I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 401 Killer

Kazuma: "Then Akanishi became bolder. When did this senior die?"

"When they were in their second year of high school." Dream Eater didn't hide it, "Watanabe-kun finally came out of the shadows with Akanishi's comfort and constant dreaming. But this young man just refused to call Akanishi's name. If he If it weren’t for being so stubborn, it probably wouldn’t have ended like that.”

Kazuma bit his lip.

He probably guessed what happened next.

Dream Eater continued: "Maybe it was Watanabe's persistence and longing for his senior sister that his soul began to purify itself, and Akanishi's influence on him became smaller and smaller.

"In my experience, there is only one human being who can break free from our control in dreams. Akani just happened to meet one. I don't know whether to call her lucky or bad.

"Akaxi felt that she was losing control of Watanabe, but she didn't know why, which made her very anxious.

"She could only try to comfort herself, saying that this might be temporary, but Watanabe started reading a book about dreams.

"She told you that she also read related books so that she could have a common topic with Watanabe. In fact, she was inspired to find a more efficient way to control dreams from human theories.

"However, Watanabe grew up too fast, and soon Watanabe became conscious in a dream, which was probably in May 1980.

"Because he was too afraid of Watanabe discovering the truth, Akanishi did not invade Watanabe's dream for a long time after that, but his fear was growing day by day.

"Watanabe has been very keen on exploring monsters since that time. When they were in the supernatural department, Watanabe only looked at things like monsters and urban legends with a curiosity-seeking mentality.

"But starting in May 1980, Watanabe seemed to have determined the existence of the mysterious side, and began to focus on finding the mysterious world hidden behind modern society."

The dream-eating tapir stopped and sighed.

Kazuma: "He doesn't want to resurrect Senior Sister, does he?"

"That's it for eighty percent." The dream-eating tapir looked at Kazuma, "You humans have become paranoid, and even us monsters will be ashamed."

Tamamo: "Rather, we youkai have nothing to care about because our lives are too long, so we have nothing to do with paranoia."

Dream-Eating Tapir: "How is that possible? I think you are very paranoid about becoming a human."

"Does that deserve to be called paranoia?" Tamamo asked, "It's just some thoughts that arise when I'm bored. Let's continue telling Watanabe's story."

The dream-eating tapir shook his nose and continued: "It is precisely because Watanabe-kun was in that state that when he saw the white figure that seemed to be a half-demon, he immediately fell into a state of obsession. Speaking of which, at that time I I was paying attention to this matter, but I didn’t realize that Bai Mao was that guy’s heir at all.”

Kazuma: "Because that is the child adopted by Shantaro. Kentaro's identity is... I won't tell you."

Halfway through his words, Kazuma remembered that this dream-eating tapir might become an enemy, and he couldn't just give up the information to it.

"Okay, I'm going to find Shantaro later anyway, so just ask him directly."

The dream-eating tapir directly called the wolf god Shantaro, and Kazuma suddenly felt that maybe the wolf's name would become Shantaro from now on.

Dream Eater Tapir continued the topic he interrupted: "Watanabe was very excited. They directly found an old woman named Noda, because this old woman told people about the demon fox in the mountains eating their hearts and livers when they caught them.

"Watanabe also asked Grandma Noda before, but because the question didn't make sense, the old lady only told some stories that sounded similar to ordinary country legends, so Watanabe didn't take it to heart.

"This time, Watanabe described the monster's appearance in detail based on the figure he saw, and asked very specific questions. As a result, Grandma Noda recalled the scene she saw when she was a child."

Kazuma was speechless. The difference between the process described by Kaede Akanishi and the story told by Dream Eater Tapir was not that big. Akanishi had tampered with many details.

Dream Eater: "Watanabe was very excited, but Akanishi was very scared. Because she knew that the mysterious side really existed, and she was a member of the mysterious side.

"Before coming into contact with the mysterious side, she relied on her ability to enter dreams to have the illusion that 'I am the protagonist of this world.' The appearance of another resident of the mysterious side gave her a sense of crisis."

Tamamo: "Human beings always go through a process from thinking that they are the king of the world to realizing that they are just one of the ordinary beings. Many people are afraid of this process and are unwilling to accept it."

Kazuma nodded: "Human beings will always find that ordinary is the only answer after crossing mountains and seas, and passing through mountains and seas of people."

