I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 635: Whenever I try to code, something will happen. What’s going on?

After deciding on the next step, Kazuma looked at his watch.

Seeing this, Shiratori said: "It's getting late. Hinami Rina's side should have finished writing the notes and can go home. Just go back."

Kazuma glanced at the one-way glass, and Shiratori said before he could say anything: "Even if the police chief personally takes action, it is impossible to release the people locked in the interrogation room."

"If you hadn't said this, I might not be worried about this." Kazuma curled his lips.

"If you think about it this way, if you really have the ability to take people away from the interrogation room, it doesn't make much difference whether you are here or not. It's better to go home and coax the girl. The policewoman who took the note said that her mood was Very low."

Kazuma: "Policewoman?"

"You don't know? The latest bill passed by Congress requires the use of female police officers to handle female suspects, female case parties, etc."

He Ma was speechless: "Isn't it like this a long time ago?"

"Are you kidding me about the bill that was just passed this year?"

Kazuma curled his lips: "So women were prohibited in the police system before?"

"Of course not. The number of female police officers has never been small. Especially the guards in women's prisons are basically not all women. But there was no hard and fast rule before. Now every police station must have a certain number of female police officers. But after the legal department Despite the MP’s protest, the criminal police department can still be all-male.”

Members of the Legal Affairs Department refer to members of the police, prosecutorial and court systems, which are similar to those of the "Agriculture and Forestry Department".

However, because the agriculture and forestry department is deeply tied to the local area, it has a strong feudal flavor, and it is very common for sons to inherit their father's business.

However, members of the legal department have not yet formed a tradition of inheriting their father's career. It is an emerging field, so after joining the top ranks of the police, many people want to go further.

Compared with the conservative Department of Agriculture and Forestry, members of the Department of Legal Affairs are more willing to accept new things and new trends of thought.

However, it seems that allowing women to become criminal police officers is still a bit new, and there is no support from the members of the legal department.

Kazuma remembers very clearly that in the Japanese drama "Two Dragons" after 2010, female detectives were still discriminated against within the Metropolitan Police Department.

So it seems normal to pass the bill at this time?

While Kazuma was thinking about this, he said to Shiratori: "I'm going to see how she is doing. Is she still in the recording room?"

"Yes, let her pass the time there by herself after finishing the notes. She will probably be bored to death if you don't go there." Shiratori patted Kazuma on the shoulder, "Go ahead."

Kazuma didn't answer and strode away.


Twenty minutes later, Kazuma led Hinami down to the first floor of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Hinami: "Why don't you go into the basement to get the car?"

"In order to rush to save you, I abandoned my car on the road and rode a folding bicycle to your TV station." Kazuma scratched his head, "Damn, I forgot to ask Shiratori to take the folding bicycle off his car."

Hinami laughed dumbly: "What are you doing with the car? This is Chiyoda District, are you still going to take me back to Katsushika in the car?"

Kazuma stretched his muscles and said, "It's not impossible... Anyway, your weight is enough to carry around in your bag. In theory, it won't cause me much trouble."

Hinami stared at Kazuma with an indescribable expression: "I don't know whether I should be happy or angry at this time."

"Of course you should be happy, I'm praising you for being thin." He Ma spread his hands.

Then he maintained this posture and watched his GTR drive over and stop in front of him.

No one was in the car yet.

Kazuma had an idea: "Gita?"

Hinami was shocked: "Is that the name of the computer car in the American TV series?"

"Yes, Knight Rider." Kazuma replied, "Nanjo Group developed a similar in-vehicle computer and installed it in my car..."

With Ma Zhengxin and Ma Yurein blowing, Tamamo's head appeared behind the steering wheel - she had been hiding just now.

Hinami patted Kazuma and said, "Just brag! I actually believed you for a moment just now."

Tamamo rolled down the window and joined the conversation: "I actually didn't mean to joke with you, I just leaned over to pick up the fallen ornaments."

As she spoke, she showed Kazuma the hanging ornament in her palm. It was the Chinese knot decoration that Kazuma had hung on the rearview mirror before.

Kazuma nodded: "I know. Thank you for driving here."

"It's not hard. The GTR is quite comfortable to drive. It's quite enjoyable for me to drive." Tamamo smiled, casually tied the Chinese knot decoration on the rearview mirror, and then quickly climbed over the back of the front seat and got to the rear. seat.

Kazuma first opened the car door for Hinami and made a gesture of invitation.

Hinami said thank you and got into the car gracefully.

When Kazuma got into the car and closed the door, Tamamo in the back seat asked curiously: "So what's going on?"

"I was kidnapped, again." Hinami spread his hands. "As for whether we can convict those guys this time, I don't know. I have to ask Master."

Kazuma: "Your colleague Mieko Oshiba agreed to become a tainted witness to prove their kidnapping."

Rinan looked surprised: "Eh? Dachai? This... is so unexpected. I thought she would just ignore it and ignore it."

"She has an unexpected sense of justice. But there is no guarantee that she will still be willing to testify tomorrow. Maybe she will figure it out after sleeping tonight. The best thing for her is to insist that it is a surprise party."

Hinan curled his lips and said, "It's possible."

Hema pulled up the handbrake, put it into gear and started.

Hinami looked at the street scene that was gradually accelerating and retreating, and let out a long sigh: "This will be the second time I was attacked, one more than Chiyoko."

Kazuma glanced at her and said nothing.

Hinan continued: "I was kidnapped twice. I was put in a bag and treated like an object. But I actually felt... quite..."

"Have you awakened a strange sexual fetish?" Kazuma finally couldn't help but asked.

"I don't know. Normally, you would feel humiliated or scared when being treated like this? I don't feel this kind of emotion. It's so strange."

Tamamo said: "Could it be you because you weren't actually harmed? The first time the other party was able to get away with it, the most important thing is that no sample was taken from Hinami. Not to mention the semen sample, even the saliva No samples were taken.”

Hinami: "I hope I can extract some of Master's saliva, so that I can feel at ease."

Kazuma reached out to the co-pilot and slapped Hinami on the head: "What do you think of being a teacher?"

Hinan avoided Kazuma's hand and leaned his head on the car window looking ahead: "I didn't even feel that I was in danger when I was caught twice. I didn't even feel a little scared."

Kazuma: "Nonsense, that's not what you said when I first rescued you."

"The second time, I mean the second time there was no fear at all!"

"Nonsense, the Shiratori Police Department told me that the policewoman who took your notes said you didn't look good."

"That's because she misunderstood. I was wondering at that time, and my expression was serious."

Kazuma glanced at Hinami worriedly: "Is everything really okay?"

"How can I say it's okay? There's obviously something wrong with me." Hinami closed his eyes and made a painful expression, "I should be scared at this time."

Not to mention, I almost couldn't even make it to half an update...

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