Hinami Rina kept a straight face and controlled herself not to laugh.

Sure enough, just as she expected, this guy had taken the bait. If that's the case, then work harder, eat him to death, and then extract information that is beneficial to Kazuma.

Relying on this, I no longer have to be in a Buddhist scripture learning team... Bah, what kind of Buddhist scripture learning team! They are the atmosphere group in Kazuma’s harem!

Hinami Rina said coldly: "Detective Takada, have you always picked up girls like this? 'Interesting women'? If you praise me for being beautiful, I can also give you a smile. What does it mean to say I am interesting?"

Police Department Takada laughed loudly: "Indeed, I usually compliment women's looks in various ways, but those are basically just words for show, but now I really mean it."

Hinami Rina sighed inwardly, thinking that this person really had nothing to offer except his face, just like those mass-produced idols from Johnny's.

At this time, the smile on Police Officer Takada's face disappeared in an instant. He stared directly at Hinami Rina and said, "You must be laughing at my feeling good about myself now, right? But you will know soon, I can play with flowers, but can't I?" It’s just about face.”

He put his right hand on the car door, pointed his index finger at Hinami Rina, and made a pose like on the "Uncle Sam Needs You" poster: "You will fall hopelessly in love with me soon."

At this moment, Hinami Rina realized that the situation was not good, and she immediately looked away, not looking at the other person's face.

As one of Kiryu and Kazuma's teams, Hinami Rina is involved in various mysterious incidents from time to time, and she is already a veteran.

In the Cthulhu running team, she is already a seasoned investigator.

She didn't know what the other person was going to do to her, but it was definitely right to avoid his eyes.

The next moment, she heard Detective Takada's admiration: "As expected of Kiryu Kazuma's apprentice, this is the first time I have met a woman who would avoid my direct gaze."

——You were right!

Hinami Rina was relieved, but then she became afraid. What would happen if she didn't avoid it?

Get into the other person's car and then do whatever he wants?

Fear invaded Hinami Rina's heart. It was a hot day, but she needed to be forcibly calmed down to prevent her body from trembling.

——I want to calm down! I've looked at each other many times, and this shouldn't be an ability that can be used casually.

At this time, Hinami Rina suddenly thought of what Tamamo said.

"The spells used to brainwash ordinary people were no longer available hundreds of years ago, so monsters will come up with all kinds of tricks to eat people, such as using deception to create deserted villages and inns, attracting travelers to stay, and attacking in their sleep. This was once a mistake that became part of folklore, and it was like being nailed to a pillar of shame."

Thinking of Tamamo's words, Hinami Rina calmed down. At this moment, the other party's car slid directly into Hinami's field of vision, and she subconsciously glanced at Detective Takada.

Detective Takada snapped his fingers at this moment, and then showed a victorious smile.

"Let me take you home, Hinami Rina-san."

Rina Hinami is still a senior in college. Although she has joined a TV station, she has not graduated yet. It is okay to call her a classmate.

Hinami Rina looked at Detective Takada with a smile: "Didn't I reject you already? A man who takes the trouble to be annoying is annoying."

Detective Takada opened his mouth in surprise.

At this time, Hinami Rina thought of the psychological tricks that Kazuma once demonstrated to him: At that time, Kazuma put out two glasses of water and told Hinami that one of the two glasses of water had a trace amount of salt added, so that Hinami could taste it. Taste which cup it is.

After tasting the Nichinan cuisine for a long time, he couldn't make up his mind and asked Kazuma to reveal the correct answer. It turned out that there was no salt in both cups.

He Ma explained this trick. The key is to first make a lot of preparations in a serious manner to establish "trust" between the "host" and the participants.

Then use the host's words to stamp the participants' thoughts in advance.

This is actually a very basic psychological technique.

He Ma said that this technique is widely used in clinical diagnosis of psychology. All psychology clinics will arrange it in a pretentious manner. Some psychiatrists will burn incense and other things in the clinic, while other doctors will put readings on the table. It looks like a formal sandbox, and the patient is allowed to arrange the sandbox at will during the treatment process.

In fact, this is all to establish the impression of "Wow, this is a professional psychiatrist" in the patient's mind. This is a kind of trust.

