I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 691 Hasegawa Mikoto’s Past

Although the Japanese police are nominally a violent institution that maintains social order, their actual implementation is subject to restrictions in all aspects. Previously, the Yakuza came to kill them with knives and sticks, and the two men's actions were regarded as self-defense. However, if they inflict harm after the Yakuza have surrendered, it will become very troublesome for those who want to pursue them.

Kurosaki's reminder was considered a good intention, but Kazuma tutted and had to stop angrily.

"Kurosaki-kun, can you charge them with attempted kidnapping?"

"It's possible, but to be honest, I don't recommend doing that..." Kurosaki shook his head in embarrassment.

"Does the police supplement department also know? Recently, there have been many day sleepwalkers like her on the streets of Tokyo. Sleep walkers will not resist or refuse, so crimes such as robbery and obscenity against them are also increasing day by day... Although there are also Many have been caught, but the problem is that the victims are in a state of confusion during the process, so even if charges are filed, it is often impossible to convict them in the end. And..."

Moreover, these guys are like flies that emerge from corrupt things. They are inevitable in the social structure. To be honest, the police can't catch them all even if they want to. Punishing them when encountering them like this is the most efficient correction method to make them remember their lessons.

"It's quite a unique insight, but I think it's right." Kazuma smiled bitterly and shook his head, once again confirming that the patrolman in front of him was not a reckless man with force. Suihao and Ma glared at the gangsters underground, warned them to restrain themselves, and then turned their attention to the topic.

"So Kurosaki-kun, as far as the current situation is concerned, the focus is still on those day sleepwalkers who suddenly appear?"

"Yes. We can send this lady to the nearby police station first." Kurosaki nodded seriously. "I think there should be a police department there to tell you what you want to know."


After all, Kazuma is a police officer who graduated from Tokyo University, and is one of the elites of the Sakurada clan on the same level as the gold watch team. No matter what, he can't go to the police station in casual clothes.

So Kazuma went home first and changed into a formal suit, then drove to the GTR and took the pregnant woman who was daydreaming and nearly kidnapped to the local police station. Of course, Kurosaki Nagahide was also with him as a witness.

"Want to report a crime? The child at home suddenly disappeared? Hey, are you sure he didn't want to skip school?"

"What? I woke up and found myself in an unknown place, and my wallet and watch were all stripped off?"

"Team Five, Team Five, there is a Ji Dao Dou at the Ermachi intersection, deal with the situation there first! Repeat, deal with the situation there first!"

"Hey, a molestation suspect has been sent here. Which one of you will be responsible for interrogating him?"

As soon as he stepped into the police station, Kazuma was overwhelmed by the scorching atmosphere. A small police station like this that has jurisdiction over local neighborhoods cannot be said to have sufficient manpower, and there are not many emergencies in normal times. During this period, due to the frequent appearance of day sleepwalkers and the accompanying deterioration of public security, the business volume of the police station was reduced. Directly doubled.

From the operators who stayed at the police station to the officers who were running on the front lines, almost everyone was busy, especially the slightly bald police chief. He was so busy that he learned that the police department had sent a replacement to kidnap the victim. When he saw this, his face suddenly showed a look of almost crying.

"Well, if your department is too busy, can I handle it for you?"

Originally, local police stations had their own fixed jurisdictions, and if they wanted to intervene in the affairs of other jurisdictions, there would be a very troublesome application process. However, Kazuma himself is an important person in the Chuo Sakurada Gate, and the position of the witnesses at the scene, so the procedures That makes sense.

But when Kazuma spoke up and took matters into his own hands, the police chief's face seemed to light up for a moment.

"Really? Thank you so much!"

The half-bald police chief took Kazuma's hand with gratitude and said that the police station facilities are free for you to use as you wish. If you have time, can you leave a signature for my grandson?

In short, the attitude of wanting to leave a good impression is quite obvious, but it also feels like I am using too much force. When his eyes fell on Kurosaki Nagahide, who followed Kazuma in, the police chief's expression suddenly froze, and he turned his back to Kurosaki and whispered to Kazuma.

"Well, although you might be a little nosy, the police department advises you not to get too close to that guy..."

"...Why?" Kazuma frowned. Kurosaki Nagahide seems to be stationed in the police station in front of him, but the police officers seem to have a quite alienated attitude towards him.

Kazuma had paid more attention when he stepped into the police station earlier. The police officers he met along the way avoided Kurosaki intentionally or unintentionally, and there were whispers behind him. The disdainful attitude of the police chief in front of him was even more obvious.

"That guy is a dangerous person sent from above. It is said that he not only used a gun to threaten innocent citizens, but also sent his boss to the hospital. Until now, I only dare to arrange traffic patrol jobs for him, but it is still troublesome.

"The police department reminds you that if you want to associate with him, you won't be surprised if you get shot in the back anytime."

