I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 678: About the fact that my new book is obviously stuck before the climax and I updated a bu

"...catfish spirit?"

"Oh, as expected of Kiryu Kazuma, you actually recognized me at a glance." Popularity is probably a symbol of a monster's status. The catfish spirit even looked proud when his name was called.

"Well, I guessed, I guessed." Kazuma was also a little embarrassed. He couldn't say that he knew catfish essence. It was because his fox once introduced a recipe that blindly used catfish essence as a medicine, right? If he were a neutral-aligned youkai like Shantaro, Kazuma would probably still be interested in flirting with him for a few words, but the catfish spirit in front of him was most likely related to Masaaki Kosa's ghost-human mutation, so it was too late to be on guard.

"So, you are the mastermind behind this?" Kazuma directly confirmed without going around in circles.

"No, I'm just a bastard running errands." Catfish Spirit rolled his eyes and put on an expression that said, "Do you think I look like a shady person?"

The catfish spirit with stubby limbs and the helpless expression of rolling its eyes looked quite comical, so that Seiryu next to him couldn't help laughing. After being glanced at by Kazuma, he quickly straightened his face and raised his head to be alert. The catfish spirit's eyes paused for a few beats on Sui Shi Qingyu, and then fell on Kazuma.

The human named Kiryu Kazuma in front of him exuded a sharp aura like a sharp blade. Catfish Spirit is no stranger to this type of aura. It is the unique coercion of the swordsman Sword Master. He had encountered such heroes many times during the Warring States Period, but he did not expect to encounter such heroes in this era. Experience told him that it was useless to be clever when dealing with such a person. When the female swordsman next to him laughed, Kiryu Kazuma's anger kept shrouding him, leaving him no chance to take advantage of it. Catfish Spirit couldn't help but feel a headache. Originally, he had no intention of wading into this muddy water, but now it seemed that he couldn't escape.

"It's quite rare to be able to admit so readily that you are a bastard..." At this time, Kazuma looked at the catfish spirit with a half-smile. Among the monsters he had seen before, the catfish spirit in front of him was indeed the cutest one in appearance, but that didn't mean it was easy to deal with. "By the way, who are you running errands for? Can you please sue me?"

"Hmph, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about, little baby. This has nothing to do with you." Catfish Spirit put on a mature and solemn look and said in a preaching tone. "You came after Masaaki Koza, right? Now that he has been killed by you, it's time to avenge any grudges or grudges. You can go back, I won't stop you."

"You won't stop me?" Kazuma raised his eyebrows. This catfish is surprisingly the peace-loving type?

"That's right, as I said before, you'd better not have any thoughts of taking me down to ask about the shady story. This dark place is my territory. If I want to leave, you can't stop me." The fish spirit snorted heavily, sounding quite confident.

Kazuma stared at the catfish spirit expressionlessly, seemingly unmoved, but he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. Compared with those enemies that attack directly with shouts of beating and killing, this kind of opponent that seems to be lying flat but is actually slippery is actually more troublesome to deal with. From the corner of Kazuma's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Seiryu sneaking around behind Ayujin, as if he wanted to cut off his retreat, but Kazuma felt that this move might not be very effective. Just like Catfish Spirit said, the Land of Eternal Darkness is his territory. If he really wants to hide, others really can't do anything to him.

If nothing else, as long as the catfish spirit jumps into the big lakes on both sides, he will probably have no choice but to go to the Nanjo family for depth charges. Wait, depth charges? Did I just think of getting depth charges? Kazuma was shocked by his crude idea, but at the same time he had an idea.

"I understand. I don't want to get into any unnecessary trouble. It's better to end it today..." Kazuma nodded falsely, and Qingliu over there widened his eyes. "But are you really not afraid of letting us go back like this?"

"...What do you mean?" Catfish Jing frowned this time.

"Look, I'm a member of the police department, and I'm still serving in a mobile unit equipped with heavy equipment." Kazuma took out the police badge as a gesture, and then saw an obvious look of alert on the face of the catfish. The monsters that survived this era have an almost instinctive fear of the scientific civilization created by humans. Kazuma confirmed that this move was effective, so he continued.

"Masaki Kosa is the suspect I am tracking, and then he disappeared here. In order to continue the investigation, I have the right to mobilize the force of the mobile team to assist me in carrying out the task. For example, using explosive devices to seal the abandoned tunnel of the reservoir, Or, use depth charges to destroy unknown underwater objects..." He was talking nonsense with Ma Xinkou. Theoretically speaking, the police department does not have such arbitrary power, but the youkai do not know the details of the Japanese police system, so they cannot point out Kazuma's loopholes.

The effect of this threat was very significant. The catfish spirit, which was originally in a hob-meat posture, seemingly not afraid of the King of Heaven, shook violently when he heard the explosive device. He looked at Kazuma with wide eyes in disbelief, and waited until Kazuma threw it again. When the deep-water bomb was fired, the catfish spirit's round eyes shrank sharply, and his whole figure jumped up as if he had been stabbed.

