I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 648: The lich is invincible in the world

Next, Kazuma, accompanied by two local police detectives, entered Oshiba Mieko's home.

With his sense of smell, he could smell the fishy smell of Oshiba Mieko's house from a long distance away.

It was hard for him to judge how stinky it was. If ordinary people could smell it from this distance, Mieko Oshiba would not commit suicide and the neighbors would call the police first.

After observing the expressions of the two local detectives, Kazuma concluded that this was probably because his sense of smell was too good.

At this time, the detective who was climbing the stairs together said: "The landlord told us that their dog has been reluctant to go upstairs. When he reached the stairs, he ran out desperately. I think the dog may be able to smell the smell of Da Chai's house from here. ”

For a moment, Kazuma felt that the detective was deliberately calling him a dog, but then he thought about it. The local detective who met him by chance probably didn't know that he had a keen sense of smell.

There may be mention in the news that Hema has a good nose, but most people would think that this is just the nose of a professional perfumer, and would not think that Hema has the same sense of smell as a dog.

When we arrived on the third floor, the uniformed policeman guarding the door looked miserable.

Kazuma: "Thank you for your hard work."

After saying this, he remembered that he had to pretend to be smelled first - in fact, he was almost used to the smell at this time, and he had to pay careful attention to realize that the smell was still there.

The leading detective muttered: "This is the first time I know that kitchen waste can produce such a smell."

Kazuma frowned.

Based on his keen sense of smell, he was sure that this smell was more like the smell of heavily polluted Tokyo Bay than kitchen waste.

In this era, Tokyo Bay contains not only domestic sewage from more than 30 million people in Tokyo, but also industrial wastewater from a large number of factories.

In the 1980s, Japan had not moved its heavily polluting industries out of the country, and the wastewater produced by these industries was discharged directly into the sea.

In addition, there is a large amount of domestic waste. Although the Tokyo City Government has established many landfills, many waste disposal companies directly dispose of waste in the dumpsites in order to save costs and do not landfill it at all.

There are several open-air garbage dumps near Tokyo, where large amounts of garbage are piled up without any treatment at all. Everything from scrapped cars to used pianos can be found in them.

Sugii Hikaru, a Japanese novelist whom I have loved all my life, wrote a very romantic scene. It said that the hero and heroine carried a guitar on their back and went home to a distant place. They slept in a junk car in a junkyard to take shelter from the rain for a night, and used garbage. There was a chorus of pianos thrown on the field.

It was really romantic the first time I watched it.

But when Kazuma was a child, the small town in his hometown did not have garbage disposal facilities, and there was this kind of garbage dump. Kazuma's impression was that this kind of garbage dump was very smelly.

There is also a song circulated among their group of children, which describes the scene of a lot of scavengers picking up garbage in the garbage dump. I remember the last sentence seems to be: the captain gave the order, and stinky shoes and socks flew all over the place.

When I think of this nursery rhyme when I was a child, the romantic scene created by the Japanese writer is like a deflated inflatable doll, no longer charming.

In these garbage dumps, when it rains, all the harmful substances in the garbage will dissolve into the water, enter the sewers, and then be discharged directly into the sea.

The water in Tokyo Bay now smells like a mixture of the stench of salted fish and the rusty smell of heavy metals. Kazuma has to smell this smell every time he drives to the mobile team station in Odaiba.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about this problem when driving the GTR now. The GTR’s air conditioning is so powerful that you can just close the windows and sigh.

When I drove a crepe truck before, there was no on-board air conditioning. All cooling was done by a small electric fan. To keep cool, I had to open the windows.

By the way, when Tokyo hosted the Olympic Games for the first time in 1964, the water in Tokyo Bay was still blue. That’s why no one complained about the sea event in that Olympics being fecal sea butterfly.

Kazuma took out a handkerchief and held it to his nose, pushed the door open and entered Ochai's apartment.

Clothes were scattered everywhere in the apartment, and underwear and other items were scattered everywhere. Kazuma picked up the clothes thrown on the stove with his index finger and thumb, frowning.

The local detective said: "Why don't we get the gun first?"

Kazuma: "I just saw the heater just sitting in the house, and my attention was drawn to it."

As he spoke, Kazuma threw the fabric in his hand aside and continued to check the room.

