I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 641 Join forces

The bosozokus burst out laughing: "Tell me Sanye, he looks very young, but he is actually an old antique?"

"Hey, Baba (old woman), you went the wrong way, go home and watch TV!"

He Ma said loudly: "It seems that you haven't learned what politeness is at all. Your mother didn't teach you well, so I have to do it for you, dad!"

The Bosozoku clan fell silent for a moment, and then they roared loudly: "What the hell did you say!"

The tongue flick accompanying this roar was as high in frequency and force as a ground drilling hammer used for roadside construction.

Amao explained to Hema: "What he means is that your mother gave birth to you after he died. He has never been involved in society, and his words are bookish and roundabout. Sorry, as a former street gangster, I usually say: Eight Gaya Road, smash it!"

Amao seemed to be competing with the bosozokus, showing off his tongue flicking skills.

Probably the highest-ranking bosozoku at the scene roared: "Bagaya road, smash it! Kill them!"

Then the guy who yelled this took the lead in charging. The Fenglinhuoshan war flag stuck on the back of the motorcycle fluttered in the wind, and the steel pipe trailed behind caused sparks and lightning from friction.

Kazuma and Amao looked at each other, then tilted their heads slightly, indicating "I'll leave it to you."

Amao took a step back, then started to take off, fighting against the oncoming motorcycle.

He jumped up high and used Kamen Rider's signature skill flying kick.

The flying kick accurately hit the Bosozou's face, giving him no chance to swing the steel pipe in his hand.

The bosozou flew backwards, and then hit the motorcycle's exaggeratedly modified seat back.

The sprinting motorcycle tilted down, its two tires scraped against the ground, and made a piercing scream. It reached Kazuma all the way, and then was stepped to a stop.

Almost at the same time, Amao landed firmly on the ground, adjusted his center of gravity and used a roundhouse kick, kicking the headlight of the second Bosozoku's motorcycle.

If we talk about swordsmanship, Kazuma is certainly better than Amao, but in karate, Amao is better. Of course, in a real fight, you still win with a horse. The main reason is that the actual battle with the horse is much higher.

Especially in an environment with enough props, Kazuma is simply invincible.

The motorcycle whose headlight was kicked overturned to the ground, and the passenger and vehicle were separated on the ground.

Amao raised the foot he had just kicked out and assumed the posture of a horse pointing upward.

At this moment, Kazuma picked up the steel pipe that fell on the ground and waved it to try out the feel.

It is slightly heavier than a real sword, and you can feel obvious wind resistance when swinging it, so it is not suitable for fine sword skills.

At this moment, Amao had defeated the third bosozoku. At this time, his clothes restricted his performance. Kazuma heard a sizzling sound and quickly looked at his apprentice, only to find that his suit pants were torn and turned into crotchless pants. .

Kazuma quickly looked at his lower body. Fortunately, he was wearing suit pants that fit him very well and had been worn for a long time. Such a tragedy should not happen.

Amao was still fighting hard, completely unaware of how cool he was down there.

Kazuma decided not to remind him just yet.

At this time, a bosozoku finally spotted Kazuma and rushed over with a strange scream.

Kazuma calmly took a stance and used the tooth thrust for the first time in a long time.

The steel pipe accurately hit the enemy's chest, causing him to fly backwards and then hang on the back of the motorcycle's seat.

The front of the locomotive suddenly tilted up. Hema tapped the front of the car to use the force, rolled 360 degrees in the air, and landed steadily.

The second bosozou who rushed towards Kazuma was scared at this moment. He turned the front of the car and his driving skills were poor. The whole car slipped to the ground, spun to the side, and then hit the unknown concrete on the roadside. On the pier.

At this time, Amao knocked down the fifth bosozoku, caught the incendiary flask thrown by the sixth bosozoku, opened his arms and fully drew the bow and threw it back.

The Molotov cocktail caught up with the bosozou who had already missed Amao and started running away. When it hit the exaggerated high backrest of the car, it turned upside down. The liquid in the bottle spilled out and was ignited, covering the unlucky guy like a fluid flame.

He screamed, jumped out of the car and ran away.

The car hit a Roman shield formation formed by a mobile team.

A mobile team member rushed out of the shield formation and sprayed the guy with a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire.

The bosozoku nodded to the team member in police uniform: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." After the police officer said that, he threw away the fire extinguisher and took out his baton. A large group of mobile team members surrounded him and beat him up.