Dream-eating Tapir glanced at the two of them and confirmed that they did not want to interrupt anymore before continuing:

"As half a human being, Akanishi is obviously not exempt from the world. She refuses more mystery to intervene in her life, so she wants to destroy the film that may have captured the 'mysterious creature'.

"So she sneaked into Watanabe and Oda's room while Watanabe was taking a bath.

"There she met someone who came to steal the camera...what was the name of that white-haired guy?"

Kazuma: "Kentaro, this is the name Shantaro gave him."

Dream Eater Tapir frowned: "The taste of this name is as bad as his haiku!"

Kazuma nodded: "I felt the same way, so I backhandedly named him after Shantaro, just to laugh at his rubbish naming standards."

The dream-eating tapir laughed loudly: "It must have had an interesting expression at that time. Come on, let's finish this quickly. I'm going to see Shantaro and laugh at him. He has lived aloofly for so long, but he is still surrounded by humans after all. I gave it a dog’s name, hahahaha.”

Kazuma: "At that time, I was really planning to call Shantaro Xiaobai, but he didn't seem to like it very much, so let it go."

Tamamo: "No, I think he will accept it with a frown. He is not a monster who cares about such trivial matters."

Dream-Eating Tapir: "Indeed."

Kazuma: "By the way, you know so much about Akanishi, are you always watching from the side?"

The dream-eating tapir shook his nose: "I don't need to see it from the side. I just need to use the blood connection between me and Akanishi to come to her dream every night to extract memories. That was the first time I saw 'the same kind' ' Akani was so shocked that he lost the ability to move.

"She even forgot that she should leave the scene quickly. When she remembered, the boys had already finished taking a shower.

"Akaxi hurriedly left the room and bumped into Ozawa head-on."

He Ma was speechless.

"So Ozawa was silenced?"

"That's it. Of course, Akanishi didn't do that immediately, and she couldn't do it. In desperation, she almost instinctively chose to use her beauty. She bumped into Ozawa and opened the belt of her yukata herself.

"Underneath the yukata, there is often no clothes, you should understand."

Kazuma shook his head: "I don't understand, I haven't seen it."

The dream-eating tapir looked at Tamamo thoughtfully, and then said to Kazuma: "Then I advise you to be careful. Some monsters like to use bad checks to fool men."

Tamamo: "This time is different, because this time, I am the heroine of the story."

The dream-eating tapir was shocked and looked Tamamo up and down: "This is really unusual. You are actually serious."

After saying that, he changed the topic and returned to Akanishi: "In short, Akanishi used a honey trap on Ozawa who was still confused about the situation, and then ran away while he was confused.

"Later Watanabe lost his camera. Ozawa originally wanted to tell him that he saw Akanishi come out of the room, but he said that he had glanced at Akanishi before, but was controlled by Akanishi's pitiful expression.

"Later, because Ozawa was the first to come back from the bathhouse, he was suspected by others, but Akanishi stood up to speak for Ozawa, so Ozawa began to believe that Akanishi who was on his side was a good person, and she must not have stolen the things.

"Poor Ozawa, he doesn't understand the horror of women at all, and he doesn't see the bullying directed at him. It's all Akanishi who is behind it.

"Watanabe is Ozawa's true ally, because Watanabe firmly believes that the camera was stolen by a "secret organization" to ensure that the mysterious side is not exposed.

"If Watanabe-kun hadn't died in the mountains the next day, Ozawa probably wouldn't have been bullied so completely.

"After the camera incident, Akanishi felt that she was pushed to the edge of the cliff. She was afraid that after the real mystery came into contact with Watanabe, Watanabe would understand that she had been causing trouble all these years.

"She is more afraid that Watanabe will find out that she actually killed her senior sister."

Tamamo interjected at this time: "I guess her subconscious is still afraid of the collapse of the transcendent self-awareness established through 'superpowers'."

Dream Eater glanced at Tamamo: "Maybe. I don't understand what you said. In short, this fear exceeds her love for Watanabe.

"I have met many noble and selfless human beings, but Akanishi is not one of them. She made the choices that a selfish ordinary person would make.

"Of course, maybe she is a little tired after so many years of fruitless pursuit.

