I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 690 If you interact with NPCs like Zhuge Daxia...

"Is it too shallow?"

Those small triangular nails of two or three centimeters can be used to pierce the soles of people's shoes, but they should not be able to stop thick rubber tires - just when Kazuma thought so, the triangular nails that penetrated the front wheels There was a sudden small explosion.

The explosion punctured the tire rubber, and the front wheel of the van was immediately shredded by its own air pressure, causing the entire vehicle to crash to the left front out of control.

There is a green belt in front of the left. The out-of-control van plunged into the green belt, plowed through the flowers, plants and shrubs along the way, and finally hit the dividing wall at the end of the green belt, and then turned off and stopped.

"Awesome!" Kazuma couldn't help but whistle.

The stalled van was only three or four meters away from the nearest residential house, and was buffered by a green belt. The gangsters and pregnant women in the van should not have suffered much impact.

It would be too much of a coincidence to say that these were all accidental, but if they were the result of careful calculations, then Kurosaki's ability might be even better than he expected. Just like Yoshikawa's time, Kazuma suddenly felt like he might have found a treasure.

Not knowing that he had been included in the talent pool of the future police director, Kurosaki drove his motorcycle around a corner and stopped in front of the van.

It just so happened that the door of the van was violently kicked open at this time, and four Yakuza gangsters were seen walking out cursing, holding steel pipe daggers and other murder weapons in their hands. Previously, Kurosaki was worried about the kidnapped pregnant woman, so he deliberately chose the last one. After a gentle interception plan, the gangsters were not seriously injured. At this time, they actually dared to rely on their numerical advantage and surrounded the two of them fiercely.

"You bastards! What do you want to do?"

"Tch! Just stop meddling in your own business, traffic police. It's your job to issue street tickets, right?"

"Brothers, get ready to have some fun. If nothing happens, get out of here!"

"Looking for fun..."

The corner of Kazuma's mouth twitched slightly, and a strong desire to crush these scum suddenly emerged. After experiencing the fierce battle between Chang An Lake and the mysterious side, the four Yakuza gangsters in front of Kazuma didn't even warm up enough in Kazuma's eyes. But just when Kazuma was rubbing his fists and getting ready to go on stage, Kurosaki Nagahide next to him was one step ahead. Step out.

"Personally, I don't really like to use violence, because I often tend to go too far..." Kurosaki said with a cold face, pulling out his baton and moving forward steadily.

"But sometimes I can't help but wonder if there are other means besides violence to correct the corrupt nature of you bastards."

"What are you talking about, you bastard..."

The gangster who was waving a steel pipe and shouting was hit in the cheek by a sudden swing of a baton. With a muffled sound, his teeth flew out to the side along with his body.

Kurosaki didn't even look at the gangster A who covered his face and screamed, and stabbed the gangster B on the right with his baton. At this time, Gangster B reacted and hurriedly raised the steel pipe to hold the baton. Who knew that in the next moment, sparks suddenly popped out from the front of the baton.

The electric sparks hit the steel pipe with the force of the stick, and Gang B, who was captured by the high-voltage electricity, collapsed to the ground in convulsions all over his body.

Seeing their accomplice being knocked down in half in the blink of an eye, Gangster C and Gangster Ding couldn't help but widen their eyes, then looked at each other, roared and rushed over from both sides.

Gangster C raised the steel bat and screamed, hitting it at Kurosaki's head. However, Kurosaki only turned slightly sideways to avoid the ill-aimed blow. When he dodged, he hit Gangster C's abdomen with his knee. The latter He immediately fell to the side, holding his stomach.

The gangster seemed to be more calm. He caught the gap where Kurosaki couldn't dodge, held the short knife tightly and aimed at his flank. Kaifeng's dagger was considered a heavy weapon in the scale of Ji Dao fighting, but Kurosaki stretched out his left hand to hold the dagger directly.

The motorcycle gloves that were not afraid of blades were probably modified. The gangster was slightly stunned when his killer weapon failed, but the high-voltage baton also poked his waist at the same time. So in the flash of lightning, the gangster was no exception and followed in the footsteps of his accomplices——

This fight seemed complicated, but it actually only lasted half a minute. Kurosaki used smooth movements to deal with the four Yakuza gangsters, and quietly exhaled, but unexpected applause broke out from the side - the person applauding was Kazuma next to the van.

The gangsters seemed to have never thought of taking the young pregnant woman as a hostage, so they gave priority to ensuring the safety of the kidnapped people when Kurosaki was in action, but they did not miss Kurosaki's wonderful martial arts performance.

For Kazuma, who is used to kendo, Kurosaki's flexible use of various equipment in fighting skills is new to him, and he also admires his efficient and neat skills. It should be said that he is indeed a man with a special title. Even if he were to face the karate master Yoshikawa, there is a high probability that he would not be at a disadvantage.

"...I'm sorry, the officer got hot-headed and stole the police department's prey." Kurosaki put away his baton and gave Kazuma an apologetic wry smile.

"No, these guys are not even enough to be used as targets for practice, but seeing Kurosaki-kun's fighting methods has made me gain even more." Kazuma shook his head, and then noticed Kurosaki's eyes glancing into the van, "Don't worry, The lady was not injured...in fact, she had fallen asleep in her seat, and I even doubted whether she knew she had been kidnapped."