"Do you know we are having dinner!"

“Bei Hai Ting’s fried rice doesn’t taste good when it’s cold!”

"Let you cause us to dispatch urgently!"

Kazuma also knocked down several blind bosozokus one after another.

For him, this level of fighting is not even a warm-up.

Most of the Bosozoku surrounded Amao, screaming while circling him. There were constant Bosozokus who suddenly broke away from the circle and rushed towards Amao.

This group of people seems to have fought in groups like this often, knowing that swarming together will only hold each other back.

Seeing Amao vigorously beating up the bosozoku, Kazuma simply stepped aside and handed all the bosozoku to Amao.

Let young people exercise more.

Kazuma thought so.

At this time, two team captains whom I knew from the mobile team came over and asked, "Who is this person who can fight so well?"

"My apprentice, isn't he fierce?" Kazuma said proudly.

"Ah? That's a girl?" the team leader exclaimed.

"Go, go, come on, I'm a girl, can't you tell? Where are the exaggerated chest muscles?" Kazuma asked back.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Hinami getting off his GTR.

So Kazuma decisively pointed at Hinami and said, "That's a girl, okay! That wasp waist, those big waves."


Qing Liu: "Ha Qiu!"


Hinami bypassed the unconscious bosozokus lying on the ground, ran to Kazuma, and stuffed a bottle of mineral water into Kazuma's hand: "The lady in the car ordered me to give you the water."

Kazuma took the water and took a sip: "Thank you."

"Can you just hand over all your enemies to Amao?"

"I have also defeated several enemies. Young people should exercise more."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone among the enemies besieging Amao saw Hinan, turned around and rushed over.

"Would you like to try to knock one down?" Kazuma asked Hinami.

"Can I do it?" Hinami asked unsurely.

Kazuma hugged Hinami's waist and said, "Straighten your legs."

Hinami straightened her legs as she was told, so Kazuma used her legs as swords to stab the charging Bosozoku.

Hinami exclaimed, and in the midst of the exclamation, the Bosozou and his car fell to the ground.

The horn-like thing decorated on the rearview mirror of the car scratched a corner of Hinami's skirt.

"Look, you defeated an enemy too!" Kazuma put Hinami down and gave her a thumbs up.

Hinami's face turned red and she was obviously very excited. She made a V sign to Kazuma: "Yeah!"

The leader of the mobile team next to him asked: "Is Tongqun okay?"

"It's okay! I'm very good at needlework." Hinami said nonchalantly.

At this time, the morale of Amao's bosozoku finally collapsed and they began to flee.

The bosozokus who were originally circling around Amao and making screams turned around and rushed towards the bridge they came from.

However, the police who had been following him on the approach bridge had already deployed nail strips.

After the first motorcycle slipped and had a punctured tire, it was immediately restrained by a swarm of police officers.

Seeing that something was not going well, the Bosozoku turned around and rushed towards the mobile team's blockade.

Of course they bypassed Kiryu and his apprentice.

Then, they saw long bamboo poles sticking out of the tortoise shell formation of the mobile team—probably bamboo used for scaffolding brought from the construction site next door.

Yes, it’s the Spanish Grand Formation!

Such classic tactics are resurrected in modern Japan!

After the first few blind bosozoku were tied to bamboo poles, the bosozoku turned around again.

Someone among them shouted: "In the water! We can run from the water!"

"Are you stupid? People can run through water, but what about motorcycles? We are not really naked cavalry, the horses we ride are not horses, and we can't swim!"

At this time, Kazuma heard a familiar voice: "Ready, launch!"

It's Seitaro, and it seems that he has also arrived at the scene.

With a few bang bang sounds, the trailing tear gas bombs rushed into the bosozokus who were milling around like a swarm of confused tadpoles.

The pungent smell immediately made them sneeze.

"Formation, move forward! Just like in training! Don't be afraid, this is far different from the students back then!" Seitaro's voice said.

Kazuma pulled Hinami away from the tear gas and asked rhetorically.

The two team captains put on gas masks, joined their troops, and began to attack the bosozoku whose morale had collapsed.

Hinami asked triumphantly: "Have you noticed that you have been holding my waist?"

Kazuma immediately let go of his hand: "You will soon regret reminding me."

"Fuck! That's right! Why should I remind you!" Hinami muttered in annoyance, "You're not the kind of innocent boy who turns red when you hold hands with a girl!"

