I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 624 Listening to the glasses guy talk about the past

Kazuma was careful not to let his inner thoughts about the enemy leak out. After all, such knowledgeable psychiatrists are generally good at reading micro-expressions.

He asked calmly: "What did you do to him - to Masaaki Koza?"

"I helped him diagnose. I had just obtained my psychology license at that time. Although I was led by the professor to come into contact with a few patients during my internship, I had not yet gone into battle myself."

Ohira Yasugi paused and asked Kazuma in a tentative tone: "Should I assume that the police department assumes that you have basic knowledge of psychology? I don't need to explain the basic concepts to you, right?"

Kazuma: "No need. I'm a student at Tokyo University."

Ohira Yasugi smiled and continued the topic: "Let's start with my treatment for Masaaki Koza. It was not smooth at the beginning because he also studied psychology and he knew many methods of clinical psychology. He directly As a result, I have been unable to enter the situation.

"Like you, he sat down on the table and started playing with my Rubik's Cube. He broke off a piece of pure color and threw it on the table. Then he asked with a smile: 'What do you think this color represents?'

"I realized that I couldn't rely on the methods I learned in class to open his heart. I had to take advantage of being his best friend. I fought the long game and told him that I would never open the business until he could untie the knot in your heart.

"Maybe this gained his trust and he started opening up to me after a while.

"He was very depressed. He felt that he had learned a skill, but it was of no use when he arrived at the work unit. He had to start from serving tea and water as a grandson."

Kazuma couldn't help but comment: "Meiji University graduates are preparatory cadres wherever they go, right? They don't really serve tea and water."

It's not like China later, where there are as many college students as dogs. When you enter a company, you start at the bottom.

In this era, whether graduates from Japan's prestigious schools enter government agencies or companies, they are all noble Tianlong people when they enter.

Unless it's a super-elite profession like lawyers, where every capita graduates from prestigious schools.

But it is impossible for a lawyer to ask graduates from prestigious schools to serve tea and water. That is a job for people who come from places like junior college.

Ohira Yasugi shrugged: "I'm just paraphrasing what he said. I speculate that he is actually responsible for preparing meeting materials. In his opinion, it is equivalent to serving tea and water. I heard him I talked to him several times, and during that time I insisted on not opening the business.

"At that time, I had already set up a clinic in this building of my house, but it never opened. I kept my promise to him. This made him trust me more. The most important thing in psychotherapy is the patient's trust in the doctor."

Kazuma nodded slightly and said nothing.

There is nothing wrong with Ohira Yasuki's statement so far, so it has almost no value.

But it never hurts to know a little more about your enemies.

The premise is that this is all true.

Ohira Yasuki continued: "After a period of understanding, I felt that I basically grasped the crux of the problem and began to 'treat' it. I began to persuade him to start his own business and do something related to what we learned at university.

"For example, take a card test and become a psychiatrist here. It is a normal configuration for a clinic to have two doctors.

"But Kozo kept laughing at me and saying that the pricing of my clinic was ridiculous. He also said that instead of doing this, I might as well join an NGO as a social worker."

Speaking of this, Ohira Yasugi suddenly laughed: "It's not that I haven't thought about becoming a social worker, but after studying it carefully, I found that social workers only need very basic clinical psychology skills in their work.

“I have been to a sharing session organized by social workers. It was too basic. The principle was just to share similar experiences with each other and use human empathy to build a sense of belonging to the ‘collective’ sharing session.

"And what I learned is the technology to solve problems one-on-one."

Kazuma: "Yes, you are learning the art of slaying dragons."

"So in the end, I didn't go to the psychological rehabilitation home established by the NGO and opened a clinic here. I told Koso all this, and he said that I just couldn't let go of Meiji University's airs.

"This kind of 'enlightenment' happened many times. I tried hard to 'cure' Kozo's inner fatigue, but I never succeeded.

"He looked depressed day by day, and I even began to worry that he would commit suicide. You know, the suicide rate of Japanese white-collar workers may be the highest in the world."

