I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 692: At the critical moment, your own fox is still reliable

"Did anything happen before you resigned from the firm? Such as an accidental car accident, death of a close relative, etc."

Kazuma also observed Hasegawa Mikoto carefully during the inquiry. I saw that this new mother looked quite good except for being a little confused, and she didn't look like the type to be associated with illegal drugs.

However, if these conditions that may lead to changes are eliminated, then it is probably certain that there is something wrong with the dream.

"No, my parents are farming in Hokkaido. There was a car accident... I don't drive either..." Mikoto frowned and looked at the ceiling, seeming to be thinking hard. "Speaking of which, I seemed to be dreaming a lot during that time..."

"Dream? What dream?" Kazuma immediately became alert.

"Well, in the dream, I seemed... to a place I don't know what it looked like. That place felt very friendly and made people feel at ease..." When she said this, an almost intoxicated look appeared on Hasegawa Mikoto's face, and her voice gradually faded. Go down.

"Every time I stay there, it feels like I'm melting inside. There's a voice telling me... asking me to remember, asking me to come back here... to my true home, to return..."

"Stop! Stop!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kazuma shouted lowly, interrupting her memories. Hasegawa Mikoto, who almost fell into confusion again, screamed and blinked her eyes to wake up.

"Sorry, this dream seems to have no meaning. Can you tell me how you met your husband? I remember that you seemed to be on a blind date." Kazuma changed the subject, but he was already sweating in his heart.

Not only was that dream okay, it was downright suspicious, okay? ? According to his personal experience, the most common form of mysterious interference in the present world is this kind of strange dream without explanation!

Moreover, if there really was a mysterious black hand behind the dream, judging from Hasegawa Runqin's performance just now, I'm afraid its influence is still working on her spirit to this day. Therefore, Kazuma didn't dare to ask any more questions, for fear of irritating her and turning her into a confused "lost person" again.

"Hiroyuki is a sailor. Sometimes he goes to sea for two or three months, but whenever he has a chance, he will make long-distance calls to me. I have told him many times not to waste money, but he just doesn't listen." Hasegawa Mikoto said. While nagging about the history of love with her husband, it seemed that the attention was indeed diverted from the dangerous dream, and Kazuma couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of which, I was almost kidnapped, right? Ah, thank you so much to the two police officers. If anything happens to me and the baby, Guangzhi will definitely be heartbroken when he comes back... You saved our family, I can't thank you enough." Mikoto Hasegawa, who suddenly remembered this, stood up and bowed deeply to the two people in front of her.

Kazuma and Kurosaki, who were thanked, looked at each other, and saw a bit of joy in each other's eyes. Although the situation regarding daydreaming has been shrouded in chaos so far, at least they have temporarily maintained the happiness of the small family in front of them.

Kazuma then stood up and saluted with extra solemnity.

"You're welcome. It's our duty to protect kind citizens from harm."


When she left the police station, the entry above Mikoto Hasegawa's head had disappeared without a trace, and her consciousness returned to normal. Considering that the day sleepwalker hasn't recurred so far, she should be fine for the time being. After sending Hasegawa away, Kazuma and Kurosaki found a place in the tea room of the busy police station to sort out the situation.

Compared to the last time I escorted the lost child, I got much more information from Hasegawa Mikoto. First of all, it is certain that daydreaming, that is, the appearance of "lost people" is not natural.

Then there is a high probability that Hasegawa's trance state is most likely due to the special period before his resignation. Dreams are a common method used by the mysterious side to interfere in the real world. Nine times out of ten, Hasegawa’s dream has a mysterious hand behind it, and it is certain that the influence from that time still remains to this day.

Who did it? What method is used to make it? For what purpose?

To understand the specific situation, we must answer these three questions. Originally, it would be easiest to ask Hasegawa directly, but the fact that the person involved will immediately fall into the "lost person" after just recalling it becomes an insurmountable obstacle.

Kazuma wonders if this is protection set up by the mastermind behind the scenes? Daydreamers with the title "Lost" have appeared frequently in recent days. Assuming that they are all the result of similar encounters as Hasegawa Mikoto, then the history of such a terrifying amount of mysterious interference in the human world is unheard of.

There are still many obstacles between them, and Kazuma can almost feel the malice stinging his skin, so there is absolutely no reason to ignore it.

If we want to investigate, we can only start with the frequent appearance of sleepwalkers. If Kazuma's guess is correct, those sleepwalkers should have encountered similar incidents two or three years ago, but to confirm this, it would take a lot of time to investigate the sleepwalkers.

At the moment, Kazuma is still a stay-at-home guy, so there is no doubt that Kurosaki Nagahide is more suitable for this job.

Of course, at this stage, Kazuma does not plan to reveal the existence of the mysterious side, but only asks Kurosaki to assist in the investigation as a substitute for the police department. The request for help from the famous Sakurada clan is undoubtedly a path to rapid success for the grassroots police officers. In addition, the two have previously had the experience of fighting the Yakuza side by side.