"She wants to kill Watanabe to cut off the possibility of exposing herself and the possibility of contact with the real mysterious side."

Kazuma: "Hasn't she ever thought about joining the mysterious side and learning to better control her power?"

Kazuma is the kind of person who will pursue the mysterious side without hesitation once he knows it exists. If someone gave him two pills to choose from like Morpheus in The Matrix, he would definitely choose to see the reality of the world.

If a dialog box suddenly pops up on the computer and asks him, "Do you want to really live?", then definitely - choose NO, because you want to avoid copyright issues.

Tamamo looked at Kazuma: "Everyone has their own different choices. You can choose to hug me, and Akanishi can choose to stick his head into the ground and become an ostrich."

No, believe me, most Chinese men will choose to embrace the white-haired vixen.

Dream Eater: "Akaxi has already made her choice, and it is meaningless to say this here. She decided to kill Watanabe, so that night, she chose Yume Oda.

“Although Akanishi invades Oda’s dreams only a few times, over the years, she has made Oda her loyal follower.

"After Watanabe gained self-awareness in a dream in May, Akanishi did not dare to dream of Watanabe again, so she began to dream of Oda frequently to strengthen her influence on Oda.

"I'm afraid from that time on, Akanishi subconsciously had the idea of ​​using Oda to kill Watanabe.

"On the night when he lost his camera, Akanishi instilled an idea into Oda in his dream: Watanabe failed Akanishi for his dead senior sister, and Watanabe made Akanishi miserable.

"The next day after doing this, she staged a scene in the mountains. When the three of them acted together, Akanishi grabbed Watanabe and stopped Watanabe from continuing to pursue the white-haired figure, saying that Watanabe had a demonic disease.

"The most important thing is that she shouted, 'Senior is dead, and you can't bring him back to life no matter what you do.'"

"Watanabe was furious, slapped Akanishi, and walked toward the mountains alone in anger.

"Oda looked at Akashi who was crying on the ground, gritted his teeth and followed him.

"No one noticed the slightly curved corners of Akanishi's mouth at that time."

Kazuma: "Is this a description you added yourself?"

"Of course I added it, otherwise it wouldn't sound right?" Dream Eater shook his nose and continued, "Things developed even better than Akanishi expected. Watanabe and Oda fell into the cliff together, and the police came It was determined that it was an accident caused by a mistake between two people."

Kazuma: "Wait a minute! In fact, don't you know what happened when you fell off the cliff? You're not sure whether Kentaro pushed the person down the mountain?"

"I only extracted Akanishi's memory. She did it for...how do you say that? It's the word that often appears in detective stories..."

Kazuma: "Alibi."

"Yes, alibi. Akanishi joined the brigade early for this. So naturally I don't know what happened on the mountain in the end. But Akanishi is convinced that it was Oda who pushed Watanabe off the cliff, and then he I lost my footing and fell.”

He Ma was speechless.

Strangely enough, ever since he met Shantaro, he always wanted to remove Kentaro from the list of possible murderers.

As a result, until now, there is still no direct evidence to prove whether Kentaro was involved in the final murder.

It's possible that Kentaro just led Watanabe to the edge of the cliff and Oda moved his hand.

However, this is just Kazuma's wishful thinking and there is no evidence.

At this time, the Dream Eater Tapir suddenly thought of something again and said: "Speaking of which, that night, Akanishi heard a rumor. The search and rescue team members said that they were at a loss and planned to wait until dawn the next day to continue looking for people. The priest of the shrine insists that the first 12 hours are the golden rescue time and the search must continue.

"Then some people saw the mountain god appear in the mountains and guide them to find the footprints left by Watanabe."

Kazuma: "Is this true? Didn't you make it up on the fly?"

"Why did I make up something like this that will reveal the truth as soon as you ask? But you have been asking about it for so long and you haven't asked anything about it at all?"

Kazuma shook his head: "No, not at all. So, this mountain god appears, could it be Kentaro?"

"How do I know?" Dream-Eating Tapir shook his head, "I have fulfilled my promise and told you all the causes and consequences that I know. Oh, by the way, I also missed a tail.

"After that, Akanishi felt more and more that Ozawa was a threat, so she comforted him and pretended that she was his only ally, while promoting everyone's bullying of Ozawa. She did not rely on the method of falling into a dream. Did this.