Then Kazuma discovered that the clothes Dachai wore back from the police station today were not in the house.

"No, I didn't see the clothes she wore when she left the police station today." Kazuma said, "And there is only one suit for a white-collar woman in this room. It doesn't sound right no matter what, right? No matter what, It’s time to have a change of clothes.”

Only then did the two detectives realize something was wrong.

The younger detective immediately ran to the door and said as he ran, "Maybe he took it to a nearby dry cleaner for dry cleaning."

"Wait a minute!" Kazuma called to the inspector, walked to the only professional suit hanging on the wall, and touched the plastic cover on the suit with his hand.

"This should be from the dry cleaner. It should have the dry cleaner's phone number and address on it."

As he spoke, he turned the suit over on the wall so that the address and phone number were revealed.

Kazuma pointed to the address and said: "Go to this dry cleaning shop. If my guess is correct, the clothes Mieko Oshiba sent back today were left in the store. Ask her in detail about her mental state when she came to entrust dry cleaning. "

"Yes." The young patrolman agreed loudly, turned around and rushed out the door.

Kazuma looked at the local detective who was left behind: "This is unreasonable. Would a person with suicidal thoughts send her clothes for dry cleaning in a serious manner? She must have gone home first, took off her clothes and put on home clothes. I went to the dry cleaners later, is it reasonable for someone who is going to die tonight to do this?"

His audience just spread their hands.

Kazuma held his chin and stared at the suit on the wall, lost in thought.

At this time, the local criminal police reminded: "What you just said makes sense, but it will not count in court. Unless you can find another person in the room when the incident happened tonight, who pushed Da Chai down." evidence, otherwise this matter can only lead to the conclusion of suicide."

He Ma was speechless.

He had a hunch that there would be no other person in this room tonight.

The elder brother from the local police station continued: "However, it is difficult to find evidence of the second person's existence. Because of the conditions in this room, it is not easy to extract hair or fingerprints."

Kazuma gave a wry smile, and then, being careful not to step on the magazines and lunch boxes scattered on the ground, he slowly walked towards the balcony.

There is a green plant on the balcony, but it seems that no attention has been paid to taking care of it. The whole pot of flowers is in a state of free praise of the beauty of life.

The floor of the balcony looks much tidier than inside the house, at least there is no garbage.

Kazuma thought this might be because Ochai was too lazy to open the sliding door of the balcony.

The balcony railings are made of stainless steel, which looks very unstable at first glance. The partition between the balcony and the balcony of the next door house is also an ordinary steel plate. It seems that saving materials is written on the forehead.

In this kind of apartment, if you don't lock the balcony door, it is basically the same as leaving the door open to let people in.

The stainless steel railings were covered with a layer of dust, and only two places were clean.

Those two clean areas looked like two footprints. Someone climbed up to the railing with bare feet and stood there.

He Ma stepped forward, stretched out a finger, touched the edge of the railing through his gloves, and shook it slightly.

This railing is not solid at all.

Even Kazuma had to be careful when standing on such a swaying railing. After all, Kazuma had not yet mastered the skill of falling from this floor and surviving without incident.

Maybe Kazuma would have to be as old as a Suzuki Butler to be able to physically airborne from a helicopter.

At this time, Kazuma suddenly had a whimsical idea. He looked back at the detective and said, "Is it possible that she just fell asleep and came out to sleepwalk, and the railing was unstable and she fell."

The detective uncle looked at Kazuma as if he were an idiot: "You can talk to the prosecutor and see if he will pay attention to you."

It is the prosecutor's decision whether to file a lawsuit, and Japanese prosecutors want to pursue a case closure rate and must ensure that the suspect will be convicted after filing a lawsuit.

Therefore, as long as there is insufficient evidence, prosecutors often choose not to prosecute and release the suspect.

Obviously no prosecutor would accept the hypothesis that Kazuma just put forward - no, Prosecutor Tamamo has a half chance of accepting it. The other half of the possibility is that Tamamo will take advantage of her ghost marriage characteristics and severely scold Kazuma for his whims.

Kazuma: "Pretend I didn't say that."

"What did you say? I was just listening to the analysis of tomorrow's horse racing, and I didn't hear it." The old detective said.

But he wasn't holding a radio at all, and he didn't have earplugs in his ears.

