I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 608 The opportunity has not come yet

Kazuma nodded: "Indeed. How about you make them a talisman or something just in case?"

Tamamo smiled and said: "Most of us here don't have to use it. Those who have mastered the mind skills will not need it first. The glowing soul is not afraid of all heresy. In addition, now that the mystery has declined, even the big monsters on the same level as me can't use it." There’s no way to influence people’s will, so as long as you don’t go to places with few people, it’s theoretically fine.”

Hinami Rina had a wicked smile on her face: "Why do I think you are lying when you say this? You can actually control people's hearts, but you are just deceiving us, right?"

Kazuma was shocked and couldn't help but glance at Hinami, thinking that this girl gained courage after winning a small boss.

Hinami Rina added: "You must have cast a mind-stealing curse on Master!"

Tamamo looked at Hinami with a smile: "Yes, you discovered it. Then I have to spend my precious demon power to cast a spell on you. I only need to snap my fingers, and you will immediately obey my words and behave like a cow. "

Tamamo raised her hand, but Hinami was happy: "Isn't this the trick I used to fool Detective Takada?"

"Then you'll know if I'm cheating or not after snapping my fingers." Tamamo said.

Hinan gave in and said, "Sorry! I shouldn't have made fun of you, so don't snap your fingers!"

Tamamo made a V sign to Kazuma and whispered, "I won."

Chiyoko sighed: "Dandanzi, please stop trying to improve my brother's favorability here. It's already exploded. How pitiful Hinami is when you use him to show off his cuteness."

Hinan immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, how pitiful I am. I finally get a chance to perform, but I usually only serve as a vase."

Chiyoko said to Hinami: "You should be satisfied. At least your score is higher than that of the British one now. Come on, I will arrange a place for you. You can sleep in Honami's room tonight."

"I want to sleep in Master's room." Hinami said coquettishly.

Tamamo picked up the teacup and drank tea, as if she hadn't heard the words.

Kazuma: "You go upstairs and sleep. Our house doesn't have air conditioning, so it's too hot to sleep together. I can't stand it."

Chiyoko: "I contacted the construction company, but it's cheaper. After the house is repaired, we can buy an expensive air conditioner."

"Where did you find the construction company? Did Heita Nishikishan introduce it?"

"Actually, I went to Sumitomo Construction with the mentality of giving it a try." Chiyoko said with a smile, "Guess what, it was the manager who came to receive me five years ago. He was respectful, as if I had become the eldest lady somewhere. Same."

When He Ma heard this, he became very angry: "Are you talking about the specialist who guaranteed that it would not affect the lighting in our home? Damn it, if he hadn't bought our house at that time, we would have become prosperous by now. The Japanese economy in the past five years has been obvious to all, and if we just buy some stocks, our assets have doubled several times."

"That might go bankrupt, okay. Anyway, the manager readily agreed to arrange a construction team to help us repair the house at cost price. We finally have to say goodbye to leaks in rainy days!" Chiyoko looked very happy, "The rest The money can be used to install air conditioners and replace some household appliances. Our refrigerator and washing machine have been used for many years and should have been replaced long ago."

Kazuma curled his lips: "Change, you can change anything."

"Then I'll go make Hinami's bed." Chiyoko said and left.

Kazuma turned to look at Tamamo: "Please give me Chiyoko's amulet."

"My amulet can only protect against mysterious things. It won't be useful if we encounter the kind of modern deception that uses psychology like what Hinami encountered today."

Kazuma: "If Hinami can resist this method, Chiyoko should have no problem. By the way, you should also give Hinami a talisman."

Kazuma said as he glanced at the top of Hinami's head.

There is no entry for Nichinan cuisine.

The most direct defense is to give Hinami Rina a strong soul - that is, to give her the entire entry. Unfortunately, Kazuma has been trying continuously over the years and still has not found a way to actively give the entry.

He can only provide on-demand broadcasts and let others obtain entries when he encounters an opportunity for transformation.

But on the other hand, people who meet the opportunity may naturally obtain the entry. He Ma's Venus ability only changes the probability of obtaining the entry into a certain obtainment.

Hinami Rina had to encounter some opportunity so that Kazuma could help her complete her transformation.

Obviously, driving Takada away this time did not serve as an opportunity.

Tamamo: "The integration of mind and skill can be met but not sought, so there is no need to force it."

Apparently Tamamo could see what Kazuma was thinking.