The key to sandbox diagnosis is not to analyze the finished product. The key is the process of setting up the sandbox between the psychologist and the patient. During this process, if the patient's trust in the psychologist is established, he can then use the sandbox to The method of analysis makes the patient think "oh this is my psychological problem" and "the professional doctor is really right."

"So those who claim to be able to analyze a bunch of photos of the Sandbox-Hakoniwa are basically liars." This is what Kazuma concluded at the time.

After recalling this, Hinami Rina had a bold idea.

She smiled at Detective Takada. The smile was so bright that Takada thought that his trick had finally worked, and he started laughing too.

Then the smile solidified on his face.

Hinami Rina bent down and grabbed Takada's head with her hands, pulled his head close to her, and whispered in his ear: "Are you wondering why I didn't get in the car obediently? It's simple, because I saw through your trick.

“The key to this trick is to create a preconceived impression in my mind that someone has supernatural power to force me to submit.

"It was an accident that I avoided your gaze, but you were so experienced that you immediately took advantage of it. To be honest, you almost succeeded.

"What a pity. My dream lover also likes psychology. I don't know where he learned a lot of psychology knowledge. I have seen these tricks from him before."

Detective Takada was stunned: "He..."

Hinami Rina added: "By the way, I have good news to tell you. As long as I snap my fingers, you will reveal all your smiles."

Takada was shocked, pushed Hinami Rina away, stepped on the accelerator and left.

He also forgot to change gears, and the gearbox made a loud noise.

Hinami Rina was pushed onto her buttocks by him and sat on the ground, laughing as she watched the sports car drive away.


Rinanli Cai, a senior student and newcomer to society, won the first tough battle in his life!

It's a pity that Detective Takada will probably not come back again, and there is probably no chance of relying on him to gather information about the enemy.

Hinami Rina struggled to stand up - high heels and a professional skirt were very much in the way at this time.

Fortunately, the waitress at the restaurant came out immediately after seeing her sitting on the floor. Now that she was thinking about it, she immediately came to help. After pulling her up, she also helped her pat the dust off her body.

"The entrance to our food kiosk is very clean. After all, it is cleaned many times a day." The waitress said, and then changed the subject, "You are so awesome, you actually refused the pursuit of a young man who drives such a luxury car. But why, I think he He’s quite handsome.”

"Handsome? That's it?" Hinami Rina shook her head, "You have never met my master."

At this time, Hinami suddenly discovered that her stockings were scratched when she squatted down on her butt, and the gap was just right exposed from under her skirt, which made her look like she had just come out of "that kind of set".

At this time, the waitress said: "I have spare stockings in the staff locker room. Why don't you wear mine?"

Hinami Rina glanced at the waitress in kimono, not hiding her surprise at all.

"This kimono is for work in the store and cannot be taken home." The waitress smiled.

Hinami was about to answer when the silky sound of the engine reached his ears.

This kind of engine sound is usually made by high-end sports cars, but this is not the case for Kiryu and Manahare.

So Hinami Rina had no intention of turning around and looking at him.

But the waitress's eyes were on the sports car and she followed the movement of the car.

From the sound of the engine and the sight of the waitress, Hinami knew that the sports car was parked next to her. She originally thought it was Detective Takada who was back. She turned around to show off her face, but she saw Kiryu Kazuma waving to her from the driver's seat: "Hey , Miss, do you want someone to take you home?"

Hinami Rina froze on the spot and remained silent for a full five seconds before she finally managed to say: "Has the Metropolitan Police sent you a train?"

He Ma burst out laughing: "Why do you say the same thing as Xiao Qian?"

Hinami Rina thought for a moment and then said, "Is that the car you bought after selling Xiaoqian?"

"How dare I sell her? Amao is coming to fight me. You come up first and I will explain this to you slowly."

Kazuma said, reaching across the passenger seat and opening the left door - Japanese cars all have right-hand drive, which is what they learned from Britain.

Hinami Rina smiled and got into the car happily.

She noticed that Kazuma glanced at her skirt, and immediately twisted his legs, making the very sexy hole in the stockings more obvious.

Kazuma was speechless, his eyes no longer looking at the hole, but towards the waitress: "Your friend? Don't you say goodbye to her?"

"Goodbye." Hinami Rina pressed the window button, lowered the window a little, and waved to the waitress.