Obviously he just used that method to express his attitude.

Kazuma looked away and carefully studied the footprints on the railing.

"That's weird." He murmured quietly.

"What's wrong?" the old detective asked slightly impatiently.

Kazuma: "Don't you think it's strange? The height of this railing makes it almost impossible for ordinary people to step on it with one foot. It has to be pulled up to the hips. But look at the huge balcony, there is not even a place to step on.

"This kind of railing is made of stainless steel pipes welded together. It goes straight up and down. There is no place to stand on the railing itself. You can only step on the railing in one step."

He Ma said and raised his leg to gesture.

The old detective scratched his head: "That...makes sense. I was the one who went to the landlord to open the door. I should have been the first person to enter the apartment after the incident. I didn't see anything with feet on the balcony."

"Isn't it strange?" Kazuma asked, and then, while making sure not to touch the railing and wipe off the dust on the railing, he looked down slightly.

The forensics department downstairs completed collecting evidence on the body and surrounding areas. The undertaker moved the body onto a stretcher and carried it into a van painted black.

The forensics department that sent away the body briefly gathered together and then walked towards the apartment building.

He Ma was stunned. He originally thought that there was no forensics department busy in Dachai's room upstairs because the on-site investigation had ended.

Has the co-authorship not been explored yet?

Kazuma was speechless and looked down at the shoe prints on the floor - Damn, he wouldn't be directly regarded as a prisoner, would he?

Even if he is not regarded as a prisoner and leaves his own shoe prints at the scene, this is enough for someone with ulterior motives to cause some minor trouble.

The old detective obviously guessed what Kazuma was thinking and said with a smile: "Don't worry, our police forensics department is not that stupid. They will ignore the shoe prints of our investigators."

Kazuma: "Yeah, that would be great."

At this time, the voice of the little policeman guarding the door came from the other side of the door: "Everyone in the forensic department, thank you for your hard work."

Then the forensic examiners carrying tool boxes filed in. The leader said to Kazuma: "You must be careful not to damage the scene! It is best to leave the scene and hide as far away from me as possible."

Kazuma raised his hands in a French military salute, and at the same time stepped back and stood against the wall.

The old detective who temporarily acted as Kazuma's partner said: "Don't be so serious. This is Kiryu Kazuma, the Kiryu Kazuma. He had only been here for a short time, and he discovered something that couldn't be explained logically. question."

The three forensic examiners stopped what they were doing and looked at Kazuma curiously.

Only then did Kazuma tell these forensic investigators the strange place he had just discovered.

The three forensic examiners looked at each other. The leader scratched his scalp and said, "This is a problem. We have just inspected the body down there. There are no bruises on the deceased's crotch or other places that are easily strained."

Kazuma: "That's right. The missing stepping stone sounds like the title of a detective novel."

The forensic examiner tried to say: "Maybe the deceased practiced yoga?"

Kazuma: "Practice yoga? Is there any connection between this?"

"Yes, yoga can strengthen the body's flexibility, balance, etc. Maybe a yoga expert can just climb up the railing."

Kazuma frowned: "You might as well say that you used Qinggong to fly up."

The old detective asked Kazuma seriously: "Kiryu Police Department, is there any way to go directly to the railing without using a stepping stone?"

Kazuma: "Of course I have a way. I'm like Jack Chen...I mean, I'm committed to the study of parkour. Not to mention the railings of this height. If it's any higher, I can jump directly without using my hands." Jump on it.

"But there is absolutely no way Oshiba Mieko can do such a thing."

After all, Oshiba Mieko has no martial arts level at all and should still be a mortal.

In addition, Tamamo is here today, so the possibility that Oshiba Mieko is a monster can be ruled out.

It's really impossible for a guy who doesn't understand martial arts and is not a monster to jump onto the railing with a single leap without relying on any stepping stones.

Even if she really jumped up, it would be impossible to leave such a footprint. The footprint was so straight, it felt like Oshiba Mieko had stood astride the railing.

The distance between the two footprints and the angle with the railing are all too standard.

If she really jumped up reluctantly, the footprints could not be like this, they would definitely be crooked, and there might be more than one pair of footprints left because of her unstable standing.

Kazuma thought so.

The two problems of fishy smell and hanging decorations have not been solved yet, but now a new problem has arisen.

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