At this time, Ni Nan asked: "Well, Master, if I am in danger, will you come to save me?"

"Of course." Kazuma replied without thinking, "If you encounter danger, such as being taken hostage, no matter where you are hidden, I will find you and rescue you."

Rinan smiled: "Then I'm not afraid anymore. I'll wait for you, Master. By the way, I'll advance the reward for saving me in the future to Master now!"

"I don't want it, you can keep it." Kazuma flatly refused.

"Rejected! How strange. I see Mikako-senpai's straight shots always work. Why can't mine?"

"Mikako, that's just natural. You deliberately threw a fake straight ball. There's a difference, okay?"

At this time, Tamamo put down the teacup and spoke: "I think it's okay for you to accept it. Hinami has made a meritorious service today. It's logical that you satisfy one of her requirements as a reward."

"I can satisfy her request other than that." Kazuma replied seriously.

Hinami Rina: "Why?"

"Because I don't want to be a scumbag." He Ma said.

Tamamo looked at him with a half-smile, and said in a low voice: "So sleeping with Honami is not considered a scumbag."

Kazuma rolled his eyes at Tamamo and thought, "That's what you approved." Unexpectedly, Tamamo said in a voice that only he could hear: "I also approved this."

Hinami Rina: "Damn it, you actually whispered in front of me! Bullying that my hearing is not as good as Master's!"

Kazuma: "You can also whisper to me at this volume."

At this moment, Qingliu appeared on the other side of the yard: "I'm back, Xiaoqian, I'm dying of thirst!"

Chiyoko's voice came from the second floor: "I don't have a refrigerator, so I sell ice and tea! Just do it yourself!"

"Okay~" Haruyu responded feebly, staggering across the dojo, and only halfway through did he realize it was Hinami, "Huh? It's actually Hinami, I thought it was Honami... um..."

Qingliu stared at the rip in the stockings that was partially exposed under Hinami's skirt, and then let out a long sigh: "Master, you finally did it."

Kazuma: "What do you mean? Your master is a gentleman!"

"Hmph, Honami is obviously sleeping with her."

Hinami: "Have you slept with me? Master, you are a scumbag!"

Tamamo snores and drinks tea.

Kazuma: "This... that... wait, who did you listen to?"

"I was at home that night too!" Qingliu said loudly, "Look at this house. Is it soundproof?"

——That is indeed not the case.

Not only is this old house not soundproofed, it also creaks when moved too much.

Others' cars were shaken, but Kazuma was so powerful that his house was shaken.

Hinami Rina said: "Damn it! I thought you really had no evil thoughts! It turns out you just have no evil thoughts towards me. Why! I have a good figure too! Is it the face? It's definitely the face!"

Seiryu: "I think it's personality. Don't glare at me, I'm here to help you. Kazuma, you're already a scumbag to Honami, it doesn't matter if you have one more scumbag."

Kazuma: "Okay! Honami and I have been brewing a relationship for such a long time, and it has come naturally. Hinami and I haven't even begun to fall in love yet. You see, you are usually just a backdrop in the dojo. There is nothing accumulated between us yet. No, just go upstairs and sleep."

Hinami sighed: "Okay, as expected, if I want to become one of the heroines, I still have to strive for more opportunities to perform."

Kazuma reminded her seriously: "Don't take the initiative to look for trouble. You didn't suffer anything serious today. It was luck. If you were not lucky, you might have been in Takada's bed by now."

"I know, I won't take the initiative to find them. But I can't guarantee that they won't come to me. That Takada might never forget me."

Kazuma nodded: "It is indeed possible."

At this moment, Hinami's expression suddenly lit up: "By the way, they might attack me while I'm sleeping at night. Should I move to the dojo temporarily?"

Although Kazuma knew that Hinami wanted to take the opportunity to live in the dojo, he had to admit that there was indeed such a danger. The other party was a group that could dominate the Metropolitan Police Department. If he killed a police department, he could end the case with suicide. They'd really drive something like this out.

It would be safer to let Rina Hinami live in the dojo temporarily.

Kazuma: "Okay, Honami shouldn't have much chance to come back to live in the near future, so you can stay in her house."

Seiryu: "Even if I come to stay overnight occasionally, sleeping in Kazuma's room is enough."

Kazuma: "Stop saying a few words and no one will think you are mute."

Qingliu: "Abba, Abba, Abba."