At this time, Amao sneezed and emerged from the center of the melee. While adjusting his clothes, he walked towards Kazuma and Hinami.

"I... Ha Qiu! This tear gas is really powerful and uncomfortable. No wonder the police are restricted from using it."

Kazuma: "Did you pass the examination?"

"Yes, passed."

"Congratulations, you have become a top student at Dongda University."

"No, quite a few of our sophomores passed this year."


Amao sneezed several more times, then turned to look at the scene of the encirclement and suppression of the Bosozoku: "How did you get into trouble with these Bosozokus?"

Kazuma patted Hinami's shoulder.

Amao: "I understand. So pretty girls are really troublesome."

Hinan raised his eyes: "What do you mean? This is obviously not our fault. It's not our fault that we are beautiful and have good figures. It's the fault of these stinky men who think from the bottom of their bodies!"

Kazuma: "Hinami is right this time. You should apologize to her."

Amao immediately bowed and apologized sincerely: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

Hinami: "I forgive you! If men are as self-controlled as you are to the point of boredom, then I'm afraid my motivation to dress myself up will be reduced by 30%."

Amao curled his lips: "I don't have strong self-control. If I had strong self-control, I wouldn't move out. It will cost a lot of rent to rent an additional house."

Kazuma: "If you just promise Chiyoko, wouldn't that be the end of it?"

"That's not possible. After I agree to her, I'm afraid I won't want to do anything except have sex with her every day. I will never agree until my character is strong enough to withstand temptation."

Kazuma patted Amao on the shoulder: "You, do you think that men are really like those in those sensual novels, able to do it multiple times a day? Let me tell you, the novels are all fake."

Kazuma almost said GALGAME, but luckily he realized that even personal computers are rare nowadays, and game consoles are still eight-bit, so he changed his mind temporarily.

"You roll once a day, and the rest of the time you won't want to do anything like that at all."

Amao shook his head: "No, I have had a girlfriend before. I know how decadent she was back then, so I can't. This hole cannot be opened. Chiyoko should find someone else."

Hinami sighed: "So Chiyoko still lost to Amao's ex-girlfriend. Although she didn't lose in terms of charm, the result is the same."

Amao smiled dullly: "If she were less charming, I would be more relaxed, but..."

Kazuma: "You go home tonight."

"...I'm going to officially go home tomorrow to report that I passed the exam."

"Then how are you going to tell Chiyoko that you are still planning to continue renting a house?"

Amao smiled bitterly: "I don't know, I still want to ask Master."

"I really don't like my sister, so I just told her: Get out of here, you ugly girl."

"But she is not ugly. The problem is that she is too beautiful and charming."

"Then you tell her, 'Please be ugly so I can go home.'"

"That's not okay. What if she is so cruel that she disfigures herself with a knife?" Amao shook his head repeatedly, then changed the subject, "Let's not talk about this anymore, why is Ninan here?"

"I can't be here?" Hinami looked angry, "Why, do you think I'm not as beautiful as Chiyoko? Do you think I'm not up to the standard of accompanying your master?"

"No, isn't it my impression that Hinami has always been like a ghost member of the dojo?"

Kazuma told Amao everything about Hinami's "surprise party".

Amao suddenly raised his eyebrows: "How can you still escape the sanction of the law like this? Is this considered kidnapping?"

"The seniors of Tokyo University found a loophole in the legal provisions and got in. Statutory law is not like the law of the sea, so it became like this."

Amao crossed his hands in front of his chest: "There's another thing. To be honest, when I was reviewing and preparing for the exam, I always thought that statutory law was better than the maritime law system. I didn't expect that the maritime law system had this advantage."

Kazuma: "Wait a minute, didn't the Sikao test the merits of the two legal systems?"

"The judicial examination does not focus on legal analysis. It only accounts for about ten percent of the questions. After all, it is an examination that focuses on testing practical ability. In addition to memorizing legal provisions, it mainly focuses on case analysis."

Kazuma shrugged.

Hinami asked doubtfully: "Kazuma, have you never passed this test?"

"I took the first-class civil service exam. Most people only have the energy to prepare for one exam. Those like Tamamo who passed both exams are rare." Kazuma shrugged.

Amao, on the other hand, held his chin and fell into deep thought.

Finally, he said: "Can I see the court records of this series of cases involving Hyuga Company?"

"My brothers' law firms should have it on file. You can go to them tomorrow and ask. Remember to bring your lawyer badge and Dongdao student ID card."

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