When Kazuma saw that it was reasonable for Kurosaki, he should have accepted it happily, but he didn't expect to be decisively rejected when he said it.

"What? You're not going to get involved in this case?" Kazuma looked at the man who spoke highly of him in astonishment. "Why?"

"The junior officer is just an ordinary traffic policeman and is not suitable for detective work." Kurosaki Nagahide shook his head as if it were a matter of course, and then cast a look at Kazuma that was mixed with goodwill and admiration. "Moreover, unlike the minor officials who were demoted and demoted, the police department has recommended you as a person who will work towards the police chief, and you are destined to have a bright future. Therefore, it is better for your career to keep your distance from the minor officials."

"Hmm..." Kazuma crossed his arms in front of his chest, not expecting that the topic of the police director would come up.

The words that would affect his future were probably just a shield. Kurosaki's reluctance to interfere with the sleepwalker's affairs must have a hidden reason, but Kazuma was indeed interested in his words: "Since the topic of career is brought up, I also want to ask, what your director said earlier Are those things true? For example, you pulled out a gun to threaten innocent citizens and sent your boss to the hospital."

"As the director said, junior officers are indeed a stain on the police force." Kazuma asked quite directly, and Kurosaki's answer was not ambiguous.

"The junior official did many inappropriate things when his head was hot. After he calmed down, he was ready to spend the rest of his life in prison. Later, thanks to the ghost court seniors running around, the junior official was able to continue to survive in this way... Now, the petty official is still here just to settle an old debt in the past, and has no other desires than that. So, please forgive me for not being able to follow in the footsteps of the police department."

Kurosaki said this, bowed his head deeply to Kazuma as if to express his apology, then stood up, saluted, and left.

This time Kazuma did not call Kurosaki to stop, but instead touched his chin thoughtfully. The senior Oniwa that Kurosaki was talking about should undoubtedly be Oniwa Shingen. Oniwa Shingen also had a relationship with Kazuma, and he was also a swordsman in the world who could aspire to be the Sword Master.

Even Shingen Kiba wants to keep this outstanding talent. To be honest, Kazuma really wants to recruit him more and more——

After all, the reason why he is currently idle at home is to recruit talents for the Mobile Team, and there is also a reason to fight against the Fengguo Clan. And even if he doesn't consider competing with the Fengguo clan, when he really becomes the police chief in the future, he must have capable generals under his command who can come in handy.

For now, Asano and Yoshikawa are considered outstanding talents in both civil and military fields, while Kurosaki's on-the-spot judgment and ability to act are superior to the two of them. If he can be brought under his command, the special operations team to be formed by the mobile team will take shape.

But this doesn't seem to be that easy. This time, Kurosaki clearly expressed his rejection of the invitation. Before the next opportunity comes, Kazuma plans to find an acquaintance to find out the details of his demotion.


After saying goodbye to Kurosaki, Kazuma drove the GTR to the nearby neighborhoods for a few more rounds. However, this time he did not encounter any daydreaming characters, and the probability of a lost person appearing was not as exaggerated as Ma imagined. It was almost noon when Kazuma returned to the dojo. When Kazuma stepped into the atrium, he subconsciously glanced at the cherry blossom board. Sure enough, the offerings to the Jizo statue had been replaced with new ones.

Needless to say, Seiryu Chiyoko, and even Honami are very enthusiastic about worshiping Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. God knows how could they have so many wishes that they would bother the Bodhisattva to fulfill? Kazuma shrugged his shoulders, saluted the Ksitigarbha statue from a distance, and then walked into the living room, and unexpectedly found his fox sitting upright in front of the desk, playing with the objects on the table seriously.

"Are you doing divination?"

Kazuma was surprised, hung his coat on the hanger and walked over. The objects placed on the table include flower cards, dice, turtle shells, etc. They are all tools used by Tamamo for divination. However, the fox usually only uses one of them depending on his mood. It is quite remarkable that he actually brought them all out this time. rare.

He Ma sat down at the desk, guessing that either the divination matter was very important, or the divination process was not that smooth. Or maybe both?

"It's both." Tamamo put down the karuta in his hand and looked up with a wry smile, "Thank you for the hard work on patrol, Mr. Police. Do you want to eat first, drink tea first, or do something else first?" "

"Save it for the day and wait until night. There's something very troublesome right now... I'll have a drink of water." Hema waved his hand, poured himself a cup of herbal tea from the teapot on the table, and drank it to moisten his throat. , "Well, you should know about the day sleepwalkers coming out on the streets of Tokyo, right?"

"Yeah, I thought it was just a coincidence but didn't take it too seriously..." Tamamo frowned and looked at the flower cards on the table, "It turns out that it doesn't seem to be the case."

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