I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 400 Anomie

The Dream-Eating Tapir began: "Because humans are fragile, they need to huddle together for warmth, and concepts such as family and society are derived from this.

"Don't refute me yet, Tamamo-mae.

"I admit that these concepts will give humans some advantages over us. What I want to point out is that these concepts are just part of the survival instinct. I don't think there is anything noble about these ordinary desires."

Tamamo hesitated to speak and made a gesture to indicate to the other party to continue.

"As a half-demon with my bloodline, Akanishi Kaede's dreams have always been connected to me. From time to time, I will peek into her life through her dreams.

"When Akanishi was in junior high school, she was just an inconspicuous little girl in the class due to the late development of her secondary sex characteristics. She could only look at her classmates, Watanabe-kun and Oda-kun, from a distance, hoping to join them one day. small group."

Kazuma couldn't help but ask: "Isn't she childhood sweethearts with Watanabe and the others?"

"There are many kinds of childhood sweethearts, humans. You can only live your own life, so you make a fuss."

Kazuma: "You guy, just keep talking, why are you burying me?"

The dream-eating tapir rolled his eyes at Kazuma, and then continued to push the topic: "Then in the third year of junior high school, Akanishi began to grow rapidly, and because her mother believed that girls should start learning makeup in high school, she taught her makeup skills. , so Akanishi has a new look at the beginning of high school.”

Kazuma: "What is the so-called high school debut..."

He couldn't help but think of Amao. Amao once said that when he went to dye off the yellow hair on his head, the older brother who dyed his hair complained harshly.

According to the elder brother, it is very common whether he debuts in high school or decides to change his appearance after a summer vacation. Every spring and summer, a lot of people go to his place to dye their hair or dye their yellow hair back.

The Dream Eater Tapir ignored Kazuma's current superficial thinking and continued: "After completing his 'transformation', Akanishi mustered up the courage to talk to Watanabe, and then discovered that Watanabe actually had an impression of her.

"The boy said this at the time: 'I have seen the same name on the class list for three years. Naturally, I was curious about what kind of person he was, so I paid attention. You used to be very quiet.'"

Tamamo glanced at Kazuma: "I have objections to this statement. I was in the same class with someone for three years, and we didn't notice each other's names until our senior year of high school."

Kazuma: "Uh... should I say sorry? Actually, this is all Mikako's fault. With such a energetic and athletic girl around, it's easy not to notice other girls."

Tamamo: "Especially when she's in great shape."

"Yes, you are right. Ah, Lao Shi, you continue."

Dream-eating tapir was stunned for a moment: "Lao Shi? Are you calling me?"

"Be content, he calls that wolf Shantaro." Tamamo said, "Keep going."

Dream Eater: "To him, Watanabe-kun's kindness may be just that of an ordinary handsome guy with high emotional intelligence, but Akanishi Kaede was directly captured by him.

"She misunderstood it as a completely different meaning at the time, thinking that Mr. Watanabe had actually been paying attention to him."

Kazuma thought to himself, isn't this mistake just for boys? When I greeted the goddess and received a response, I immediately thought of what to call the child. It turns out that girls also do this when facing handsome guys?

Could it be that there are fewer barriers between the sexes than imagined, and they have more common languages ​​than imagined?

Dream Eater: "However, Watanabe-kun actually never regarded Kaede Akanishi as his love interest from the beginning to the end. His eyes were always looking at the senior senior sister from the beginning to the end.

"On the other hand, Oda-kun was immediately conquered by the transformed Akanishi.

"Watanabe and Oda are close friends who talk about everything, so Oda immediately discussed the matter with Watanabe, and Watanabe readily agreed that his best friend would assist him."

Kazuma and Tamamo looked at each other, then gasped together.

Dream-eating Tapir: "As for Oda liking him, Akanisi noticed it instinctively.

"Although she has been inconspicuous throughout junior high school and has basically zero social skills, in high school, she quickly learned how to take advantage of Oda's favor for her."

Tamamo: "Pretty girls learn this very quickly, even Mikako knows it instinctively."

Kazuma: "Does she understand?"

"Her ego doesn't understand, but her id already understands, so she can act based on instinct. But she is a monkey who likes to act based on instinct."

Kazuma thought about it for a while, and then discovered that Mikako would indeed give various benefits when getting along with him, just like eating and drinking water.

Seducing men with instinct?

Mikako is so scary.

