I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 993 Does the hot chicken have to make Wang Mang doubt life? Is this really a world lord who

After hearing the words of the two ancestors, the black and white old demons.

Wang Mang couldn't help being startled, he hesitated.

Hearing this, he could see that the contradiction between the black and white old devil and the ancestor of the corpse devil was probably bigger than he imagined.

Otherwise, it's just a battle.

As a result, these two ancestors whom he needed to rely on in the future directly asked him to use ruthless hands to suppress Zhang Kuang.

If Zhang Kuang dies, the grievances between the corpse demon patriarch and him will never end.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang hesitated.

Because his strength is not stable at all.

He has not yet reached the Realm King in the true sense.

If the corpse demon patriarch really wanted to kill him.

Once he leaves the Holy Land of Alchemy in the future.

The corpse demon patriarch had many chances to suppress and kill him.

But now the black and white old devils have issued requests to him.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to turn a blind eye!

In Wang Mang's view, he can only draw closer to the black and white ancestors now.

Therefore, Wang Mang quickly responded via voice transmission:

"Don't worry, the two ancestors, if there is a chance, the younger generation will definitely kill him."

Of course, Wang Mang did agree, but as to whether he will kill him or not, it depends on the situation.

If possible.

Wang Mang didn't want to kill him yet.

Even if he really wanted to kill him.

He couldn't kill Zhang Kuang in front of the corpse demon ancestor!

If he really killed Zhang Kuang in front of the corpse demon patriarch, he would be creating trouble for himself.

at the same time.

Wang Mang suddenly saw it.

Zhang Kuang calmly took out a sixth-tier divine weapon and sixth-tier battle armor from the interspatial ring, and put them on.

Seeing this tomb, Wang Mang was immediately surprised, but he didn't care at all.

Anyway, he is also a world lord, and having a sixth-order magic weapon is the basic standard for a world lord powerhouse.

What's more, this guy also has an ancestor of the Realm King realm!

When the battle armor was put on, Zhang Kuang, who was eager to try, grasped the long sword tightly and was ready to strike.

But in the next moment, something that shocked Zhang Kuang happened.

I saw that Wang Mang took out a black Tier 6 battle armor and a Tier 6 halberd from the storage ring.

What makes Zhang Kuang's face even more ugly is that Zhang Kuang can feel that it doesn't matter whether it is Wang Mang's magic weapon or a battle armor.

These two magical weapons are much stronger than his sword and sword!

Although it's not a mid-tier sixth-tier divine weapon, it's infinitely close to a mid-tier sixth-tier weapon!

Because of this, Zhang Kuang's face was so ugly.

Because, he is the proud son of the majestic royal family.

He couldn't beat Wang Mang in terms of equipment!

For a moment, not only Zhang Kuang's face was ugly.

It can be said that the ancestors of the corpse demons outside the barrier also looked particularly ugly.

Because Wang Mang's equipment and divine weapons have already reached the realm king level.

If Wang Mang had also reached the realm king level in terms of supernatural powers, then his great-great-grandson would undoubtedly be defeated.

Therefore, the ancestor of the corpse demon simply transmitted the voice to his great-great-grandson, and if he couldn't do anything, he just surrendered.

But what the ancestor of the corpse demon said angered Zhang Kuang.

He didn't expect his ancestor, Zhang Tianshi, to be optimistic about him.

Therefore, with a ferocious face, he said angrily, "I don't believe it, but you, a dog from the heavens and all worlds, can also fight against you!"

After the roar, Zhang Kuang held the glazed sword and directly killed Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered suddenly, and shook the halberd in his hand.

At the same time, Wang Mang's body exploded like a cannonball, "Kill!"

Accompanied by an angry shout, Wang Mang seized the momentum first, and with the halberd in his hand carrying the law of horrific devouring, he slashed away.

If Zhang Kuang hadn't resisted, perhaps he would not have been cut in half by Wang Mang, but the armor on his body would definitely not last a few times.

But to Wang Mang's surprise, Zhang Kuang really didn't resist, raised the long sword in his hand, and also stabbed Wang Mang in the face.

Seeing this, Wang Mang didn't return the halberd in his hand, and immediately raised his head to avoid the long sword!


Accompanied by a loud bang.

I saw that the halberd in Wang Mang's hand slashed fiercely on Zhang Kuang's chest.

At the same time, with the huge impact of the law, Zhang Kuang flew out backwards.

Moreover, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that there are cracks in the iron armor above Zhang Kuang's chest.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Zhang Kuang's body hit the barrier before he stabilized his figure.

His hair was disheveled, his eyes were angry and stunned, and his face was full of disbelief:

"You earth dog of the heavens and the world! Why is the quality of the law so high!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was speechless immediately!

Does this have anything to do with the quality of the law?

This is because this guy is too blindly confident!

It's just a sixth-order armor, so you dare to attack him but not defend against him.

Who the hell gave him the courage!

Could it be that the ancestor of the corpse demon stood nearby, giving him courage?

Therefore, Wang Mang didn't even bother to ridicule, and directly raised the halberd in his hand and roared out.

After seeing Wang Mang killing him, Zhang Kuang's face turned pale, and he immediately killed him with ferocious anger.

Obviously, he couldn't accept the fact that Wang Mang easily crushed him!

In Zhang Kuang's view, Wang Mang is nothing more than a dog from the heavens and the world, so why crush him?

It should be him who crushed Wang Mang!

After all, he was born in Yunding Great World, crushing countless creatures from the heavens and worlds.

Therefore, Zhang Kuang has always been confident that he can wait until the sixth-order All Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest Road opens.

He will be able to fight for the sixth-order invincible supreme, and finally completely enter the seventh-order world!

But at this moment, his faith was somewhat shattered.

at the same time.

Wang Mang has already bullied him.

Seeing Zhang Kuang who had almost lost his mind, he came to kill him with a ferocious face.

Wang Mang sneered, and easily dodged the slashing sword.

Bang bang!

Zhang Kuang's long sword directly slashed at Wang Mang's body.

As a result, only a shallow mark was left on Wang Mang's God of War Armor.

At the same time, the halberd in Wang Mang's hand slashed fiercely at Zhang Kuang.

With a scream, Zhang Kuang flew upside down and hit the barrier again.

At the same time, this time the battle armor on his body was completely shattered!

Obviously, the Tier 6 Divine Armor on his body.

Wang Mang's sixth-tier top magic weapon couldn't sustain the attack at all.

With two full blows, the armor was about to crumble.

In fact, Wang Mang had a chance to kill this kid just now.

Because, this kid is too spicy.

Really, even a hot chicken can think highly of him.

Because, this kid's combat experience, combat skills, etc. are basically not worthy of virtue.

To put it bluntly, this guy has no realm, but he doesn't have the matching strength at all.

This is the first time Wang Mang has encountered this situation, it is too hot!

Therefore, Wang Mang directly lost the idea of ​​fighting this guy.

With this in mind, Wang Mang decided to quickly decide to fight, and raised the halberd again to kill Zhang Kuang.

After seeing Wang Mang's incomparably fierce halberd attacking again.

Zhang Kuang, with a pale face, couldn't help crying out in horror:

"I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang stopped the halberd in his hand, and then put away the halberd with a smile.

Because, even if this trash stays, it is impossible to pose a threat to him.

Why did he want to kill this hot chicken? It's better to stay to make the ancestor of the corpse demon feel tired.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately looked relaxed, turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly felt a sense of crisis behind him.

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