I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 625 I slept all day

Kazuma raised his eyebrows: "Should I say thank you?"

"No, we don't need Mr. Dongda's thanks."

Daping Yasugi said and smiled.

Kazuma: "Are many of Hinata Company's businesses introduced by the Takata Police Department?"

"I just said that Takada is the self-proclaimed business representative of Hyuga Company. In the early days, he introduced most of the jobs. Then because most of the customers were dissatisfied, there were basically no repeat customers and he failed to gain any good reputation. So for a long time We can only rely on Takada.”

Kazuma: "So you are equivalent to an outsourcing company in Ninja?"

Ohira Yasuki said with a smile: "That's a bit of a meaning. But your statement is wrong. I am not a member of Hyuga Company, nor do I participate in their business activities. I only go drinking with them occasionally."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows and acquiesced to this statement.

Ohira continued: "However, as time goes by, more and more people gradually realize the value of Hyuga Company's business, and repeat customers begin to appear."

"Repeat customer?"

"Yes, there is a president of a medium-sized company who likes Hyuga Company's services very much and has brought his wife to participate several times. He also proposed some customized content, such as samurai duels and so on.

"In order to perform the samurai duel, Hyuga Company also temporarily hired a high school student who had just won the Jade Dragon Flag to work part-time."

Kazuma and Asano looked at each other and murmured in their hearts: Maybe it's because the president's wife didn't obey the first few times, so he came a few more times, right?

With this conjecture, Kazuma asked: "President, if I guess correctly, his wife should also be a patient here, right?"

"You guessed it." Dr. Ohira maintained a smile, "Kosaka is a graduate of Meiji University's Department of Psychology. Although he does not have a psychiatrist's license, he still keenly discovered that the president's wife had psychological problems, so he decisively put her The referral was made to me. The woman received three sessions of treatment from me.”

Kazuma became more and more certain that the operating mechanism of this group was that the Hyuga Company first provided direct stimulation and laid the lead, and then the psychological clinic performed subsequent "processing", ultimately leading people in strange directions.

In the "normal" world of my previous life, brainwashing probably didn't have such an immediate effect. The so-called brainwashing could only be achieved through a strict structure like an MLM organization and closed management.

General brainwashing probably only stops at the level of "universal values." Even if it is a universal value, the West has been promoting it for so long. Once the epidemic came, its true colors were revealed, and the Chinese people who were originally deceived began to sing ****.

But this world line is different. In this world line, the KGB really created soldiers like the Winter Soldier. I'm afraid the CIA also did such things.

Kazuma himself has a Morning Star entry, and the effect of this entry is a bit brainwashing.

The Morning Star entry will only be activated under certain conditions, and this is not under Kazuma's control.

After all, Kazuma is not a psychology major.

Daping is different. They are all professional psychologists.

These people first establish a temporary brainwashing effect through stimulation, and then use long-term treatment in a psychological clinic to consolidate the effect.

In the end, they achieved long-term brainwashing of a specific target, and in the process, the Takata Police Department robbed someone.

That's probably what happened.

When Kazuma was so convinced, Ohira spoke: "It seems that the Kiryu Police Department has come to a conclusion. Why are you going to sue us, little brother of Todai?"

He and Ma have just graduated, and the other has graduated several years ago and has a successful career, so it's natural to call him little brother.

Kazuma: "How much do you know about me?"

Regarding Kazuma's sudden question, Dahei showed a confused expression: "Me versus you?"

"Did you know that I often cause accidental deaths?"

Daping's smile remained the same: "I have never heard of this. Does it mean that you often kill people and then disguise them as accidents? Or is it that you are delusional and regard some accidental deaths as your own masterpiece? If it is the latter If so, you can come to us for medical treatment, and it can be solved in just one course of treatment."

Kazuma smiled and replied: "You misunderstood, I was simply stating the facts. Those who are enemies of me always die accidentally for some reason. It sounds very much like I killed them, but that's not the case. , they really died in accidents. For example, many years ago, in the Kuixing Banner competition field, there was a guy with a special sword who wanted to destroy me. The result was strange. He slipped and fell, and the back of his head hit a hard object. died."

