I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 647 I’ve hit it, almost!

After saying this, Tamamo began to circle around the car and the body, and then took out a small bag of salt.

Kazuma grabbed Tamamo and said, "Don't make trouble. The on-site survey is not over yet. It would be funny if the forensics department discovers that there is salt at the site."

Tamamo thought for a while and stuffed the salt back into the box where she was covered.

At this time, the detective next to him asked: "Miss Forensic Examiner, what are you doing? Check the body quickly. Although the forensic department can also estimate the time of death, but since there are professional forensic doctors, it is of course better for you to go there."

Tamamo: "I'm just about to start. My habit is to check and observe the overall condition of the deceased first."

As she said this, she took out her gloves from the box and put them on.

The way Kazuma looked at her from the side, he thought she looked more like a mad scientist about to do an experiment than a forensic scientist.

Then Tamamo took out another recording pen, inserted it into Kazuma's pocket, and pressed the record button.

Kazuma curiously took out the pen and took it in his hand to examine: "It's quite professional..."

Such a small voice recorder is still a high-tech product, and most lawyers still use small voice recorders.

After handing the recorder to Kazuma, Tamamo began to examine Oshiba Mieko's body.

"Judging from the degree of stiffness, he should have been dead for about three hours. Skin trauma was observed on the body surface, which is presumed to have been caused by a fall."

Tamamo then pressed Mie Ooshiba's sternum.

"The chest cavity was comminuted and there were many fractures on the body. In addition, because there were bruises on the body from the fall, I personally think it is very likely that Oshiba Mieko was still alive when she fell."

The detective next to him asked: "How are you sure she was still alive when she fell?"

"This statement is not accurate." Tamamo replied, "To correct it, Oshiba Mieko's body was still soft when she fell, but it is not sure whether she died or not."

Interpol: "How did you figure this out?"

"If the body is already stiff, the scars from the fall will be different. After the human body is stiff, because the stiff muscles have a protective effect on the bones, they will not be broken so completely. In addition, the bruises under the skin will also be different. The body has already In a hardened state, bruises are not what they look like.”

Tamamo said, raising one hand of the body and showing the bruises on it to the local detective: "Look at this bruise, it's basically the same as the bruises you get when playing karate or kendo. People who are already stiff don't look like this when they fall, because At that time, the blood vessels had greatly lost their activity and the heart stopped beating.

"Bruise is actually a kind of blood accumulation under the skin. The heart is not beating and cannot send blood. The degree of congestion will be greatly reduced."

The two detectives nodded repeatedly.

Tamamo: "Although she may have been alive when she fell, according to the procedure, I should start confirming the cause of death."

As she spoke, Tamamo put down Mieko Oshiba's arm and held up her head.

"Well," she said immediately as soon as she lifted her head, "it's obvious that her neck is broken. It's normal. She fell on her back and fell on the roof of the car, and her head just didn't rest on the car. This neck is so weird."

Kazuma: "Indeed, I even had auditory hallucinations. I heard the click of my neck being snapped back."

Tamamo put down Ochai's head, pulled back the collar of her pajamas, and examined the skin on her neck.

"Well, there are no marks of strangulation, and there is no pain caused by suffocation on the facial expression. It is judged that he was not strangled."

Then Tamamo took off a necklace from her neck, raised it and looked at the moon in the sky carefully.

The detectives who were watching Tamamo's actions looked up at the moon and then at the street lamp next to them. They were a little surprised. Judging from their expressions, they probably wanted to ask: "Why don't you use a stronger street lamp? Isn't it clearer?" ?”

By this time, Tamamo had already finished checking the necklace, looked up at Kazuma, and nodded slightly.

It seems that this necklace may be the reason for Oshiba Mieko's sudden fall.

Then Tamamo handed the necklace to the detective next to him: "It's an ordinary pendant, nothing unusual about it."

The detective took out an evidence bag, threw the necklace in, then tore out a page from his police manual and wrote on it the time when the thing was found, the location where it was found, and the name of the original owner.

While the police were writing down these things, Tamamo started the next step, dictating the activities he was doing while doing the same: "I started to check for injuries, but apart from the bruises just mentioned, I almost didn't observe anything sufficient. Fatal horrific trauma.

"In addition, there was very little blood loss at the scene, which is consistent with the extensive bruises on the outer surface of the body."

After speaking, Tamamo grabbed the recording pen from Kazuma: "That's it for the rough inspection on the scene. The rest depends on the results of the autopsy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the criminal policeman from the local police station next to him looked embarrassed: "Well...if the department closes the case with suicide as usual, I'm afraid the step of autopsy won't be possible, Miss Forensic Examiner."

Kazuma thought to himself that this was not a good idea. Tamamo was not a real forensic doctor anyway, so she would be in big trouble if she actually entered the autopsy process.

Now Tamamo showed a regretful expression: "The anatomy is not normal. Although I am not scientifically rigorous enough to say this, but - I can see with the naked eye that this poor lady fell to death. Unless someone pushed her, otherwise It’s really difficult to convict this case of homicide, most likely the case will be closed as suicide.”

The detective from the local police station nodded: "Yes, after I arrived at the scene, I probably felt that this trip was in vain."