"During that time, the only thing she did in her dreams was to incite Ozawa's desire to seek death. She was already familiar with it.

"In addition, Ozawa's mind was quite fragile, so in the last few days of summer vacation, he couldn't bear it and chose to end his life on the rooftop of the Danchi Building where Watanabe rented."

The dream-eating tapir stopped and looked at Kazuma: "So, it is meaningless for you to worry about how Watanabe died in the end, because Akanishi has already killed two people. According to the idea of ​​​​killing for life, whether she killed Watanabe already It doesn't matter, it's all a capital crime anyway.

"It's just that human laws cannot punish her. Son of Man who was chosen by Tamamo Mae, what are you going to do? I'll wait and see."

Kazuma: "You...won't you protect her?"

"Originally, I wanted to keep it. But it's no longer necessary now. Because of Tamamo's advice, I saw the way to gain the power of my soul. She's just a half-demon with a thin bloodline. Why not use her to see what you can do? choose."

Tamamo sneered: "Humph, you are still a bystander. If you don't become part of the story, you will never get the true soul power."

"I am already part of the story, Tamamo-mae, and my impact on this story will probably exceed your imagination."

Kazuma suddenly said: "You must have something to do with Welfare Technology, right?"

The dream-eating tapir fell silent.

Kazuma: "Hey, I was just joking, right?"

The dream-eating tapir suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, you are indeed the child of destiny. I thought all divination had failed. It seems that your divination in front of Tamamo is still very good. You can actually find the node that stirs up destiny accurately. .”

Tamamo: "Maybe it's because I read a lot of quantum mechanics books?"

Kazuma: "You entered Beigao after your divination?"

At this time, Tamamo said to Kazuma using encryption methods such as chanting: "How is it possible? It's just luck. Rather, it might be a gift from fate."

Kazuma: "I don't like this statement, because fate has already marked the price for every gift."

While having this conversation with Kazuma, Tamamo said with a smile on the surface: "Yes, although my divination can't tell me who the specific person is, it is still no problem to guide me to Beigao and wait."

Dream-Eating Tapir: "It seems that the mysterious decline is a little slower than I thought. It doesn't matter, we will talk about future encounters in the future. What I care about now is, son of man, how are you going to deal with this girl?"

The Dream-Eating Tapir controlled the dream, tied the stunned Akanishi Kaede to a cross, and stood it upright.

Kazuma: "I want to clarify the last question, why did she come back? According to you, she should be afraid that the real mystery will make her lose her psychological advantage, then she should never come back to this place again. .”

Dream-Eating Tapir: "I don't know. She has a complicated side to human beings, and there are many things I can't figure out."

Kazuma: "That's it..."

The dream-eating tapir urged: "Stop dawdling, it will be dawn outside. Human laws have no way to punish her. If you want to punish her, you can only do it in this dream. Kill her and let her become a vegetative state." .But she is asleep in your room now.

"If she becomes a vegetative state like this, you will definitely be pushed to the forefront of public opinion. Even if you did nothing, based on my understanding of human beings, they will definitely think that you did something. Not only will your reputation be affected, Damn, your disciples who are in your room now will also be regarded as accomplices!

"If you choose to protect yourself, then you can only let her go and let her go unpunished. Justice that lets go of sin is flawed justice!"

The dream-eating tapir laughed loudly after saying this.

Kazuma suddenly felt that this guy was somewhat similar to the classic villain in the Batman series, the Joker.

At this time, Tamamo said: "It is not bad to choose to insist on procedural justice at this time. In fact, many people believe that procedural justice is the fairest and most complete justice."

He Ma smacked his lips: "This is also a way of doing things, so Batman never kills people."

In fact, the original Batman was to kill bad guys, but at that time, DC Comics was still in its infancy, and many classic settings had not yet been formed.

It is absolutely impossible for a murderous Batman to have such a classic rivalry with the Joker, nor to spawn Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.

Dream-eating Tapir: "Come on! Choose! Although I don't understand what procedural justice is, I guess it is just one of the many self-deceptions of human beings. No matter what, choose!"

Kazuma took a deep breath.

"I can't let a murderer get away with it. I'm going to make her pay here."

The dream-eating tapir laughed loudly: "Did you see it, Tamamo-mae! Human beings are no different from before! Powerful humans will take it for granted that they have the power to prey on others, and they are no different from powerful monsters like us! Wake up, Tamamo Mae! Then join forces with me..."