"As long as everyone is fine." Kurosaki breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then saluted Kazuma, "I'm sorry for the police department, but the junior officer has to go over there to clean up the scene. Can you please help keep an eye on these bastards?"

"Of course." Kazuma nodded, and then watched Kurosaki run towards the road where the van lost control earlier.

I saw Kurosaki walking around with his waist bent, picking up the unexploded triangular nails scattered on the ground with a particularly skillful technique. At this time, the two people's interception of the Yakuza gangsters had attracted the attention of nearby people. However, there was a patrol motorcycle parked nearby, and anyone with eyes could probably guess what was going on.

Coupled with the sight of four ferocious strong men groaning in pain on the ground, kind-hearted citizens and others avoided the scene.

"...I'm sorry to keep you waiting." After a while, Kurosaki, who had packed up, trotted over to report.

"By the way, that motorcycle seems to be carrying a lot of interesting gadgets?" Kazuma looked at Kurosaki's police motorcycle, and then moved his eyes to the baton on his waist. "Also, this one seems to be quite useful. Did you modify it yourself?"

"It's just the official's personal interest." Kurosaki smiled but did not deny it. "Junior officials like to make bits and pieces in their spare time. Sometimes they forget to put them at home. 'Occasionally' they happen to come in handy like this... But it's a coincidence after all. Please ask the police department to make up for it. Take it to heart.”

Unlike a beautiful country that is accustomed to letting itself go, the Japanese police are not allowed to modify the attached equipment at will. Kurosaki's various practical modifications to motorcycles, batons and other equipment would definitely be punished if reported and pursued seriously. Kurosaki was unsure of Kazuma's attitude, so he left foreshadowings and escape routes everywhere in his words.

Of course, Kazuma doesn't dislike people who are thoughtful. Rather, it would be more trustworthy if they were partners. However, the two of them have not yet established enough trust at this stage, so even if Kazuma pats his chest and promises to keep the secret, it will be of no use.

"I have a GTR borrowed from the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Department." Kazuma smiled and snapped his fingers, "I also installed some gadgets on it for the convenience of the mission, but there are still some places that need to be adjusted. Unfortunately, I didn't drive it out today. , if Kurosaki-kun is free one day, I would like to ask you some work in private."

"Yeah?" Maybe he didn't expect Kazuma to say that? Kurosaki, who was originally somewhat wary, looked blank.

At this time, Kazuma didn't push the topic any further, smiled slightly, and then walked towards the Yakuza who were still moaning on the ground over there.

The two Yakuza gangsters who had been electrocuted had not yet woken up, so Kazuma set his sights on Gang A, who had his teeth knocked out in the first place. He walked over and kicked the gangster over.

"Stop pretending to be dead and get up and talk."

"You bastard! Damn that bastard cop, stop being so arrogant! You dare to take action against our Nine Demons Group, you idiot who doesn't know how to live or die, I will sink you under Tokyo Bay tomorrow and kill you with a thousand swords...yeah!?" As if you were sure! Kazuma and others did not dare to do anything to them. The kicked Jidao yelled at the two of them, but he suddenly stopped while cursing.

Ji Dao looked at Kazuma's face, and then at the Japanese sword behind him, with his mouth half open, as if he was confirming in disbelief: "Kan, Dragon of Kanto? Kiryu Kazuma!?"

"...Should I be happy? Even the big guys of the Nine Demons Group know about me?" Kazuma teased.

"No, no, um, in the Guandong United... No, no, there's no one in the Jida who doesn't know your name..." Gang A cried sadly. The so-called shadow of the famous tree of people, Kazuma fought with real swords and guns all the way from the Nishikiyama group to the Tsuda group to the Kanto Union. Even the president of the Kanto Union was almost chopped down by him. To say that he was more famous in the Yakuza. I can't find a second one that is more prosperous.

Originally, the Yakuza was a very gangster society, and whoever had the bigger fist was the boss. The gangster suddenly knew that he was in trouble with the legendary gang destroyer. Naturally, he was trembling with fear, and his momentum collapsed instantly.

"Uh, we didn't know it was you who was always chasing us... uh, the Nine Demons Group is a third-generation group with little reputation. Please show your respect... please show your respect..." Gangster A was trembling all over and was so nervous that he even spoke incoherently. . This appearance made Kazuma lose interest in torture and interrogation for a while, and he raised his finger and pointed at the square corner of the van.

"Let me confirm, you are planning to kidnap that lady, right?"

"No, no, we just saw her wandering on the street and wanted to play with her..." Gangster A waved his hands repeatedly. "Really! We didn't use force. She didn't resist when we pulled her into the car. You see, she didn't even have any injuries on her body... We just wanted to have fun..."

"Play with your sister!" Kazuma raised his leg and kicked Gang A in the face, who screamed and fell back. The aggrieved Kazumahara Urushiichi wanted to go over and kick him, but was unexpectedly blocked by Kurosaki.

"The police department added that it was just self-defense. If it continues, it will be difficult to deal with..." Kurosaki reminded Kazuma in a low voice.

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