"How dare you!" The catfish spirit glared at Kazuma, his body swaying like chaff, but the demonic energy in his body suddenly boiled.

Am I so effective? Have you really been blown up by a depth charge? Kazuma clicked his tongue in his heart, but on the surface, he glanced at the catfish spirit and expressed the attitude of "What reason do I have to dare?" with the elegant sneer emerging from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it! I changed my mind! You have to die here! Anyone who knows about my existence must die here!" Catfish Spirit, who was stabbed in the foot, not only became rough when he spoke, but also Even the two tentacles at the corners of his mouth were uncharacteristically showing their teeth and claws, and in the next moment they were dancing towards Kazuma.

"What..." Kazuma was stunned.

Although the Catfish Spirit's limbs look stubby and clumsy, the movements of its two tentacles are not slow at all. The tentacles, thick enough for the wrist, struck from the left and right sides at the same time at a speed that was not inferior to the thrust of a bamboo sword. Even someone as strong as Kazuma could only barely dodge the first whisk, and then was struck by the second whip. Hit in the shoulder - at that moment, Kazuma felt as if his shoulder had been hit hard by a high-speed motorcycle, and he even vaguely heard the crack of the shoulder bone. If he hadn't jumped back to lessen the impact at the moment he was hit, one of his arms would have been crippled on the spot.

Kazuma followed the force of the impact and retreated five or six steps, hit the railing of the trestle, and immediately climbed onto the railing and jumped horizontally. Almost at the same time as he turned over and jumped up, two fierce tentacles followed. Kazuma was not hit this time, but rows of seemingly sturdy bridge railings were crushed under the whipping of the tentacles. The sacrifice of the bridge railing bought time, and Kazuma took the opportunity to jump to the other side of the bridge, temporarily distancing himself from the catfish spirit.

"Damn, is this guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

There was a burning pain in his shoulder, and Kazuma looked at the bridge pole that had been beaten to almost ashes with lingering fear, and had to admit that he almost capsized in the gutter. The fundamental reason why the boat almost capsized was his arrogance. Looking at the catfish spirit with its stubby limbs and funny appearance, he intentionally or unintentionally felt contempt for it, but he ignored that this was a dark place where monsters could exert their true power. As a result, he was caught off guard by the fierce offensive of Catfish Spirit. But having said that, Kazuma had never fought anything other than humanoids before, so how could he never have guessed that those two tentacles could be so powerful?

"Kazuma! Let me help you!"

While Kazuma corrected his attitude again and took up his stance, Seiryu also came closer with Suikoki Seisame in hand.

"Well, that guy has two tentacles, and each of us is responsible for cleaning up one. Be vigilant at all times, I don't know what tricks this guy has yet to use." Kazuma made a simple and crude tactical arrangement, and at the same time carefully reminded Qingliu to be careful. Insidious trick - monsters and humans are completely different species, and any existing experience must not be applied. The fact that he almost fell under the tentacles just now taught Kazuma a shocking lesson.


Qingliu responded with great momentum, then picked up the tentacle on the left and rushed out.

In order to cover Seiryu, Kazuma immediately rushed towards Ayujin. As long as the catfish spirit is chopped off, the two tentacles will naturally cease to exist, but of course such a wishful thinking will not succeed easily. As Kazuma rushed out, the tentacles on the right swept towards him. The tentacles entwined with the demonic energy were terrifying, but this time Kazuma was prepared, and with a low cry, he slashed towards the front of the tentacles. Kazuma originally thought of cutting off the tentacles, but the moment the knife struck, the tentacles suddenly swung to the side like a rubber stick. As a result, most of Kazuma's slashing force was removed, leaving only a very shallow mark on the surface of the tentacle.

Not only that, the chopped tentacles were thrown back after swinging in a circle, and even the force of Kazuma's slash was superimposed, doubling the speed and force. In a hurry, Kazuma had to put up his hands to block the attack. Amidst the sound of gold and iron, He Ma was pushed back five or six steps by the heavy force. His hands were shaken to the point of numbness, and his posture almost collapsed.


Is this a minor fish? Then wouldn’t all the bosses he fought in the past have to cry to death! ? Kazuma spat. That tentacle alone is already worthy of a top-notch kendo master, and the activity mode is completely different from that of fighting with humans. If you are not careful, you will fall directly into the abyss of defeat! Kazuma hadn't felt this frightened for a long time since his last fight with Old Ghost Sugi. The fact that he encountered a powerful enemy made his swordsman's blood boil for a long time!

"X your mother! Who is afraid of whom!?"

A ferocious fighting spirit surged in Kazuma's heart, and Masamune in his hand responded to his master's will by making a sweet sword cry. Kazuma lowered his head in surprise, only to see a cloud-like white light overflowing from the authentic blade, and then turned into vaguely visible characters wrapping around the blade.

Masamune, what's wrong with you? Kazuma was slightly stunned, and at the same time he heard the curses of Catfish Spirit coming from over there.

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