Tamamo: "So what? Powerful humans have the ability to determine the fate of many people, whether they intend it or not.

“A single mistake by a powerful human being may send thousands of people into hell.

“On the surface, it’s true.

"But, don't you understand when you look at the world today? The one who ultimately defeats the mysterious one is not a powerful human being, or a group of powerful human beings.

"It is the human race as a whole that has pushed the mystery to its limits. Those powerful humans are just a part of the human race as a whole.

“Without those traffickers and lackeys, Mystery would never have been so exhausted.

“In the past few decades, I have learned a new saying, which is that ‘history is created by the people.’ If you do not realize that individual powerful human beings are all members of the people, you will definitely not be able to succeed.

"Kazuma certainly has the ability to change the fate of several people or even a group of people, but he is just a member of mankind. Even he cannot change the trend of the entire history and cannot prevent the mysterious decline.

"And my wish has always been to 'become a human being'. Even if Kazuma chooses to be the judge himself to sentence Kaede Akanishi, even if he chooses to ignore procedural justice, it will not affect my wish."

Tamamo stopped and stared at the dream-eating tapir with his head held high.

"I advise you to give up, Dream Eater Tapir, and accept the reality. The result of going against the trend of history is to be crushed by the rolling torrent. Even without me and Kiryu Kazuma, you will only end up with a tragic end. .

"This has nothing to do with who decides Akanishi Kaede here. They are two independent matters."

The dream-eating tapir snorted: "Then we'll see. By the way, don't forget to tell this Kiryu-kun how terrible I am."

After speaking, the figure of the Dream-eating Tapir became blurry and gradually faded away.

Kazuma waited for a few seconds before asking: "Did it leave?"

"Yes." Tamamo nodded, then looked at Kaede Akanishi who was still hanging on the cross, "It seems that it left Akanishi's execution to us. How about I do it..."

"No, I'll do it." After Kazuma said, he raised his hand and pulled out the long knife from the void. He could feel that it was Murasame who came this time.

It's a murder sword.

Kazuma took the sword and walked into the cross where Akanishi was hung. Suddenly he felt that Akanishi was a bit charming...

Tamamo: "Remember, even if her subjective consciousness is comatose, her self is still active. This is a dream. She is the half-demon of the dream-eating tapir, and she is protecting herself."

Kazuma nodded: "I know."

Tamamo added: "Actually, following procedural justice is also a way."

"Then what? Because I followed procedural justice, another person was killed by this guy. She has lost her control, and she will definitely continue to kill people. Don't expect a prisoner who has killed two people to repent, that is just a literary work .”

In fact, most serial murderers do not repent, and those who do repent are mostly those who kill impulsively.

Kazuma tightened his grip on the knife and walked to the cross.

Akanishi in his eyes became more charming, and it was obvious that this half-demon's self was trying harder to protect himself.

At this time, Kazuma suddenly thought, what if everything was just a lie by the dream-eating tapir?

What if the senior sister’s death was caused by her own autism?

What if it was Kentaro who killed Watanabe and turned Oda into a vegetative state?

What if Ozawa really just committed suicide?

Shouldn't we wait for this dream to end, investigate each one according to what the dream-eating tapir said, and find corresponding real-life evidence before making a judgment?

But at that time, after it was really confirmed that Akanishi Kaede had killed someone, what should he do if Akanishi refused to acknowledge him?

Let Tamamo invade the dream and execute someone in the dream again?

Tamamo is not the monster of dreams, and she is no longer seventeen forever.

If she is allowed to use demonic powers, will it cause her to lose her life?

Sure enough, it would be better to end Akanishi here, right?

Kazuma suddenly realized that at this moment, he had made a second decision.

He judged the value of Akanishi and Tamamo's lives, believing that Tamamo's life was more valuable.

At this time, Akashi opened his eyes.

She suddenly panicked: "What's going on? Why should I..."

Kazuma: "I know everything."

"What do you mean?" Akashi's eyes widened, "What are you talking about?"

"I know you killed that senior sister."

He Ma said.

At that moment, Akanishi's expression became very ugly.

It is certain that the senior's death must be related to Akanishi.

This made Kazuma relieved.

