I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 634 Lies

The top student at Meiji University looked at Kazuma with a half-smile. Without waiting for Kazuma to reply, he turned to look at the small side window of the interrogation room, his pupils reflecting the soft sunlight shining through the frosted glass.

"I wonder if this is written in the police file you are holding: I almost failed to graduate from Meiji University."

Kazuma looked down at the file he had just brought in.

Kosa Masaaki has been prosecuted all day long, and there have been so many surprise parties suspected of kidnapping. The Metropolitan Police Department has long regarded him as a key target of attention. They have found out his resume, found out his address, the addresses of his relatives, and The address of the suspected lover or even the address of the lady whom I often click on.

The file Kazuma got was as thick as a university textbook.

However, Kazuma had not read the Metropolitan Police Department version of the file. After all, he had read the police version at the police station before and had also read the information from his seniors at the University of Tokyo.

According to Kazuma's memory of these two documents, there was no mention of Kozo almost failing to graduate.

Kozo probably used his psychology skills to get the answer from Kazuma's expression, and continued: "My grades in college have always been very good, and most people won't believe that I almost didn't graduate. But this is Really, because the original topic of my graduation thesis completely failed.

"And the professor didn't reject my topic selection from the beginning. He probably misunderstood my topic selection. During the defense, he was horrified to find that the paper I handed in was completely different from what he expected."

Kazuma frowned: "Didn't your professor find any problems with the paper during the supervision?"

"No, because I didn't show him the complete paper, I just showed him my data collection work." Kozo grinned, looking like a child bragging about his "martial arts" of destroying an ant nest.

Kazuma raised his eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

Kazuo: "The title of my thesis is, The brainwashing effect of left-wing ideals. Maybe the professor thought my brainwashing was a metaphor. The thesis studies how left-wing ideals respond to the psychological appeal of young people to achieve fatal attraction."

Kazuma: "And what you study is real brainwashing?"

"Yes." Kozo smiled and nodded.

“When I look back at the peak of the student movement more than ten years ago, I always find it strange why such a massive movement broke out in Japan, a country that seems to have no soil at all.

"The majority of students participating in sports are college students. Japanese college students are all elites with one foot in the upper class. Why do these elites join those sports without hesitation, and some even give up their original good lives?"

Kazuma pursed his lips. As a person who traveled from China, he certainly knew why. Having the world in mind and saving the common people was the greatest romance for young people.

But he didn't say anything, waiting to see what this guy could tell him.

Kozo leaned forward, pressing his elbows on the table, and put the finished bowl of pork chop rice next to him, leaving most of the tabletop free as a stage.

"I think this is a brainwashing product deliberately concocted by the Eastern camp."

He said loudly.

Kazuma laughed.

Kozo shook his head with regret: "Your reaction is exactly the same as that of my professor. It seems that you are also a layman who cannot understand the value of this discovery. For this research, I interviewed many former participants in the student movement. Even though they Now, I still have beautiful memories and yearning for that era..."

Kazuma: "It's like missing your youth, it's normal."

Missing the beautiful youth is a common feature of human beings, so it is also one of the eternal themes of literary and artistic works. People of the same generation, Chinese artists created "Youth", and Japanese artists created "From the Poppy's Slope".

Kosa shook his head and looked at Kazuma with the eyes of an ordinary person.

"Obviously their ideals have failed, their leading figures have disappeared into the mountains and forests, and even the country that placed their ideals on them has made good relations with the United States, but they still miss those days. This is not just a matter of remembering their youth. It can be explained.”

Kozo continued to lean forward, raised his right hand and drew a circle on his temple: "They have been brainwashed. This is a carefully prepared brainwashing method. It may be the masterpiece of the KGB. You have also seen super spies brainwashed by the KGB, Kiryu Police Department." Bar?"

Kazuma raised an eyebrow.

