I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 677 So my new book is really not DND. Damn it.

Catfish Spirit doesn't have a good impression of that group of people, and he doesn't want to get involved in their plots. However, the world of monsters is based on strength. If he can't defeat them, he will have to be obedient. Catfish Spirit planned to give the tape to the group of people and end it with them, so in order to increase the weight of his words, he looked at the camera carefully and prepared to take a good picture of the last scene of Ghost Man Kosa.

"However, I didn't expect it to be so powerful..."

Catfish Spirit muttered to himself. At this time, he mainly refers to Masaaki Kosa who turned into a ghost.

Kosa Masaaki, who was originally just a weak scholar, became a half-human, half-demon ghost after being injected with that serum. Not only was he extremely powerful and agile, but he also had a hard armor that could block bullets. Even if he was attacked at the same time, The last two swordsmen were hardly left behind. In fact, the little girl-like kendo master almost fell into the hands of the ghost, but Kiryu Kazuma managed to make a comeback and cut off the ghost's wrist to stabilize his position.

The swordsman who can cut thunder is truly a genius of his generation. In fact, Angyi Jing didn't expect Kiren Kozo to be able to take him down. At first, Kiryu, Ma and the female swordsman were obviously caught off guard. Once they stabilized their position, it would be difficult to see a 50-50 situation like before, right? Catfish Spirit made a calm judgment. However, thanks to the blessing of the mysterious side by the Land of Eternal Darkness, the ghosts can obtain a steady stream of power here, so it is probably not that easy for Kiryu and Ma to win.

Catfish Spirit estimated that there would be another five or six rounds of tit-for-tat, but he was surprised when he turned his attention back to the camera. The fierce back-and-forth fight he imagined did not happen. Kiryu and Ma, who had no martial ethics, launched an attack before Demon's arm could regenerate, and it was a two-on-one situation! ?

"Isn't that too despicable?" Catfish Spirit couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

Kiryu and Ma were the first to slash at the demon with their bold sword skills. The criss-crossing sword paths almost cut off the demon's space for advancement and retreat. The ghost who couldn't dodge could only use the black scales on his body to resist Kiryu Kazuma's slashes, and the black scales were sliced ​​away by the authentic swordsman. Even if he tried to seize the opportunity to counterattack when his horse was exhausted, he would immediately be greeted by a sharp thrust from the female swordsman. The female swordsman's swordsmanship is very similar to Kazuma's. Although the momentum is slightly inferior, the subtlety of her moves seems to be superior. She can always seize the gap between the ghost's movements and deliver heavy blows from blind corners that are difficult to defend. .

During the battle, all the demon's advance and retreat were blocked by Kiryu Kazuma's slashes, and all attempts to counterattack were blocked by the female swordsman. The smooth cooperation between the two made people wonder if this was a pre-rehearsed martial arts performance. On the other hand, the ghost was completely suppressed and even ravaged.

"Wow ah ah..."

Catfish spirit could not help but tremble. He had experienced the Warring States Period when great powers arose. At that time, the heroic warriors suppressed the monsters with only their swords. It is said that in modern times when scientific civilization is prosperous, the martial energy of individual human beings should continue to weaken. I really can't figure out where the two powerful swordsmen over there made a mistake and came to this era? This problem really hurts the monster egg.

The ghost armor over there withstood the attack of the two swordsmen, mostly due to the blessing of the Land of Eternal Darkness here, but no matter how much blessing it was, it would have its limit. When Catfish Spirit controlled the camera and tried hard to capture the fighting scene, the killing there came to an end as a matter of course.

Kiryu Kazuma's sharp tooth thrust pierced the demon's chest. Almost at the same time, the female swordsman who appeared behind him like a ghost chopped off the ghost man's head with a horizontal slash. Even with the blessing of the Land of Eternal Darkness, the head cannot grow back if it falls off. I saw Kijin Kosa with his body and head separated, and thick black smoke suddenly rose from his body. In a few breaths, it disappeared into ashes without leaving any embers. When Ayujin finally adjusted the focus of the lens, what he saw was Kijin. A scene of ashes.

"What the hell!?"

Catfish Spirit was shocked. He only moved his gaze for a few seconds, so how come the battle was over when he regained consciousness? Could it be that he accidentally pressed the fast forward button? No, no, this is not a comic, where is the fast forward button... Catfish Spirit shook his head and complained, suddenly feeling a little scared. He has always been a bold monster. Because he is timid and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, he can live longer than anyone else.