Dream Eater: "Yes, beautiful girls learn these things very quickly, and when they use this method to dominate a man who likes her, she will quickly gain confidence, and self-confidence will in turn make her more attractive. .

"Akanishi doesn't even need to use dreaming skills to control Oda. Her bloodline is too thin, and dreaming into Watanabe's dream once a week is basically her limit.

"But Watanabe's actions to get Watanabe to give up the senior sister and fall in love with him never worked, so Akanishi decided to do the opposite and invade the senior sister's dream.

"Since Watanabe can't be made to give up on senior, then let senior hate him. Then Akanishi discovered that senior actually also likes Watanabe, but as a daughter, senior does not have the freedom to fall in love."

If it were Kazuma in the past, he would probably complain, "Why is it like this again?" But now, after what happened with Honami, Kazuma knows very well that women in the upper class in Japan really do not have the freedom to love.

In this seemingly modern society, the upper class is actually still very feudal.

"Akanishi Kaede also discovered that although the senior sister did not have the freedom to love, she did not give up her relationship with Watanabe. They just chose to bury their relationship underground.

"They have actually been lovers for a long time.

"The reason why Watanabe-kun has been working hard to attend Meiji University since his second year of high school is so that he can be a good match for his senior sister in the future.

“The sons-in-law of my senior’s family are all graduates of Meiji University.

"Akanishi didn't even get this information from Watanabe's dream, because Watanabe's subconscious regarded this as the top secret, and he especially didn't want Akanishi to know this.

“Because then Akanishi may no longer participate in small group operations, and Oda may lose the opportunity to get close to Akanishi.

"Akanishi, who has entered the second year of high school, is already the most popular person in the class. He has his own circle of girls and has more than one admirer for Oda. In contrast, Oda belongs to the second echelon in the pyramid structure of the class.

"He is a green leaf in the group.

"Watanabe knows that once Akanishi no longer participates in the activities of this small group, Oda will most likely have no chance to contact Akanishi."

Kazuma finally couldn't help complaining: "The pyramid social structure in Japanese school classes is really speechless sometimes. It is especially unreasonable for bad students and hot girls to be in the upper levels of the pyramid."

In fact, Japan has not implemented relaxed education yet. All schools have pressure to enter higher schools, so those with good grades are considered to be at the top of the class.

When relaxed education begins to be implemented, only students with good grades in schools with high deviation values ​​will be at the top. In other schools that do not pursue further education, the top social relations in the class will be all students from sports clubs and delinquents.

One result of this is that after this relaxed generation entered society, the elite was still very strong, while those under the elite were all crooked, and the middle class of society suddenly became depleted.

Dream Eater actually agreed with Kazuma's words: "It's really strange. Some people become the top of the small society of their class just because they are good-looking and act out of the ordinary. It's incredible.

"In short, Watanabe continued to have a threesome while hiding the fact that he and his senior were going well from Akanishi.

"These are all things Akani discovered after intruding into her senior's dream. She felt betrayed, and in a rage, she wreaked havoc in her senior's dream.

"The excessive use of power affected her body and she was hospitalized directly. We usually call this kind of obsession, but now humans seem to have come up with their own explanation..."

Tamamo: "Immune system disorders have many specific manifestations, such as immune rubella."

Kazuma decisively made a guest appearance and said to the crowd: "As expected of a student from Tokyo University, he knows so much."

Dream-Eating Tapir: "That's probably it. It's such an unsightly explanation."

"There's nothing beautiful about being possessed, right?" Kazuma continued to complain.

Dream Eater ignored him and continued: "Akaxi was hospitalized for almost two months because she was possessed by a demon. I sneaked into the hospital and fed her two pills before she woke up."

"A lot of the elixirs are out of action now, right?" Tamamo asked, "If you feed it to her, it might cause heavy metal poisoning, such as thallium poisoning or something like that."

Kazuma: "Thankfully, students from Tokyo University understand..."

Tamamo stepped on Kazuma's foot to shut him up.

Dream Eater Tapir: "Don't worry, I'm using medicine that's still effective. Anyway, Akanishi is finally getting better.

"And because the senior sister was attacked in her sleep, her soul was traumatized, and she began to become depressed and depressed."

Tamamo: "Depression."

Dream Eater: "Yes, yes, that's what humans call this state. This made Watanabe miss his senior even more, and even began to abandon Akanishi and Oda, and went all out to accompany his senior, hoping to make her return to school again. Become the same again.