He wanted to say in his heart: But the problem is that in my previous life, there was also a student movement in Japan. Although the KGB in my previous life also studied brainwashing, it was obviously unsuccessful. In the end, it only provided soil and materials for literary and artistic works and games.

But placed in this time and space in this life, it actually forms a logical closed loop.

Kazuma found himself unable to refute.

Kazuo: "Many of the former student movement members I interviewed are now working in large companies, and some have even become the bosses of many people, and even lead important projects in the company. Without exception, they have no regrets about those days. At most, it’s just a sigh.

"Is there anything else that could explain this other than brainwashing?"

Kazuma: "Your suspicion is exactly the same as that of the CIA who reviewed the prisoners of war who were exchanged with the Chinese in North Korea. The CIA also felt that these prisoners of war were brainwashed, but the fact may be very simple, that is, they really saw it Another possibility, a better possibility.

"Those prisoners of war only experienced real democracy and freedom. After returning home, they compared it with the false capitalist democracy and freedom, and they immediately became left-wingers or people who sympathized with the left-wing."

Kozo sneered: "As expected of a student of Dongda University."

"Don't explain everything by saying that Tokyo University is a left-wing nest." Kazuma retorted unceremoniously.

Kozo sighed: "Anyway, I submitted my thesis, but the day before the defense, the professor called me and gave me a scolding. He asked me to change a new topic, and moved my defense time to the whole grade. The last position, let me come up with a completely new paper before then."

"It seems that the professor still likes you." Kazuma commented.

"Huh, he's just a guy who can't understand what I found." Kozo shrugged, "It's ironic, the former student movement participants I interviewed obviously participated in such ridiculous actions in college, but they lived a much better life. Colorful. And I completed my studies conscientiously, but in the end, because of a blind professor, my paper only got a B, resulting in a mediocre graduation grade."

Kazuma: "So you became the first customer of the psychological clinic opened by your classmate Yasuki Ohira?"

"You have heard him say this. Yes, because of my B grade during graduation and the poor quality of the graduation thesis that I rushed to write, I did not win the favor of the OBs who came to the school to observe on the day of the defense. Naturally I didn’t get a job recommendation either.

"I had no choice but to find a job by myself. I thought I could easily find a good job with my Meiji University diploma, but guess what?"

Kazuma casually guessed: "The interviewer asked you, why didn't you take the route recommended by the Meiji University Alumni Association?"

"No, the interviewer asked me why I always feel so arrogant."

Kazuma laughed again.

Kozo continued: "After working for many companies, I finally found a job. I am a graduate of Meiji University, but like those graduates of Pheasant University, I started by serving tea, delivering water, and copying documents.

"The gap between reality and ideals caused me psychological problems. That's why I ran to Kang Yi's place."

Kazuma keenly caught this title.

It seems that these two people have a good relationship.

Kosa: "Obviously I also graduated in psychology, but I couldn't solve my own problems. During the time when I was receiving medical treatment, I repeatedly thought about why there was such a big difference between me and those who participated in the student movement. Obviously they also experienced The ideals were shattered in the cold reality.

"Not only did they not regret it, they also used various methods to commemorate that day. Some of them are also active in the fields of film and animation, carefully commemorating that day with their own works."

Kazuma frowned: "I'm not familiar with the film field. In the animation field... Right now, Mamoru Oshii and Hayao Miyazaki are the loudest, right?"

Mamoru Oshii made the animated version of Lucky Boy, and Hayao Miyazaki made Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Both of them were engaged in student movements back then. When Hayao Miyazaki participated in the Lupine III project, he asked not to be signed in order not to cause trouble to the producers.

But these two current works have no shadow of that era. Let alone Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, how does "The Lucky Boy" have a left-wing flavor?

Of course, the later Mobile Police had more flavor.

Later, Mamoru Oshii even created a famous scene in the history of Japanese animation such as the self-defense force's tank main gun aiming at the National Assembly in the theatrical version.

