I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 626 You two are fat

After listening, Asano asked a key question: "Then how can we induce them to commit more serious crimes?"

Kazuma replied: "We assume that Takada was instigated by Kato and his gang to take revenge on me, so that my attention must be diverted from the suicide case at the Kitamachi Police Department."

"Oh, yes, there is also this matter." Asano patted his head, and then exclaimed, "Oh no, they have achieved their goal. I even forgot that we were originally investigating the Kitamachi Police Department."

Kazuma ignored Asano's remarks and continued: "We can apply for a review of the Kitamachi Police Department case. Generally speaking, doing so means that we have new evidence..."

"But we have no new evidence," Asano said.

"Yes, so we have to use connections to start the review process."

"Are you relying on me to be the father?"

"No, I've already bought a sports car from him, so why bother bothering him again? You can ask Inspector Tanjing of the Police Supervision Division to do this."

"The one who chews pills?" Asano frowned, "I think he's a little nervous."

"But he has a common interest with us in this matter. If he applies for review, Kato will have a natural inference that we have some key evidence to overturn suicide. Even if it is just suspicion, there is no problem, so they can He will scold Takada who was sent to interfere with us, and Takada will take further actions under pressure."

Asano: "What if he doesn't do it?"

"Then let's taunt him again and add some spice." He Ma said.

"Well... what if it doesn't work? They won't give us any loopholes to catch."

"Then we will continue to recruit a special task force while investigating the cause of Kitamachi's death. Kato will not be able to add more police inspectors until next year, and there is still a way to bring him down before then."

Even if something happens to a high-ranking official like a police inspector in Japan, the most he can do is bow down and step down.

Theoretically speaking, Japanese law emphasizes equality before the law, but in fact if such a high-ranking official commits a crime, after the exchange of interests behind the scenes is completed, no one will usually prosecute him.

In Japan, if you break the law and no one prosecutes you, it means you are not breaking the law.

Before Kato was promoted to police inspector, he would not enjoy this kind of "benefits" because he was not a high-ranking official and was not a Celestial Dragon - unless he had a Celestial Dragon father.

But when he is promoted to a police station with only 20 people in Japan, even if he is promoted, it will be difficult to put him in jail unless he assassinates the emperor.

One of the existing 20 police inspectors will retire this year, so there will be a vacancy in the police inspectorate next year. Based on the current situation, Kato is likely to fill it.

If you want to sanction him through normal channels, you can only do it before then.

Asano obviously thought of the same thing: "No matter what we do, we have to do it before April next year. After April, I'm afraid that no matter how hard we try, the most we can do is make Kato resign."

Kazuma thought to himself that there is actually a way to punish Kato after April.

But this method is a bit too traditional.

Kazuma couldn't help but imagine the scene when he was walking for the sky: in the parking lot at night, Kato was about to pick up the car after drinking and eating - well, you can't drive after drinking, so let's change it to the streets of the red light district at night, drinking and drinking A well-fed Kato was about to hail a taxi.

At this time, a copybook with Tenchu ​​written on it floated to Kato's feet, and then a flash of knife light suddenly appeared in the alley, and the next moment the figure holding the knife emerged from the darkness.

This wave can be said to be Japan’s traditional performing arts.

Asano interrupted Kazuma's fantasy: "Put me down in front. I'll take the Yamanote Line all the way home."

Kazuma: "Oh okay."

As he said that, he drove to the side of the road and stopped.

Asano got out of the car and waved to Kazuma: "Thank you for your hard work today! Keep up your hard work tomorrow, the police department will make up for it."

"Okay, please be safe."

"I ranked first in combat and grappling at the police academy! It's okay!" Asano said, turning around and walking lightly, he blended into the crowd at the station entrance.

Kazuma started the car and was about to merge into the traffic, when he suddenly saw Tamamo standing on the street smiling at him.

He drove the car in front of Tamamo and said to the big fox who got into the car: "Are you too elusive? Is this your magic too?"

"No, I just thought through logical reasoning that you should appear here."

"How do you come to this conclusion through logical reasoning?"

"First of all, I met Takamizawa-senpai at a dessert shop that is popular with single women near Shibuya. After chatting with me, I learned that you were investigating Dr. Ohira at a nearby clinic. Then I deduced that you would drop Asano here. Asano He lives in the home of the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the National Police Agency, right? If he gets off here, he can just take the Yamanote Line and sit down low."

