I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 642 How does a boy who is not very good at talking become good at talking?

The next day, as soon as Asano entered Kazuma's car, he sighed: "I missed the wonderful scene again. I wanted to go out to work again yesterday, but my dad said, 'When you get there, they will finish the work.'" Team up'."

Kazuma: "Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before you follow me and encounter big scenes. Look at my apprentices, Honami, Mikako and my sister Chiyoko, who have all been involved in big scenes. Amao is even more powerful. He Witnessing the final redemption of her scumbag father, Qingliu is a very ordinary rock girl now, but back then, tsk."

Asano: "According to what you say, it's very possible for me to explode with amazing power?"

"Then you have to lose your loved ones first." Kazuma said calmly, his tone was like the bartender at the nightclub in "Afterlife" in a certain game.

Asano glanced at Kazuma: "I don't even know if I have any close relatives."

"It's normal, people always discover the importance of things after losing them."

"Did you hold back all your cool ideas today and come to pretend to be serious with me on purpose?" Asano finally couldn't bear the questioning any longer.

Kazuma shrugged: "Our car can't drive fast anyway, so we can just talk about anything to pass the time."

He paused and then said: "It seems like it was a coincidence that the Bosozoku came to me last night. The guy who interrogated the Bosozoku all night long this morning called to report the results of the interrogation."

"Do you think their words are credible?" Asano asked.

Kazuma shrugged: "There are no other sources of information. Let's just believe it for now and wait until we meet the bosozokus who haven't slept all night. They are in a very sleepy state now, so it should be easier to ask for the truth."

"They must have been bribed last night," Asano said nonchalantly, "Rather than this, I want to continue with the kidnapping case. What happened to the kidnapping last night?"

Kazuma raised his eyebrows: "Didn't I tell you?"

"No. You must have forgotten that this happened after I got off the car and went home, so you just didn't say anything."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows and told everything about the kidnapping in detail.

Asano: "So this time we have a tainted witness, can we finally imprison these kidnappers? You did a great job."

"No, the tainted witnesses can only prove that this incident was a kidnapping. The group of senior brothers defending Hyuga Company will probably try their best to use past cases to excuse it and prove that this was just an invitation to a surprise party."

Asano said enthusiastically: "So the next scene is for the new graduates to defeat the senior brothers?"

Kazuma: "I didn't rely on my lawyer's license. I was preparing for the Class A civil service examination."

"Ah, that's right. I thought it would be easy for students at Tokyo University to take two exams at the same time."

"It stands to reason that it would be the most reasonable thing to apply for both, just in case you don't pass the first-class civil service examination, but my sister wants to save the examination fees for the civil service examination and buy more household items."

Asano glanced at Kazuma, speechless, and said nothing.

Kazuma: "But don't worry, my beloved disciple has just obtained his lawyer's license. He will figure it out from the lawyer's side."

"You seem to trust your apprentice very much."

"Because that guy is probably the guy least likely to be corrupted in the world." Kazuma replied, after all, he holds the term "Law Knight".

Of course, the words cannot be so absolute. After all, He Ma has seen a lot of heroes in his life who have always adhered to their ideals and have not been corrupted.

So Kazuma added: "I mean, one of the least likely people in the world to be corrupted."

"Hey, he sounds like a very idealistic guy."

"No, Amona cannot be called idealistic. He is just more principled, which is different. He is considered lawful and good."

Asano glanced at Kazuma: "What the hell? Lawful good? Wait a minute, I understand the second half. It means good, right? What is the first half?"

The word Kazuma just said is the division of factions in the rules of Dungeons and Dragons. As a foreign word, it is of course the English transliteration spelled out in katakana.

Kazuma is no longer too lazy to complain about the stinking problem of modern Japan where everything is transliterated.

Obviously, in the past, Japan had produced many honest and elegant free translations, and these free translations were also introduced into Chinese by the intellectual youth who traveled to Japan at that time.

Like a phone call or something.

Obviously, the word "telephone" was once translated as "telephone", but in modern Japan, mobile phone is translated as "worshiping the grave".