These non-professional groups who started from the grassroots level have to handle more cases and catch criminals if they want to be promoted quickly, so they all hope that they can encounter that kind of vicious murder case, preferably a massacre of a family, and "Mieko Oshiba" In the case of "suicide", there is no way to help people accumulate merit, so there is a saying of "running in vain".

"Anyway, my part ends here. I will submit a detailed report to you next."

Tamamo took off her gloves as she spoke, put them back in the box, and then said to Kazuma, "Okay, I've finished what you asked me to do, remember to return the gift."

The detective next to him laughed and said, "I asked why the forensic doctor came directly to the scene. It turned out that it was the police department who called in."

Forensic doctors are very scarce in Japan. Police stations generally do not have full-time forensic doctors. They have to dissect the corpse of a prisoner before going to a hospital related to the police, or directly asking a professor who teaches forensic medicine in a university to lead the dissection with his students.

Some police stations will entrust third-party agencies.

In the Japanese police system, the forensic department is often responsible for determining the time of death, and sometimes even confirming the cause of death requires the forensic department. This is all forced.

As he spoke, Tamamo made a gesture and walked toward the car. After walking two steps, he turned back and called Kazuma: "Come here."

Kazuma hurriedly approached her and put his ear close to hers: "What are your instructions?"

"I guess that pendant was obtained from the Sansato Shrine. It is relatively rare, and it will be engraved with the buyer's name and birthday. It is an excellent target."

Kazuma: "Target?"

"Spells such as curses need to determine the target through the target object."

"Are you sure it was caused by a curse?"

"No... it might have been three hundred years ago, but now the mystery is so rare, and it's still in a modern metropolis like Tokyo..." Tamamo frowned, "This is too strange. If it were in Tokyo, even if I was the one who performed the magic , at best it can only give people nightmares.”

Kazuma frowned and fell into thought.

Tamamo pushed him gently: "Okay, my role is over for now. You can do the rest. If you see anything suspicious, take a photo and send it to me."

As he spoke, Tamamo took out a polaroid camera from his suitcase and gave it to Kazuma.

Kazuma: "Is this box of yours Doraemon's treasure bag?"

"Isn't it normal for a prop box for visiting supernatural places to have a Polaroid?" Tamamo said.

Kazuma: "I think it's the prop box where the supernatural place is buried."

As Kazuma said this, the scene of Tamamo pointing an AK47 at various supernatural phenomena and loudly announcing, "Please disappear from the world in order for me to become a human as soon as possible" came to mind.

Tamamo patted him on the shoulder: "Come on. I went back to the car and listened to the radio. Today is my favorite nighttime talk show."

Kazuma: "Didn't you originally plan to have sex with me tonight? What would happen to your favorite show in that case?"

"Oh, there are different levels of liking." Tamamo waved and left.

When we passed the blockade, the little policeman guarding the blockade said loudly and energetically: "Thank you for your hard work!"

"No, I just did a simple autopsy. It's not very hard, it's all your hard work." Tamamo said and saluted the little policeman.

I don’t know if she deliberately gave this crooked salute.

Kazuma turned and looked at the detectives from the two local police stations and said, "Let's continue talking about the reporter. Did the car owner see any strange figures or anything? For example, the person who pushed Mieko Oshiba down the stairs? "

"No, the person who called the police said that after he found out that the person who hit his car was a person, he ran to the police in panic and didn't notice anything abnormal at all." The detective replied, "Why, the police department said that you still want to blame this case on him. Is the direction moving forward?”

He Ma was speechless: "Because he happens to be the key witness in my case. Let me ask you. Suppose you are a passionate young man who just decided to take the witness stand and want to send the criminal to jail. You Is it possible to fall into depression and commit suicide immediately?"

The two detectives looked at each other, then shook their heads at Kazuma.

Kazuma clapped his hands: "That's it. I firmly believe that this is deliberate silence and murder."

"Okay, as long as you say this, we will risk our lives to accompany you and help you find evidence." The local criminal policeman put his hands on his hips and said, "If the witness is silenced, the case will definitely attract attention if it is announced. If we can really participate in the investigation, we will be promoted." The salary goes a long way.”

Kazuma: "Don't state your interests so straightforwardly, although I don't hate this straightforward style either."

As he finished speaking, Kazuma suddenly noticed the fishy smell again.

Humans are easily accustomed to certain smells. When staying in a place with a strong smell, the human brain will selectively ignore the smell. This is a physiological mechanism of the human brain.

For example, most people will frown at the smell when they first enter the toilet, and will not notice the smell after the toilet is over.

Kazuma now noticed the fishy smell again, which meant that the smell disappeared for a time, and then reappeared before Kazuma noticed it.

If it had been there, it would have been ignored by Kazuma.

——The smell of fish, the pendant, the nightmare curse...

What is the relationship between this?

When I was coding this chapter, I kept thinking about the game I was playing, "Trailblazer: Wrath of the Righteous", and I would think, "I'm a lich, I just need to pull people up and ask what's going on."

This game is the first game I have ever seen that fully utilizes the Lich's ability to control the undead. Whether it is an NPC or a wild monster in the game, you can resurrect an undead creature and then enslave it. It's so exciting.

I controlled a dwarf bard who betrayed me in the previous chapter, and she turned into a very useful follower.

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