"I...I didn't mean it!" Akashi said, "I didn't think she would really die! I just wanted to give it a try! I just wanted to give it a try! No! How can you prove what I did in the dream? , leading to senior sister’s death?”

Kazuma didn't answer and continued: "You asked Oda to kill Watanabe."

Akanishi roared hysterically: "This is slander! Are you from a law school? If you accuse me, you must provide evidence!"

Kazuma continued: "The night you lost the camera, you sneaked into Watanabe's room and saw the white-haired figure stealing the camera. You were so surprised that you forgot to run away for a moment, but it was too late when you remembered to run.

"When you went out, you happened to meet Ozawa who was the first to come back."

Akashi was stunned: "You...you know everything?"

Kazuma: "Of course. Because just when you lost consciousness, the real dream-eating tapir arrived. It is an old acquaintance of Tamamo Mae here."

Tamamo: "Yes, we are good friends. Lao Shi has been watching you because you have his bloodline and are his granddaughter. By the way, Lao Shi is a righteous monster, but he thinks he is a monster and can't control it. Human things.”

Kazuma glanced at Tamamo and thought to himself, you are a guy who can make up lies without actually telling them.

However, I am not qualified to say that you are the one.

In order to get the truth, I must not lie, I must deceive.

I did not follow procedural justice.

Akanishi Kaede struggled for a while in the face of the lie that Kiryu Kazuma and Tamamoae jointly spun, and then sighed.

"Yes, that's right. I induced my senior sister to commit suicide and finally won Watanabe's heart - I thought that was it. Then I discovered that I was wrong, very wrong.

"Watanabe was frantically searching for the mysterious side, hoping to borrow the mysterious power to resurrect his beloved senior sister. Then that day, he saw the white figure.

"The loss of the camera solidified his idea. And I was very scared, afraid that he would find out that I did everything. So I gave instructions to Xiaotian in my dream.

“The next day, I acted as I planned and after we separated from the team, I had a big fight with Watanabe.

"Watanabe left angrily, and Oda followed, but I suppressed my smile and chose to join the team to create an alibi.

"I won. Then I killed Ozawa who might have stepped on something. It was all my doing."

After saying that, Akanishi Feng breathed a long sigh of relief and looked relieved.

"Come on, punish me. I have long wanted to plead guilty and be punished."

Kazuma frowned and glanced at Tamamo.

Tamamo spread her hands.

Kazuma looked at Akanishi Kaede on the cross again, hesitated for a moment, and then put down the long knife in his hand.

"You...feel guilty?"

"Of course, that's why I returned here. I just think that here, I might be able to meet the real mysterious side, and I can meet someone who can punish me. Let's do it, Kiryu-kun."

Akanishi Kaede closed her eyes.

Kazuma took a deep breath: "No, I will not kill a person who confesses, you just spend the rest of your life to atone for your sins——

"Miss Akanishi, you should know that in dreams, your true self will break through the shackles of yourself to a certain extent and express itself, right? The corners of your mouth are very exaggerated."

Akanishi Kaede opened her eyes suddenly and stared at Kazuma: "Impossible! I..."

Kazuma: "You've been fooled, Miss Akanishi!

"I knew you must remember what Tamamo said to me before!"

That was when this dream had just begun. Faced with Kazuma's constant jokes, Tamamo doubled down on his explanation, saying that his ego would transcend his own control and affect the dream.

At that time, Akanishi Kaede had been listening.

Kazuma: "You should be more confident! After all, I am just an ordinary person, a rookie who has entered the dreamland for the third time!

“And you are a half-demon with the bloodline of the Dream-eating Tapir, a veteran of dream control for more than four years!

"If you still can't suppress yourself, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?"

Akashi Feng was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly grinned from ear to ear: "Wonderful! But, I won't sit still and wait for death!"

Her figure collapsed and her upper body changed——

However, Kazuma has already stepped forward with his sword!

"Go to hell!"

Kazuma roared angrily and slashed with his sword. The half-demon whose upper body was a demon and whose lower body was human was cut in two.

In the wail of pain, everything named Akanishi Kaede was wiped out.

Fuck, I was in a hurry to send it out to press the line, but then I remembered that I should have divided it into two chapters. This is two chapters... After all, I have already sent it out, so this is one chapter.

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