Just as Kazuma was about to explain to Asano what lawful kindness was, a wild reporter came out.

The reporter knocked on Kazuma's car window, and without waiting for Kazuma's reaction, he asked through the window: "Mr. Kiryu Kazuma, Police Department, how do you comment on what happened yesterday?"

Kazuma frowned slightly and wanted to ask the person involved yesterday how he commented on what happened yesterday. Is there anything wrong?

At this time, Asano stretched his hand in front of Kazuma, opened the window on his side, and shouted to the reporter: "You are obstructing traffic by interviewing directly in the middle of the road! Wait until the Transportation Department invites you to tea!"

Kazuma glanced out the car window.

There are only ground lines between two-way lanes in Japan, there are no barriers at all, and there are very few guardrails beside the road.

On regular domestic roads, if you want to cross somewhere other than a zebra crossing, you have to climb over three guardrails. There is no such thing in Japan.

So this group of reporters directly interviewed Kazuma who was standing on the double yellow line between the two-way lanes.

Fortunately, there are traffic jams in both directions, so the reporter's behavior only made the jam more serious, and did not produce worse results.

Kazuma: "I'm sorry. Although I briefly served as the public relations officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, I only served for a short period of time before resigning. I have no right to issue any case announcements.

"But you are so enthusiastic. It's not good for me to say that I have no comment. Last night was just an ordinary security case. A group of bosozoku who caused a lot of trouble to the street visitors were dealt with. That's all."

The reporter was not satisfied at all. She asked loudly: "We received a tip that the Bosozoku would cause trouble last night because your female companion teased them. Is that right?"

Kazuma frowned, pointed at the reporter and said, "Don't say such things. If there are deviations in reports in the future, you will be responsible."

The reporter didn't care at all and continued to ask: "I heard that your disciple who broke into the house also fought! In what capacity did he join the operation? Is he also planning to join the police system? Will your faction be formed within the Metropolitan Police Department in the future?"

"He just passed by by chance." He Ma Yan said concisely and concisely. The more explanations for this kind of thing, the more likely it would be true.

At this time, the traffic finally started to move again. Kazuma took the opportunity to close the window and forcefully ended the interview.

But the reporter directly put the microphone between the cracks of the car window, blocking Kazuma's car window: "Yesterday's live TV broadcast also captured beautiful women getting out of your car! There were two of them! You have nothing to explain. Of?"

Kazuma: "About me and my disciples, Weekly Fang Chun has reported in detail, you can read it."

It means "Fang Chun has already chewed up this information. Don't dig it anymore. There is no exclusive one."

"Tales from the Kiryu Police Department!"

The reporter still persevered, and for a moment Hema wanted to just hold the microphone and press the gas.

But at this time, tripping up the interviewing reporter will itself become news material, and the impact will be very bad.

While Kazuma was in trouble, the traffic police came over on a motorcycle.

"What are you doing? You're blocking traffic like this, and it's very dangerous!" As soon as he took off his helmet, the traffic policeman roared, "Where's your driver's license? Here, I'm going to deduct points from you! You're blocking traffic like this. I have reasonable suspicion that you are not familiar with traffic regulations, so please take a traffic regulations training class to me! You are not allowed to drive again until the class is over!"

The system of deducting points on a Japanese driver's license and then taking a class is very similar to the Chinese regulations that I have been familiar with all my life. Maybe China has referenced Japanese regulations.

But Kazuma didn't expect that his driver's license points would be deducted even if he didn't drive.

He originally thought that the traffic police asked the two people to show their driver's licenses to confirm their identities - Japan does not have ID cards, and there are generally two ways to prove your identity, one is a driver's license, and the other is a national pension payment certificate.

Those homeless people who do not pay the national pension may naturally have cars and driver's licenses, so they cannot prove who they are to public authorities such as the police.

Then they are naturally regarded as non-existent by public authorities.

The reporter started arguing with the traffic police about whether points could be deducted from her driver's license. Kazuma threw the microphone out while she was not paying attention, closed the window, pumped the gas and ran away - well, she just started sliding with the traffic.