After closing the window, she said: "I just fell down, so the waitress from the restaurant came out to help me."

"You fell down. Did you get the hole from your fall?"

"What do you think?"

"I said you tore your perverted boss to pieces!" Kazuma said firmly.

Hinami Rina laughed loudly, and then changed the topic: "By the way, I did almost rape someone just now, and he was an acquaintance of yours. Do you know the Takata Police Department?"

Kazuma's expression immediately became serious: "Have you seen him? They moved so fast."

Hinami Rina was secretly happy: I have finally been promoted from a vase to a heroine with an independent story!

Kazuma glanced at Hinami in confusion through the rearview mirror: "What do you enjoy?"

"Nothing, let me tell you what just happened."

Then Hinami Rina started talking about how she was invited to the cocktail party by the director of choreography today, and explained the whole process in detail.


Kazuma listened carefully to Hinami Rina's story, and while listening, he recalled the time when he met Takada.

He was pretty sure Takada had no entry.


But at this time, Hinami Rina said: "I suddenly recalled that Tamamo said that the magic that can brainwash humans has been out of use for hundreds of years, so I immediately calmed down."

——Well, it’s true that Tamamo said this.

Hinami continued: "So I boldly looked him in the eyes, and guess what, he snapped his fingers, and then said to me in an unquestionable tone, 'get in the car'."

Kazuma glanced at Hinami and said, "So you are in a state of being finished by someone else? Isn't it possible that he tore the holes in your stockings?"

Hinami immediately raised his pink fist and hit Kazuma on the shoulder several times: "How is that possible! Don't say such things! I'm yours!"

"Yes Yes."

"I just happened to remember the trick you did on me to taste the salt water, and then I added some spice to your trick..."

Hinami Rina vividly told how she deceived Takada, like a primary school student who came home from school and boasted to his parents about his glorious achievements in school.

"...Finally, I suddenly said to him, after you hear a snap of your fingers, you will immediately reveal all the conspiracy of your gang to me! Guess what, he pushed me on the shoulder and pushed me down He squatted on his butt, then stepped on the accelerator and drove away. His high-end sports car made a sound like a bosozoku blowing up the street!"

Kazuma: "It must be that I was so scared that I forgot to put it in gear. The life of the gearbox is probably reduced a lot."

Hinami Rina punched Kazuma: "Don't explain! It's such a disgrace to the scenery!"

"Don't worry, time will stop by default when explaining."

Hinami was shocked: "You also watch JOJO's Bizarre Adventure?"

At that time, Kazuma wanted to give him a "yah bah bah", and it happened that there was still a moon, so he could pose.

But now JOJO has just started serializing the first part not long ago.

——Wait a minute, not long after JOJO started serializing, did time stop when everyone was complaining about the commentary?

It turns out that this is a traditional complaint project for JOJO fans.

Nichinan Rina looked very happy: "Many of the costumes in JOJO are very fashionable, I like them very much."

Because many of Araki Hirohiko's actions and costumes are based on fashion magazines.

Then he in turn influenced fashion magazines, forming a cycle.

Hinami Rina suddenly remembered that she was talking about something serious, and complained: "You! You made me go off topic! Where did I go?"

"It's about him kicking the accelerator and running away."

"Isn't that the end of the story? Damn it, my heroic story has come to an end like this!"

Kazuma laughed out loud: "Then you can tell it again from the beginning."

"Okay, then I... can't! You will definitely say that I look like Mrs. Xianglin! In short, that's it. Go back and tell Xiao Qian and the others so that they all understand this guy's trick."

Kazuma nodded: "Yes, you have to tell them. However, since you have seen through the principle and can solve the method, it is probably not something mysterious - but it is safer to ask Tamamo what happened."


"It's the Eye Technique." Doraemon said categorically, "It's a deception technique developed by ninjas. I originally thought it was lost after the demise of Koga, but I didn't expect it to be revived with the help of modern psychology."

Kazuma: "Wait a minute! The destruction of Koga? Is this the story in the Koga Ninja Post?"

"It's not important that some of them were destroyed. What's important is that the enemy is already taking action against our people."

Tamamo glanced at Chiyoko and Hinami in the room: "It seems that we have to gather all the people in Japan tomorrow to get vaccinated."

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