Tamamo smiled and held out three fingers: "Last point, I judge that you are coming from a one-way line, so it is most appropriate to stop at this entrance."

Kazuma: "So the key point is that you met Takamizawa-senpai. Once you explain it clearly, it doesn't matter."

Tamamo chuckled, and after laughing enough, she straightened her face: "So, have the situation been found out?"

"How should I put it? I found a psychological clinic today. If my guess is correct, they should use the Hyuga company to give people short-term stimulation, and then use the psychological clinic to complete the subsequent brainwashing steps."

"I see, this can explain why brainwashing by the KGB and CIA takes a long time, but they can do it in such a short time." Tamamo said while reaching out to touch the seat belt.

Kazuma also saw the traffic police on duty in front of him, and reached out to make sure that his seat belt was properly worn.

After passing the traffic police position, Tamamo asked: "Then did you find anything that can sue them?"

"No. I plan to go to the police inspector tomorrow to apply for a review of Kitamachi's case to put more pressure on them."

"Forcing the other party to take more drastic actions? Will Hinami be in danger?"

"Hmm... By the way, I have to pick up Hinami. You'll have to go back later."

"Okay, I'll just go over there." Tamamo paused and said in a serious tone, "But I think you might as well take Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune tonight and go find the Takata Police Department to do something for the sky. It's already If it’s confirmed that he has changed other people’s minds and is a bastard, then wouldn’t it be better to behead him?”

Kazuma smiled bitterly: "I went to kill Takata Police Department with a knife. Although he died in an accident, I was seen appearing nearby with a knife. What would others think? Once or twice is fine, it's always like this Others will be suspicious. Now the Metropolitan Police is saying that I killed the person and disguised it as an accident."

"It doesn't matter." Tamamo spread his hands, "You haven't violated the law. There is no point to sue you. Just tell others clearly that you are looking for a place to practice sword swing. You are the apprentice of Masago Kamiizumi. What do you want? Find a geomantic treasure that can further your understanding of martial arts, and no one will say anything.”

Kazuma raised an eyebrow.

The swordsmen of the Warring States Period left behind a lot of legends about mastering sword moves in beautiful and beautiful places, so no one can say anything. There may be some Koryu Kendo enthusiasts who say that this is how we Koryu swordsmen should be.

This can explain the fact that he is wearing a Taoist robe and running around with a knife.

Japan just issued the Sword Abolition Order during the Meiji Restoration. Originally, it was not allowed to carry swords casually, but later in order to strengthen the military tradition, officers were allowed to carry swords.

According to Japanese law after the war, katana swords themselves are controlled knives. As long as the blade length exceeds 15 centimeters, they must be registered at the police station before they can be taken out of the street. Generally, they are not allowed on the Shinkansen and other means of transportation.

But the katana is also a work of art. As long as you get an art registration certificate, you can take it with you everywhere. It can also be checked on Shinkansen and airplanes, but it cannot be carried with you.

Therefore, in Japan, there are not many Ji Dao who use guns, but those who use samurai swords are too common.

The short sword used by the Japanese Yakuza generally has a length of just 14.9 centimeters and does not need to be registered. But this one is too short after all.

Among a group of Yakuza wielding short swords, the katana is a weapon with heavy firepower, and it is also a work of art that is easy to carry around.

Kazuma's sword is naturally registered with the police and art, and has complete certificates. As long as it is him, it will be fine to carry it everywhere.

Kazuma glanced at Tamamo: "What, are you encouraging me to become an extrajudicial sanctioner?"

“I just think that it would be better to hit the door like this instead of regretting it all day long after Hinami is brainwashed into someone else’s woman.

"Or you can let me come forward. As long as you lure the person into the deep mountains and old forests, I can use magic to teach him a lesson."

"Isn't your demonic power supplementing the difficulty? It's better not to use it." Kazuma refused without even thinking.

Silence temporarily fell in the car, and he and Ma drove forward silently for a certain distance, and then said: "In addition, I also want to trust the law and justice of the human world for the last time. Last time I was an extrajudicial sanctioner, and the result was that my front foot was just After I finished doing it, Senior Brother Saito, who was in the Internal Affairs Department of the National Police Agency, came out and told me that there were still legal ways to achieve my goal."