Daping's smile became less bright.

But he's still laughing.

Kazuma continued: "You can ask the Takata Police Department and let them check my resume. Several people who have been my enemies have died over the years, but I have no criminal record at all. If I have a criminal record, it is impossible to become a police officer. Those people Either he died in an accident, or he was shot and killed by Detective San who suddenly arrived. Or you can ask Senior Sister Takamizawa, but Senior Sister probably doesn’t know as much detail as Takata Police Department.”

Ohira maintained a smile and replied: "I will ask the Takata Police Department."

Kazuma nodded: "By the way, you just asked me what I planned to sue you for. Why did you ask that? It seems that I have determined that I am your enemy and want to target you. I am actually just here to understand the situation." "

Daping: "Aren't you my enemy?"

"No, treat everyone you see as an enemy. What is this called? There is a special ranking in psychology. Let me think about it..."

"Persecutory delusions."

"Yes, delusion of persecution! Don't be like this. I am really just curious to understand the situation. From what I know now, you have not broken the law at all. I will definitely not prosecute a citizen who has not broken the law. So, let's talk today Come here and say goodbye."

Kazuma said, patting the armrest of the chair and standing up.

Daping also stood up: "No more sending you off, let's walk slowly."

Kazuma turned around and walked out of the consultation room.

Asano followed immediately.

When leaving the clinic, the lady at the front desk bowed respectfully to Kazuma.

Kazuma just nodded.

When they got to the elevator, Asano saw that no one else was getting on the elevator, so he said, "What do you think?"

"What do you think?" Kazuma threw the question back.

Asano curled his lips: "He talks a lot. Generally, psychiatrists ask patients to talk and listen to themselves?"

"We are not his patients. In addition, even though he talked a lot, what he said changed the key information and only revealed irrelevant things. For example, during Kosa's university days, he was a researcher on fantasy creatures at Meiji University. members of the association.

"I guess he learned from Senior Takamizawa that I met members of Meiji University's Fantasy Creature Research Society when I went to the mountains over Sendai during my college summer vacation, so he deliberately revealed this irrelevant information."

Asano: "So the police department told you that you had met members of this research association?"

"Not only did I meet them, but I also discovered for them the truth about the death of their companion who died on the mountain a year ago."

"Eh? You also solved a case easily? Are you a famous detective somewhere?"

Asano complained.

At this time, the elevator arrived at the underground garage. The door was open, and there were several people waiting to get on the elevator outside.

Asano shut up as soon as he saw it and did not continue talking.

Kazuma looked at the upper right corner of the elevator, made a "bye" gesture, and then got out of the elevator.


At this moment, Daping Yasugi was watching the closed-circuit TV in the small room next to his clinic.

The camera installed on the elevator captured Kiryu Kazuma gesturing in the direction of the camera.

Daping was speechless: "He really discovered it, so that's fine. If he didn't even discover this, then he would be in disgrace as an opponent."

As he spoke, Daping operated the tape player next to the closed-circuit television and played back the sound just returned from the bug.

It was Kiryu Kazuma's voice: "...not his patient. In addition, even though he talked a lot, what he said changed the key information and only revealed irrelevant things. For example, Kosa During his college days, he was a member of the Fantasy Creature Research Association of Meiji University.

"I guess he learned from Senior Takamizawa that I met members of Meiji University's Fantasy Creature Research Society when I went to the mountains over Sendai during my college summer vacation, so he deliberately revealed this irrelevant information."

Daping smiled, picked up the phone in the small room, and dialed: "Hello, I want to call the number *********, yes, my number is ********** , leave a message? No, the other party’s pager should not be a model that can display text. That’s it.”

After hanging up the phone, he crossed his arms and waited in the room for a while.

The phone rings.

He immediately picked up the phone, and Ms. Gao Mize's voice came over there: "Hello? Dr. Daping, it's me."

"Miss Takamizawa, are you home now?"