Kazuma curled his lips and complained: "Such a high suicide rate is probably also due to the police. I have only been a police officer for less than half a year, and I have already encountered several cases where homicides were treated as suicides."

Ohira Yasuki asked: "Is it because there are less troubles after the suicide case is closed?"

"Yes. After the murder, we have to investigate and solve the case. After the incident is over, we have to accompany the prosecutor to prosecute the prisoner. The court trial is troublesome. Of course, some people committed suicide."

Ohira Yasuki: "Did I overhear something terrible? The dark side of the Tokyo police?"

Kazuma shrugged: "Don't worry, the Japanese police are much better than the American police and the FBI. They won't point at someone who was shot more than a dozen times in the back and say it was suicide."

When Ohira Yasugi heard this joke that Kazuma had brought from his previous life, he didn't react at first. He was stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized: "Oh, he was mocking the American police for calling a deer a horse. I didn't react at the first moment."

He laughed as he spoke, and Kazuma laughed with him.

After laughing, Ohira Yasugi ran back to the original topic: "Let's continue talking about Kosa. After the continuous attempts at counseling failed, I was a little discouraged, but suddenly one day, Kosa came into my clinic with a glorious face. Sitting down where you are now, Dai Ma Jin Dao looks like a general in a period drama.

"I'm very surprised why he suddenly changed so much. The last time he came to my place, he vomited a lot of bitterness.

"Before I could ask, Kozo asked me: 'Do you know ninjutsu?'

“This question was so surreal that I thought he was crazy at first, so I was going to give him some sedatives and antidepressants to try.

"But he said, 'I'm fine, don't prescribe me medicine.' 'I discovered that ninjutsu actually uses a lot of psychological principles,' 'such as visual errors, and automatic completion of human impressions.'

"That morning he talked endlessly about the psychology of ninjutsu. I waited until he had finished talking, and then asked him why he suddenly thought of these things. He mysteriously told me that he had encountered a real ninjutsu. successor."

Ohira Yasugi stopped, pushed up his glasses, and looked at Kazuma, as if waiting for Kazuma's reaction.

Kazuma quickly pretended to be shocked: "Really or not? Did he meet me?"

After all, Kazuma was described in the newspaper as a "master of ninjutsu" by Futaro Yamada, the author of "Koga Ninja Technique".

Kazuma noticed that Ohira Yasugi immediately understood the meaning of his witticism and laughed.

However, as soon as they met, he said that he knew Kazuma, and since he was Takamizawa-senpai's psychiatrist, he might have heard a lot about Kazuma from Takamizawa-senpai.

Just because someone understands something instantly, you can't judge that there is something wrong with him.

Ohira Yasuki shook his head: "When I diagnosed Kosa, you should still be in high school, no, junior high school? But that's not important. Have you had the title of Ninjutsu Master from that time on?"

Kazuma smiled and joked: "Of course, Rome was not built in a day. I can climb the house so fast now. I must have been practicing since I was a child."

Actually no, this is the ability given to him by Jack Chen's series of entries.

But Ohira Yasugi nodded: "That's right, this kind of thing can't be accomplished overnight. You must have been practicing since childhood."

Kazuma keenly caught a keyword: "'Ye'? Do you know anyone who has been practicing ninjutsu since childhood?"

"I know you." Ohira Yasugi smiled and pushed up his glasses, "Isn't that the Takata Police Department?"

Okay, this psychiatrist knows the two key figures who kidnapped Hinami.

Ohira Yasuki continued: "Actually, I also received several ladies who were heartbroken by the Takata Police Department."

Kazuma: "So you help him clean up his mess?"

"Those ladies need a new life."

Kazuma always felt that the "new life" mentioned by this person had a special meaning. If you think about it carefully, Ohno Miwako has also entered a new life. Without the company of her childhood sweetheart, the life of working in a convenience store every day is something she has never experienced in the past, so she can naturally give a "new" evaluation.

Kazuma: "It seems that Dr. Ohira's professional skills are good and has given many ladies new hope."

"It's not bad." Daping smiled.

Kazuma asked again: "So after meeting the Takata Police Department, Kosa resigned and started the current Hyuga Co., Ltd.?"

