang Mang thinks.

He can do it even if he is the great-great-grandson of the corpse-killing ancestor.

Although this guy is a sixth-level peerless genius, he may not have been promoted by fighting or fighting the heavens and worlds.

It is also possible that one was born with a peerless talent. Although this kind of thing is rare, it still happens, but not many.

Wang Mang also learned of this news through the former decree of proclaiming the king.

Some people are born holy, and some people are born to be the favored children of heaven.

Although the number is not many, but it is real, there are facts.

at the same time.

Half an hour passed.

The corpse demon patriarch just arrived.

Not only that, but he also brought a young man with him.

This young man looked very young, with a handsome face and extremely sharp eyes.

But Wang Mang saw an extremely strong arrogance from this young man.

At the same time, after the young man came here, his eyes quickly locked on Wang Mang.

There is no other reason, the ancestor has already told him.

If he wants to become the Great Elder of the Outer Sect, he must defeat a formidable opponent.

Moreover, the strength of this formidable enemy is much stronger than him.

In addition, among the crowd present, only Wang Mang and his three apprentices were unfamiliar faces.

Therefore, he naturally discovered Wang Mang immediately.

Because, only in Wang Mang's body, he felt a strong sense of threat.

For a moment, his eyes became extremely cold.

He was naturally very dissatisfied with Wang Mang, a stranger who dared to compete with him for the position of Grand Elder.

Moreover, he didn't think Wang Mang could compete against him in a battle at the same level!

Because, when he was born, the purple energy came from the east, he was born holy, and he was born as a sixth-order world master powerhouse!

It can be said that his birth was doomed, and he had a higher starting point than everyone else!

Even, it is a height that countless creatures from the heavens and worlds will never be able to reach.

Therefore, Zhang Kuang felt very disdainful when he learned that Wang Mang came from outside the Yunding World.

He's just a dog from the heavens and the world, thinking that if he came to the Yunding World by luck, he could become a master?

Thinking of this, Zhang Kuang snorted coldly, looking at Wang Mang with murderous intent.

Regarding this, Wang Mang smiled slightly, not caring about the killing intent in the young man's eyes at all.

Of course, if there is a chance, Wang Mang doesn't mind killing this little boy.

Isn't there a powerful ancestor?

If there is no ancestor of this corpse demon.

Wang Mang could easily crush him to death at any time.

At this time, the corpse demon patriarch immediately bowed to the great patriarch

: "Great Patriarch, my great-great-grandson has brought you here."

Hearing this, the Great Patriarch nodded slightly, and then said indifferently: "Let's compare here!"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand slightly towards Wang Mang, and a terrifying sealing law immediately enveloped Wang Mang's whole body.

Afterwards, Wang Mang felt that his own realm was being suppressed in the realm of the world master sixth heaven.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was shocked. Is this the method of the Great Patriarch?

The mastery of this sealing law alone has reached the late stage of the king of the world.

To be honest, Wang Mang didn't even know how much power of laws this Great Patriarch had mastered.

But judging from the situation where he casually showed his hand.

The method of this Great Patriarch is more terrifying than he imagined.

This is really worthy of the existence of the Great Patriarch!

The most powerful king of the eight realm kings.

Wang Mang knew without guessing that the strength of this Great Patriarch might have reached the peak of a Realm King.

Just as Wang Mang was muttering to himself, the Great Patriarch slowly said, "Little guy, what's your name?"

After hearing the question from the Great Patriarch, Wang Mang immediately cupped his hands and said, "I have seen the Great Patriarch, the junior, his name is Wang Mang."

Hearing this, the black and white old devils were taken aback for a moment, looked at Wang Mang in astonishment and asked:

"Didn't your kid say, then you are called King Mang?"

Wang Mang suddenly smiled and explained: "This is when the younger generation was wandering in the heavens and worlds, and they got used to using aliases."

After hearing Wang Mang's explanation, the black and white old devil suddenly realized, and nodded in understanding.

"Are you two ready? Crazy! Wang Mang?"

At this time, the Great Patriarch urged again.

Hearing this, Wang Mang cupped his hands respectfully and said, "Grand Patriarch, this junior is ready!"

Similarly, Zhang Kuang bowed his hands respectfully and said, "Grand Patriarch, Zhang Kuang is also ready."

The Great Patriarch, who nodded slightly, said indifferently:

"Okay! It doesn't matter whether you live or die, if you admit defeat, you will take the initiative to admit defeat."

"In addition, you two remember that if the other party admits defeat, you can't kill any more!"

After finishing speaking, the patriarch flicked the sleeves of his black robe, and Wang Mang and Zhang Kuang flew out instantly.

At the same time, above the sky, a terrifying spatial barrier formed instantly, enveloping Wang Mang and Zhang Kuang.

For a moment, Wang Mang and Zhang Kuang looked at each other from a distance.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly heard the sound transmission of the two ancestors of the black and white old devil:

"Wang Mang, if you have a chance, you will kill the great-great-grandson of the corpse demon patriarch!"

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