"No, I'm visiting Shibuya. Has my junior brother left already?"

"Yeah, he's gone. I'm very free now, why don't we have a meal and finish today's diagnosis and treatment on the way."

"Eh? Didn't I get a medical treatment next week in vain?"

"Haha, it's okay, just think of it as my feedback to you. Then meet at the gate of Shibuya Station in one hour?"


Takami Ze said happily.

"See you later."

"see you later."

Daping hung up the phone, picked it up immediately, and pressed 0, so the call was transferred to the front desk.

"Book a restaurant for me. It's the Michelin one I went to last time. I forgot what it was called."

"That one is by appointment only. You have to make a reservation several months in advance."

"That's it... let's make a reservation in Daikanyama... um..."


"Yes! This is it, you actually remember it."

"This is particularly easy to remember because the name is the same as the Ikedaya that was attacked by the Shinsengumi."

Ohira Yasuki was speechless: "Are you still a history geek?"

"I just like history a little bit. Not enough to buy military commanders' books yet."

"Anyway, I'm begging you."

"Leave it to me." Dahei put down the phone, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and whispered, "You must have guessed that I will use your senior Takamizawa. Since you have guessed, it would be bad if I don't use it."


Kazuma got into the car and then said to Asano: "There are cameras on that elevator, and there are probably bugs."

"Eh?" Asano was shocked, "Then tell me, I ended up saying those words stupidly."

"It's okay, it's not anything important. When we went up there, we didn't talk much because there were people on the elevator."

"When did you find out there were cameras?"

"When I came down, I heard the sound of a motor rotating. It was probably the camera's motor adjusting the direction of the camera."

"What the hell? I didn't hear anything!" Asano exclaimed, "Are you hearing too much? You don't have wolf ears, do you?"

Kazuma: "You also watch Sheriff Bresta?"

After asking, he remembered that the cartoon hadn't been filmed yet, and Asano was simply describing Kazuma's ears as being very good.

"What is that?" Asano asked strangely.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

"Is that so...so we're in vain?"

"No, we confirmed that there is definitely something wrong with this doctor, and that's the gain."

Asano: "But the question is how do we punish them? As the chief of the Police University, I didn't find anything that could prosecute them. Did the top students from the University of Tokyo's law department find out?"

"No." Kazuma answered frankly.

"What should we do?"

Kazuma: "Find a way to find other problems with them."

With that said, Kazuma started the car.

Asano let out a long sigh: "After all, is it possible to achieve brainwashing? Could it be that we are just overthinking it?"

Kazuma: "Have I ever told you about that Soviet super agent I met a few years ago?"

"No! Holy shit, have you ever encountered such a thing? Is your life made up of legends?"

Kazuma ignored Asano's rainbow fart and continued: "That super agent was a staff member of a library in Tokyo before he was activated. Even he didn't know that he was a Soviet agent. But when the Soviet agent came over, he After the activation words were spoken in his ear, he immediately remembered all the training he had received before, and incidentally he also recalled the safe house prepared for him by the Soviet Union.

"At least the KGB has mastered mature techniques for brainwashing people. I have reason to believe that the CIA also has equivalent techniques. Since the KGB and CIA can do it, it is normal for others to be able to brainwash people."

Asano nodded seriously: "Yes. Then doesn't our law have big loopholes? Brainwashing is possible, but our law does not have any provisions against twisting the will of others. This will cause a big problem!"

"There are no such provisions in laws around the world, and we are not lagging behind the world level." Kazuma replied.

Asano complained: "That's right! Then should I breathe a sigh of relief and say 'it's okay, okay'? Forget it. Since we can't use brainwashing to prosecute them, what should we do?"

"You can try to prosecute with intentional injury or illegal detention."

"Didn't that already fail? That was the masterpiece of your legal jackal brothers!"

"Just lure them into committing more obvious crimes. Senior brothers' words are not omnipotent." Kazuma said confidently.

I went home from work yesterday and fell asleep. It was already nine o'clock tonight when I woke up... I slept for 21 hours

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