"Yes, at first I didn't believe that the Takata Police Department was really the successor of ninjutsu. After all, ninjutsu was originally an ancient urban legend. It later became popular thanks to popular novels such as Koga Ninjutsu.

"At first I thought Takada might be a charlatan, and with the intention of exposing him and sending him to prison, I followed Kosa to meet him, and he showed us ninjutsu on the spot.

"That's a cover-up created by using human illusions. A psychology major like me can see the trick at a glance. Because of this, I suddenly realized that maybe ninjutsu really exists. It was developed by ancient intelligence agencies. A series of combat methods that utilized psychological principles that had not yet been summarized at the time."

Kazuma nodded: "I agree with this very much. Like the light kung fu in Chinese martial arts, this setting is probably derived from the famous snitch in Water Margin, and this prototype is probably actually a kind of parkour."

Ohira Yasuki nodded repeatedly: "Yes, so using modern scientific methods, it is possible to recreate some things that we think are legends. After knowing this, I was as excited as Kosa.

"We talked excitedly about how to promote ninjutsu, and finally Kosa decided to resign and start a business, establishing a company whose main business is to provide ninjutsu experience services.

"And I suggested that he refer to the operation methods of party planning companies in the United States. The scary parties prepared by those party companies also use a lot of psychological principles.

"We have been discussing this matter for several days, and we are very excited about recreating traditional Japanese crafts with our own hands. But as a descendant of Ninjutsu, Police Takada only wants to use his own Ninjutsu techniques to pick up girls.

"This guy is really disgusting, using techniques that are essentially psychological to pick up girls."

Kazuma pursed his lips.

Using the results of modern psychology to pick up girls, isn't this what the hell would become in the future, PUA?

Ohira Yasuki was still talking eloquently: "Let's just do it. Originally, I was going to close the clinic and join Kozo together, but he rejected me and said that it would be better for me to continue to open the clinic. He felt that I must Will be an excellent clinical psychologist.

"He thought that I could help more people as a doctor. I couldn't resist him, so I continued to be my practicing doctor."

Mr. Kazuma felt that when he said this, Ohira Yasuki's tone was very similar to Dr. Watson who was persuaded by Holmes to go out and reopen the clinic.

"In the beginning, Hyuga Company's business was very bad. No, it's not very bad at all. There was no business at all. Kozo prepared enthusiastically for a long time, but as time went by, he became depressed again. .

"He started coming to me for treatment again. At that time, I had just opened my business, and no one came. The front desk lady I hired even came to me and asked me if I could let her knit sweaters while she was working at the front desk, because no one came. , I read the newspaper in one morning. I have to find something to do in the afternoon, otherwise I will be bored to death.

"So at that time Kosa and I felt that we had the same problem. Then one day Kosa suggested that we just go to Ryotei to continue the diagnosis, and I agreed. From then on, I basically conducted the diagnosis and treatment of this university classmate at Ryotei."

Kazuma couldn't help but say: "Don't you just find a reason to go out and drink to relieve your worries."

"This is diagnosis and treatment!" Dahei emphasized, "Not only his diagnosis and treatment, but also my diagnosis and treatment. Just when Kozo was about to close the company, the Takata Police Department came to us and said that he had brought us a client."

Kazuma frowned: "You mean, Hinata Company's first customer was brought by the Takata Police Department?"

"Yes. In fact, more than half of the jobs in Hyuga Company are provided by the Takata Police Department. Of course, after we became famous, more people came directly to us. Later I found out that the Takata Police Department has actually been claiming to be from Hinata. Spokespersons and business representatives want to take over all the work and earn their own commissions.”

Kazuma pursed his lips, said nothing, and continued to listen.

"We arranged a surprise party for the client introduced by Takata. Since it was our first job, we worked very hard and prepared carefully. In the end, the party was so effective that it scared the client, and he sued us.

"This is the time to thank you, the legal jackals of Dongda University."

Dahei looked at Kazuma: "It's all thanks to them that Hinata Company escaped. I rarely express my gratitude to Mr. Azuma."

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