Needless to say, Kiryu and Ma in front of him, as well as the powerful female swordsman he partnered with, were all classified as "try not to provoke" people by him. At this time, Catfish Spirit was already thinking about retreating and subconsciously looked at the camera in his hand. Fortunately, we finally managed to capture the scene of the fight between Oniman and Kirito and Uma, so we can barely cope with it this way.

With an idea in mind, Catfish Spirit turned off the camera and quietly retreated towards the lake. Now that Masaaki Koza has disappeared from the world, there is no need for him to get involved in this mess anymore. There were only a few people in the world who knew of his existence. If he wanted to hide, Kiryu and Ma might not be able to do anything against him. Although this place of constant darkness is a paradise on the mysterious side, it is not a good place for humans. Can Kiryu and Kazuma live here no matter how powerful they are?

The catfish spirit retreated into the lake while watching Kiryu Kazuma in the distance. Half of his legs were already wet with lake water, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of the swordswoman next to Kiryu Kazuma. Or to be precise, it was the Japanese sword in the female swordsman's hand, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh.


"Is there something wrong with Seiyu?" Kazuma looked at Seiryu in surprise.

"It's not that there's a problem, it's better to say that somehow it suddenly became very easy to use..." Qingliu tried hard to organize his words. "The moves that I couldn't use before can now be used very smoothly now. The transition between moves is also much smoother, as if... well, Qingyu is cooperating with me to perform it?"

"Is that so? But to be honest, you did perform quite extraordinary just now." Kazuma couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

Being able to deal with Kijin Kosa so quickly was largely due to Seiryu's sharp cooperation. He thought that the consistent and smooth breathing and the swordsmanship that seemed to suddenly improve by several levels were all the result of the blessing of the entry, but when Qingliu said it, it didn't seem to be exactly the case. Kazuma glanced at the top of Qingliu's head, and saw that there was indeed light flowing on the entry of flying dragons and phoenixes. The blessing effect of the entry is definitely there, but for such an almost radical change, there may be other factors.

Kazuma's eyes moved to the Seiyu Seiyu in Seiryu's hand, and he suddenly let out a sigh.

"Huh? Is there electricity?"

It wasn't an illusion, he really saw a flash of lightning on Duanshi Qingyu's sword. However, the lightning flashed away, and when he looked again, the intermittent clear rain returned to its dull appearance.

Could this sword also be a spiritual sword? Kazuma couldn't help but wonder. The swords in this world made by famous craftsmen who collect the essence of heaven and earth sometimes do contain extraordinary spirituality. His own Masamune and Muramasa were two spiritual swords with completely different personalities, but he had fought against Seiryu, and at that time Seiyu showed no signs of being similar to the spiritual swords.

"...Did you hear the sound of the sword?" Kazuma and Seiryu carefully confirmed.

"No." Qingliu shook her head, also full of doubts.

"Forget it, ask Tamamo when we get back, maybe she knows the answer." The mysterious side of the matter has the fox at home as a consultant. It is useless for a layman who doesn't understand the situation to think about it, so Kazuma shakes his head and puts the question aside. Pass by for a moment, and then move your gaze to the trestle ahead.

On the trestle, there was a pile of ashes left behind after the ghost man set himself on fire. In the ashes, there was also a metal watch that had been burnt black. There is no doubt that the watch belongs to Masaaki Kosa. If you take it for examination, you might be able to find DNA or something. However, Kazuma is not sure. Firstly, the genetic testing technology of this era is not as good as the world he came from. Secondly, looking at the ghostly appearance that Masaaki Koza turned into in the end, who knows whether his DNA is still a human sequence.

There is a mysterious side to this world. Kazuma doesn't know if this is the reason, but he feels that the world line seems to be offset from the other side he is familiar with. At least in that world, there is no such thing that can make ordinary people suddenly transform into Super Saiyans. Of course, there may be some in the movie, but after all, that thing is just an artistic exaggeration, and just now he really killed a half-human, half-demon villain.

Kosa Masaaki has been reduced to ashes at this moment, so the problem remains. Who is it, and by what means, and why did he become like that? There are so many things here that can be explored in depth. Kazuma felt like he had finally caught a rope, but when he pulled it, he found that there was an Amazon forest behind it. And now the rope is really broken? I don't even know how to start.