"Did your house get crowded by reporters last night?" Asano asked in a sympathetic tone.

Kazuma: "Yes. Then we called the police and said they were disturbing residents. In addition, our dojo is surrounded by high-end apartment areas, and the developers gave the district office a lot of benefits, so the reporters were quickly driven away."

He Ma paused and joked: "Speaking of which, I have only been a police officer for less than half a year, and I have caused so many things. If I were a reporter, I would consider renting a house near my home, so that I can definitely grab the headlines."

Asano responded with a smile: "Yes, if you are still beating up bad guys on TV, reporters here can knock on your door, and then watch your heroic appearance on TV with Chiyoko. It seems feasible."


While Kazuma was being harassed by reporters, Amao got off the tram, followed people out of the station, and stood downstairs at the law office that Kazuma told him about.

This is a very grand-looking office building. There is a big neon sign outside the office building, but Amao looked for a long time and couldn't find the law firm that He Ma mentioned.

Finally, he saw the nameplate of a very low-key firm on the floor sign at the entrance of the building.

This brand just looks ordinary, but the simple pattern is obviously designed, and people with taste will understand it at a glance.

Amao is not a person with good taste, but after studying, he knows that this pattern is the Dutch "De Stijl".

This is not to say that this kind of thing is very stylish, but this school is called "De Stijl" because their main artists at that time were active in a magazine called "Style", so they got the name.

Amao memorized the main characteristics of this school, so he recognized the law firm's brand when he saw it.

He made up for his lack of aesthetic level through knowledge.

Then Amao pressed the button of the intercom installed next to this low-key and luxurious brand.

The next moment, a sweet female voice sounded: "This is ** Law Firm. Do you have an appointment?"


"This law firm adopts an appointment system. If you don't make an appointment, no lawyer will be available to receive you."

Amao: "I'm a student at Dongjin University and I just got my lawyer's license."

"If you are hiring, please fax your resume to our HR for review." The lady on the other side of the intercom continued to respond politely.

"I have a letter of introduction from Kazuma Kiryu. I'm here for Hinata Company's case."

The letter of introduction was written by Kazuma last night. It contains less than 100 characters including katakana and is very simple.

Amao silently prayed that Master's name would be useful.

"Hold on."

The lady replied.

After a moment, a deep baritone voice replaced the young lady: "The person recommended by Kiryu? You must be good at fighting, right?"

"Um, just average." Amao thought for a moment and added, "I was the one who beat up the Bosozoku with Master on TV last night."

"Isn't that pretty good at fighting? You said you passed the judicial examination?"

"Yeah, just passed."

"Why are you taking this exam? You should take the A-level civil service exam. The Metropolitan Police Department is where you can show off your skills! Look at how well your master is doing there."

"Everyone has his or her own ambitions. I came here to see the files on the Hyuga Company case," Amao paused and added, "I want to learn the court defense skills of my senior brothers."

Amao isn't much of a talker, but he makes up for it through training.

He has been able to subconsciously analyze the potential needs of the conversation partner and then cater to them.

It’s just that this analysis still takes time, so I’ll add explanations later as I do now.

The other side of the intercom responded: "Hinata Company? Is it the company that kidnaps people all day long and then claims to be the one who invites today's surprise party? Aren't they having fun? Early this morning all the colleagues in charge of the case rushed straight to It’s the Metropolitan Police Department. If you want to ask them about the case, your trip will be in vain.”

"No, I just want to see the court trial records. There should be archives of such things, right?"

"Of course we do. We are a professional law firm, although our brand seems very informal."

"Dutch De Stijl, I also like this school very much." Amao was already prepared and used this knowledge into the conversation at the perfect time.

The man on the other end of the intercom laughed heartily: "Hahaha, not bad, not many people can recognize this genre."

"I think they are quite easy to recognize." Amao answered truthfully. He really felt that they were easy to recognize if they only remembered the main identification points.

The other end of the intercom laughed a few more times, and finally the laughter subsided. The man said, "Okay, come up here and show you our record of quibbling. There is nothing to hide. After all, we are just legal wolves." It’s just my job.”

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