Kozo just snorted and did not answer Kazuma's question.

He continued: "During the treatment process, I suddenly figured out that I can use my own methods to prove that I am right, and I can use my actual results to tell the professor that he is wrong!"

Kazuma: "So you admit that the company you run is brainwashing?"

"Depends on how you define brainwashing." Kazuo smiled - a man's smile is too disgusting, "TV commercials often use some magical music, add simple and bright advertising slogans, and play it repeatedly. This is considered Isn’t that considered a kind of brainwashing?”

Kazuma immediately thought of "Hengyuan Xiangyang Sheep", but this is a specialty of his hometown, so the next moment he thought of a Japanese specialty "One Book Satisfies".

"You have thought of some cases, right?" Kozo smiled, "Do these count as brainwashing? If these count, the things my company did should also count. If you want to convict me of brainwashing-if so, then these advertisements It’s the same crime.”

Kazuma pouted.

Seeing Kazuma's expression, Kozo showed a proud smile. That smile seemed to say: "Don't let me fall into the trap myself."

He continued: "My company is to prove that through these psychological methods, humans can be 'brainwashed', or to use a less demonic description, called 'correction'. We have already had successful cases. One of our client, a congressman, had a marital dispute, but after our treatment, they are now in harmony."

Kazuma: "Is harmony achieved by twisting one's will?"

"Don't psychological clinics do similar things?" Kozuo asked, "As the master of so many beauties, haven't you done something to provide guidance? Isn't that also using your reputation with them to distort their will? ?”

This sophistry seems so convincing, but it doesn't fall into the trap: "That's different. I just give them some advice when they face choices."

"Is it any different from what I do?"

"I didn't plant an idea in their minds that didn't originally exist."

"Neither did we. We just discovered the hidden thoughts in her heart. You should have visited Miss Ohno Miwako, right? We just discovered the side of her heart that no longer wants to rely on Mr. Yoshikawa."

Kazuma: "Indeed, you did exactly that with Miss Ono."

Kozo smiled slightly: "Look, psychology is a very vague science. It is impossible for you to convict me in this regard. Now you can only convict me of kidnapping. This requires Miss Ochai not to recant her confession."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows: "From what you said, Miss Ochai will definitely retract her confession?"

"I didn't say that. But who knows about this kind of thing? Maybe she changed her mind after seeing a lawyer. After all, a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea."

Kazuma frowned slightly.

Mieko Oshiba naturally did not have the money to hire a specialized lawyer to serve herself.

So even if a lawyer comes, it will have to wait until the prosecution process begins, when the official will assign her a lawyer drawn by lot.

In other words, no lawyer will come to Da Chai in a short time.

Unless someone hires a super expensive lawyer for her.

Kosa looked at Kazuma, tapping his fingers on the table regularly, making the empty bowl of pork chop rice placed beside the table make a resonant buzzing sound.

Kazuma stood up without saying a word and was about to go out when Kozo stopped him: "Wait a minute! Help me take out the finished bowl."

Kazuma stood at the door and looked back.

Kosa: "Please. Please help me take the bowl out. Thank you."

Kazuma turned around reluctantly, picked up the bowl on the table, and left without looking back.

After leaving the interrogation room, Kazuma put the bowl on the trash can and turned to ask Shiratori who was waiting at the door: "Is Dachai's lawyer here?"

"Yes. He's still your senior brother." Shiratiao replied, then looked at the one-way glass, "This guy seems to be talking a lot, but in fact he didn't say anything useful. Just mentioned to you The Chinese writer I came across wrote the same thing in his works: He used eloquence to resist confession."

Kazuma: "That's right. But it's not completely meaningless. At least I know I should refer to the paper that was rejected when he was in college."

"Hey." Shiratiao rolled his eyes, "That's obviously something to mislead you, right?"

"But through the paper, you can understand what kind of person this guy is. It helps to understand what he wants to do."

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