Judging from the fearful tone, I'm afraid half of the police chief's reminder was sincere.

"Is there such a thing?" Kazuma, who listened to the police chief's sincere reminder, was surprised and aroused at the same time. And when he subconsciously looked at Kurosaki, the latter raised his hand and saluted as if he had expected it, and applied for withdrawal.

"Director, since the incident has been taken over by the Kiryu Police Department, the junior officer will go back to continue patrolling."

"Go, go, remember not to cause trouble! Really, please think about it for me to clean up the aftermath..."

"Yes." Kurosaki Nagahide nodded expressionlessly, then turned and walked towards the door, but he was stopped from behind after not taking two steps.

"Wait a minute, Kurosaki-kun." It was naturally Kazuma who stopped Kurosaki, and he turned to look at the police chief. "Director, Kurosaki-kun was involved in the entire incident. Thanks to him, it did not turn into a vicious kidnapping case. There are many execution details that I need to confirm with him. I hope you can allow him to participate in the investigation."

"Well, since the police department added what you said..." The police chief, who clearly wanted to please the important people of the Sakurada clan, could not refuse Kazuma's proposal, so he turned to Kurosaki helplessly. "Kurosaki-kun, did you hear that? Just stay and assist the police department in the investigation. If you do well, this might be your chance to rise to the top."

"Yes." Kurosaki Nagahide turned around and glanced at Kazuma quite unexpectedly.

"Now, two dangerous elements have come together..." Although the police chief next to him didn't speak any more, his expression revealed such a message.


The small police station was so busy that Kazuma found a rest room to accommodate the victim of the attempted kidnapping. Of course, Kurosaki Nagahide, who was ordered to assist, also went with him.

The young pregnant woman who was moved over sat down in the lounge and was still in a trance, half asleep and half awake. Kazuma did see the entry for "The Lost" above her head, but unfortunately he couldn't tell anything more from the entry alone. .

The noisy atmosphere of the police station seemed to stimulate the woman's feelings to some extent. Not long after sitting down in the lounge, Kazuma saw the entry above her head begin to sway like smoke, and then quickly dissipated without a trace.

After the entry disappeared, the woman woke up with a "Ah" sound, and then looked around with a confused face. It took a full quarter of an hour for Kazuma to explain the situation to her and calm down.

"Daydreaming, it sounds like I've seen it on TV... Well, it's said to be caused by the change of seasons and excessive stress, but after I got pregnant, I quit my job and stayed at home to raise the baby, and my husband also took great care of me. , there should be no pressure..." The woman who calmed down looked confused and looked down at the cup of hot tea in her hand made with cheap tea bags from the police station.

The person who made the tea was of course Kurosaki, and through the previous introduction, Kazuma also learned that this lucky young pregnant woman was named Hasegawa Mikoto. She was twenty-five years old and a professional housewife who lived nearby.

Unsurprisingly, Mikoto had no memory of her experience of being almost abducted by the Yakuza while sleepwalking. However, she did not doubt Kazuma's words, and instead followed the police's request and worked hard to sort out the situation.

"Speaking of which, I was indeed in a trance during this period, but the doctor said it was a normal reaction of pregnancy... Well, I was also careless in doing things, and I seemed to forget things I remembered often, which caused a lot of trouble to the people around me..."

"Does this always happen?" Kazuma asked with a frown.

"No, it should have only appeared...two or three years ago, right? After all, I was still working as an accountant at that time, and carelessness is something I can't do...that's right?" Hasegawa Mikoto showed a slightly proud look, Tell Kazuma that she once worked in a well-known accounting firm and her income was quite good.

She resigned from an accounting firm about two or three years ago. As for the reason for her resignation, it seemed that during that period, she suddenly became trance-like and made frequent mistakes at work. Because I really couldn't do it anymore, I had to resign, and then I got married early and became a professional housewife through someone's introduction.

"I think about it. At that time, my head was really a mess, as if something was blocked and couldn't move... Oh, luckily Guangzhi is a very considerate person and helped me share the burden after getting married. A lot of housework, and then my mind gradually became clearer... ah, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for just saying these boring things that have no nutrition." Hasegawa Mikoto covered her mouth apologetically.

"No, it sounds quite interesting. Living happily is better than anything else." Kazuma smiled and exchanged meaningful glances with Kurosaki next to him.

Among the personal experiences stated by Hasegawa Mikoto, there is a rather disturbing point, and that is her experience of resigning from an accounting firm.

Being able to work in a well-known accounting firm shows that her brain is definitely not bad. If her brain is not bad, why did she suddenly become a loser and even unable to do her job? In Kazuma's intuition, there seems to be a very key clue hidden in it.

"Did anything happen before you resigned from the firm? Such as an accidental car accident, death of a close relative, etc."

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