"Akaxi has very complicated thoughts about this situation. On the one hand, she still has a conscience and feels very guilty when she sees her senior. On the other hand, she is jealous that senior can monopolize Watanabe. Of course, she also regrets it because It was she who caused the threesome to break up.

"Over time, her conscience and self-blame were lost in suffering, and an evil idea was born in her mind."

Kazuma: "She started to lose control."

Tamamo looked at Kazuma strangely: "It's Keldim's theory again? When did you read his book?"

"A previous life." Kazuma replied, and no one would really take it seriously anyway.

Yet he is the only human being here.

Dream-eating Tapir: "...lost person?"

Tamamo: "No, he didn't appear out of thin air, so his brain is probably connected to someone in the parallel world through quantum entanglement."

"Do you have to talk about this annoying science in front of me?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Tamamo glanced at the dream-eating tapir.

Kazuma: "Wait a minute! Are the lost people time-travelers? Is there anyone else coming besides me?"

"Occasionally." Tamamo shrugged, "I only know Wang Mang. Maybe others - other monsters have encountered him, but the lost ones will soon be sent to the lost home."

Dream-Eating Tapir: "That old monster is probably gone now. I haven't seen her appear for a long time."

"Well," Tamamo nodded, "If she was still here, she would definitely have come to take part in this. She should have been killed by Planck, Dirac, Pauli and Bohr. I'm actually quite lucky that I and humans It has nothing to do with cutting-edge science. Be careful, old food. Human beings may soon figure out the secrets of the brain and what dreams are about, and then you will be in danger."

Dream Eater: "Freud did make me shed a layer of skin back then, but the subsequent brain wave experiment during sleep did more harm to me.

"No, this is not the time to talk about this! This is off topic. Where did you just say it?"

Kazuma: "You have to get used to it. When chatting with academic masters like us, we will often go off topic. I just mentioned that Akanishi had an evil idea."

"Ah, yes, Akanishi had an evil idea. After several investigations into her senior's dreams, she discovered that her senior had begun to seek death after suffering from depression."

Kazuma suddenly felt numbness on the back of his head.

"Wait a minute, first by hurting the soul in dreams, making people suffer from depression, and then using the depression to induce suicide? Can this kind of thing be done?"

Dream-Eating Tapir: "I am a Dream-Eating Tapir. Although my power has been greatly reduced due to the mysterious decline, it is still a piece of cake to deal with ordinary humans. I even have the ability to fight a strong human like you in a dream. My descendant Is it normal to be able to do such a thing?”

Tamamo: "The price is that her immune system is disordered. If you hadn't given her the effective pill, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to recover in this life."

Many symptoms of immune system disorders are chronic diseases, which cannot be cured at all and have to be treated at high cost. Then once they encounter some external threats, such as the new coronavirus, they will suddenly develop into a terrible situation.

Dream Eater: "Akaxi doesn't matter anymore. She has fallen into evil ways. From the moment she decided to lead her senior sister to commit suicide, she can no longer go back.

“The next three months were the best three months since Watanabe entered high school, because the weekly ‘all-nighter’ disappeared.

"But correspondingly, senior's condition is getting worse and worse. It has even reached the point where she is not interested in being intimate with Watanabe-kun."

Kazuma: Huh?

Wait a minute, is there something crucial that this elephant-nosed pig skipped over as if nothing happened?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

Dream Eater: "Watanabe-kun became inattentive because he was worried about his senior sister. Although his sleep quality improved, he lost weight.

"Then, that day finally came. After Akanishi fell into a dream for the thirteenth time, the senior sister chose to end her life.

"Early the next morning, Akanishi came to school and heard the news that the senior had asked for leave. Then at noon, the news suddenly spread that the senior had cut her pulse and committed suicide.

"Watanabe desperately escaped from the school by climbing over the wall and went straight to his senior sister's home. This was the first time he skipped class.

"However, besides themselves, only Akanishi knows that Watanabe and senior are lovers.

"He was naturally blocked from the gate of the house, and not only that, he was also severely beaten by the angry senior's brother.

"Akanishi, who followed Watanabe, was also beaten because he stopped the violence.

"Afterwards, Akanishi hugged Watanabe who was crying and asked him to bury his face in his chest, but the corners of his mouth turned up involuntarily.

"Now Akanishi is undoubtedly a 'bad person', but she clearly knows that no human law can punish her."

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