"No, the clues are too complicated, I have to figure it out..."

Kazuma simply sat on the ground, closed his eyes and began to meditate. Anyway, with Haru Liu on guard, he didn't have to worry about being attacked.

The Hyuga Company, which was implicated by the Takata Police Department, Masaaki Kosa and others, used brainwashing techniques to manipulate people's minds, seek money and kill people, and other series of incidents. It should be said that the successive executions of the two named masterminds can generally be regarded as coming to an end. Intuitively, Kazuma is more inclined to treat this mutated ghost and Hyuga Company separately. Because Takada obviously has no contact with the mysterious side, and even if Kosa does communicate with the mysterious side, it is most likely that he is just an errand boy. He didn't seem qualified to participate in a doomsday project like this that allowed ordinary people to suddenly transform into ferocious ghosts. If Kosa Masaaki really had such a trump card in his hand, then he wouldn't have had to engage in such dirty brainwashing with Takada in the first place.

Based on these reasons, Kazuma judged that the brainwashing criminal Hyuga Company and the mysterious mutation of ghosts should be two independent incidents. Masaaki Kosa only accidentally played a walk-on role in it, and was finally sacrificed as a victim. Sacrificed. Chasing Masaaki Koza and entering the Land of Everlasting Darkness, he theoretically got involved in this conspiracy that is still unknown by accident. To be honest, Kazuma didn't really believe that it was really an "accident." Since time travel, his chances of running into big and small incidents are almost comparable to those of the legendary Shinigami elementary school student. As for the new entry he got a while ago, Kazuma is convinced that there really is a so-called "God's arrangement" in this world. The fact that he stepped into a new event so easily this time was most likely due to the blessing of the Tiandao entry. Kazuma could almost see the words "Practice the Dao for Heaven" shining brightly behind his back.

"Hey, after all, I don't have any salary to draw, so why should I be happy..."

Kazuma, who was meditating, shook his head and smiled bitterly. In any case, this arrangement made his thinking a lot clearer. Takada Kosa was killed one after another, and the incident at Hyuga Company ended here. This time's ghost-human mutation can be seen as a new subject from the mysterious side, and the forces and strength involved behind it may far exceed the former. As for how to investigate, currently we can only fall into the dark place here.

Starting from Fuzhi Technology, Kazuma frequently came into contact with the mysterious side. Tamamo instilled in him a lot of common sense about the mysterious side as a precaution, many of which were about the Land of Eternal Darkness. Kazuma frowned and recalled the content of the Great Demon Fox Cult, when suddenly his ears caught a slight sound. The sound was similar to the rotation of a miniature motor. If it were placed on the streets of Tokyo, it would probably not attract his attention, but this is a place of constant darkness!

Kazuma opened his eyes slightly and looked around with his peripheral vision. He saw Qingyu standing guard three steps away when Qingliu broke his hand, and slightly behind her, in a hidden corner of the trestle, there was a weak reflected light. . That distance is within the range of a pistol, and you can also get it with the "Black Dragon"——

Kazuma opened his eyes and waved to Qingliu. After being greeted, Qingliu turned sideways and looked over. The angle just blocked the reflection in the distance. Kazuma grabbed the pistol that was threatening him at that moment, and fired three bullets at the flash point accurately. A panicked scream sounded from the corner of the trestle, and then a black shadow jumped out. Kazuma, who had already taken a stance, suddenly stepped forward and released the black dragon. The heavy scabbard shot towards the black shadow in the air like a roaring black dragon, but the moment it touched the opponent, it inexplicably slipped sideways and fell far into the lake.

"Hit it crookedly?"

Kazuma was astonished. He was already very skilled in using the black dragon, and it should be impossible for him to miss it. However, the ferocious black dragon's move still seemed to frighten the concealer enough. The opponent fell diagonally from the air and hit the trestle in front with a thud.


Seiryu's majestic shouts turned into screams on the way. Kazuma looked up and showed an expression of astonishment that was not inferior to Seiryu's.

What he peeked out from behind was a short, fat humanoid with stubby limbs. I saw that the short and fat humanoid was dressed in the noble clothes that seemed to have wandered off the set. Above the neck, there was a flat and round fish head, and it was holding a small video camera in its hand. So many elements were combined in an extremely inconsistent manner to form an almost absurd image. Even Kazuma, who was well-informed, was stunned for half a quarter of an hour before he could react.

"...catfish spirit?"

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