Tamamo reached out and patted Kazuma's shoulder gently: "I can only say that Senior Brother Saito came out a little late. It's not your fault."

Kazuma pursed his lips. At that time, he remembered a case he knew in his previous life. In that case, the girl who was threatened was directly killed by the bad guys.

Later, the Japanese police kept the lid closed and did not investigate and catch the murderer. If it were not for an investigative reporter with a strong sense of justice who insisted on exposing the truth and independently investigated and found the murderer.

The most ridiculous thing is that even though this reporter did this, the police still didn't catch the murderer. In the end, the gangster who had taken the prisoner's money and planned to smuggle him out of the country couldn't stand it any longer, so he killed the person and dumped his body. .

The entire case can be said to have exposed the deepest darkness within the Japanese police system and is full of irony.

Even the Yakuza act better than the police.

No wonder the Yakuza’s reputation reversed after 2000 and they became the image of good guys with unparalleled loyalty.

Kazuma thought of this case and was anxious to save Kagawa Koko, so he chose to become an extrajudicial sanctioner.

During this period of time, he was actually reflecting on the fact that if he had calmed down a bit, he could have punished the prisoner and saved Xiangzi through normal and legal means.

So this time, Kazuma didn't want to pick up the knife so easily and play the role of an extrajudicial sanctioner.

Unless there is nothing he can do in the end, he is still a good policeman who does things according to the rules.

Kazuma told Tamamo all these thoughts.

Tamamo looked at his side face and smiled: "Since you are so determined, what else can I say? Just do what you believe in. I don't want to see you and Amao fighting passionately."

Kazuma frowned: "Even if I become an extrajudicial sanctioner, I won't have a passionate fight with Amao, right?"

"It's hard to say. Amao definitely cannot accept this idea of ​​extrajudicial sanctions. I can only imagine what reasons he would use to refute you. He would ask you: 'How to ensure that those who impose extrajudicial sanctions will always implement justice? Who can How about regulating you as an extrajudicial sanctioner? This kind of unregulated violence is wrong in itself!'"

Kazuma curled his lips: "Damn, I taught him this."

"Right! So from a dramatic point of view, the conflict between you and Amao smells of fate everywhere. It is the playwright's favorite DEUL!"

Kazuma: "So do you want me to become an extrajudicial sanctioner?"

"I'm a fox." Tamamo approached Kazuma, but was pulled by the seat belt, so her body was twisted into a strange state, and her chest muscles showed extraordinary texture under the restraint of gravity.

Tamamo whispered softly into Kazuma's ear: "Foxes are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, because I like dramatic developments, that way it is more fun."

Kazuma thought to himself, good guy, it turns out you are a fun person.

However, although Tamamo expressed her fear that the world would not be in chaos, she also reminded Kazuma that if he takes the route of an extrajudicial sanctioner, he will inevitably have a fateful showdown with the apprentices he personally taught in the future.

And with Amao's character, the duel might end only if one party is half disabled.

——As expected, it is better to take the legal path to sanction the enemy as much as possible.

Tamamo: "It seems like you've made up your mind. Alas, it's so boring."

As she spoke, she sat up straight, crossed her hands in front of her chest, and hugged her breasts.

Kazuma: "You look upset?"

"Because the fun is gone, of course I feel unhappy."

"Really? In fact, you are reminding me in this way, right?"

"What do you think?" Tamamo smiled evilly at Kazuma.

Kazuma shrugged: "Don't 'guess', go to the back, I can already see Hinami waiting on the roadside."

"Okay, I'm like an abandoned woman, going to the back seat to taste the tears of failure."

Tamamo said with a cry, while unbuckling the seat belt, flipping over the seat and getting to the back.

When she turned over the seat, her plump butt brushed against Kazuma's head.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Kazuma touched his ears, which were scratched by stockings and were burning.

Tamamo said coquettishly: "She's fatter! No? She's not as slender as Seiryu."

Kazuma was speechless: "You and Hinami, if one rolls over into the back seat, the ground will shake, and the other will get stuck under the dashboard. I'll just call you two fat bitches from now on."

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