Don't tell me, Qingliu is a bit cute pretending to be mute. It's a pity that her kung fu skills always remind Kazuma of the mute Abba Abba in the successful police story.

At this time, Tamamo finally finished her damn cup of tea. She put down the cup and looked at Seiryu: "Should I also prepare a talisman for Seiryu?"

Kazuma also looked at Seiryu, then shook his head: "No need. Although Seiryu has become weaker now, it is not because he has lost the ability to integrate his mind and skills, it is just that he has lived peacefully for too long."

Qingliu was obviously depressed: "I have been practicing very hard, a thousand times harder than before, but I am still getting weaker. I used to hate practicing the most. I often skipped practice and went to the Earth Room to sing."

Kazuma reassured: "Don't worry. If you encounter an opportunity in the future, all the efforts you put in now will be transformed into your strength at that moment. In addition, technically speaking, you are indeed more skilled now than before. Superb.”

This is the truth. In the past, Qingliu's swordsmanship was very good, but the flaws were actually very big. He just made up for it with his strong adaptability.

Now Seiryu has mastered the various sword skills taught by Kiryu and Uma, and every movement is extremely precise.

Even when using the Black Dragon move, Seiryu's hit rate was higher than Kazuma's.

Hinami looked back and forth between Kazuma and Seiryu, and suddenly sighed.

Kazuma: "Why are you sighing?"

"It's nothing. I'm going to see if Chiyoko has made my bed. I'll take a shower later. Master, please don't peek."

Qingliu also suddenly remembered that she wanted to drink water at this time: "I'm going to get some water to drink, I'm so thirsty."

The two of them left the dojo together. At the door, one went left to the kitchen and the other to the right to the stairwell.

Kazuma looked at the open sliding door and sighed, "I've told Haruyu so many times that I have to close the door."

Tamamo: "Your exclamation sounds like Haruyu's father."

Kazuma smiled and shook his head.


When Police Officer Takata returned home, he realized that he might have been fooled.

As soon as he opened the door to his home, his younger brother came out and said, "Brother, Police Xiangchuan has been waiting for you for a long time."

"He's here?" Takata Police Department was slightly surprised, but on second thought, he probably came to ask about the outcome of tonight.

Maybe if I take Nichinan home, Makagawa Police might want to join.

He obviously has a wife, but he is still having so much fun. No one in his group is good.

He wanted to complain in his heart, quickly adjusted his expression and came to the living room.

Police Inspector Xiangchuan was reading today's evening newspaper in the living room. When he heard Takada coming in, he put down the newspaper and looked up at him.

"It seems that our love master failed today." Xiangchuan said angrily.

"Humph, I just failed the first round."

"The other party is the disciple of a man who taught ninjutsu to everyone, so it's normal that your trick doesn't work."

Takada said with a straight face: "Even if those tricks don't work, I can still catch her with my own charm!"

"Yeah, then I'm looking forward to it." Xiangchuan stood up, "Since you missed, I don't need to wait here any longer. No matter what you do next, you have to hurry up, otherwise I will If you succeed, everything you do will be in vain."

Takada was shocked: "Are you going to use that method?"


"Isn't it good? Kiryu and Marco are people who have mastered the oneness of mind and skills. There must be many of his disciples who know the oneness of mind and skills."

Xiangchuan pushed up his glasses: "We found someone who is absolutely incompetent in mind and skill."

"Who? Is it my target?"

"You have failed today, which means that she is probably a real person without showing her face." Xiang Chuan said with a smile.

"Who else could it be? His sister is also a member of the Nanjo family. The daughter of the Nanjo family rescued the Osaka incident with him. Could it be the one in the UK? But the one in the UK once made the right-wing professor angry to death. Let Sophia University’s School of International Relations change ownership!”

"It's okay to tell you that we plan to attack the Jinguji family's daughter."

"You're crazy. Kato said you can't attack the Jinguji family."

"We're not trying to pick up her, we're just asking her to tell us a little secret about Kiryu Kazuma. You don't have to worry about that and just concentrate on achieving your goal. Your only role is to pick up girls. If you lose even this value ..." Police Xiangchuan did not continue, but showed a meaningful smile, turned and left the living room.

Detective Takada stood there with a layer of cold sweat on his back.

Without value, you become a burden.

Chief Inspector Kato has always been very ruthless when it comes to burdens.

He must capture Hinami Rina and make her a traitor to Kiryu Kazuma's team.

Even if you use some forced means, there will be no problem.

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