I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 699 Kamakura’s Mad Dog

"Is Kurosaki Nagahide the 'Rabid Dog of Kamakura'?" Tanai bit the bean daifuku with a happy face, and was stunned for a moment after hearing this. "How did you get involved with him?"

"Well, this can be regarded as an accidental contact at work." By the way, what is the rabid dog in Kamakura?

Kazuma was speechless and looked at Tanai Kaname looking over with interest, so he briefly described the process of meeting Kurosaki Nagahide and working together to hunt down the kidnapper. Kazuma particularly praised Kurosaki Nagahide's skills, but Tanai didn't seem surprised.

"There's nothing surprising. After all, he is the heir to the mantle trained by Shingen Oniba himself. If that thing hadn't happened on the way, he would probably be as elite as you in the police department." Tanai waved his hand thoughtfully. He looked over and said, "What next? The police department thinks you are interested in his skills and want to recruit him?"

Kazuma nodded and looked at the inspector seriously: "Ah, after all, theoretically, I am also searching for talented people for the Mobile Team."

Whether it's "Kamakura's rabid dog" or "that thing", there are many keywords in Tanai's words that contain a lot of information, and these keywords are probably Kurosaki Nagahide's cold attitude and the people around him. The reason why he was afraid to avoid it.

Kazuma didn't ask any more questions.

According to Tanjing's character, if he thinks he can say something, he will naturally say it. If he thinks it should be kept secret, there is no point in asking.

Under Kazuma's gaze, Tanai ate two or three mochi as if to organize his thoughts, and then spoke slowly.

"The reason why I remember Kurosaki Nagahide's name is because this matter was quite a big fuss within the system at that time. At that time, the police department added that you were probably still studying at Tokyo University, and this matter did not spread outside the system. , so it’s not surprising that you don’t know.”

"If I studied at Tokyo University, it would have been three years ago?" Kazuma frowned. This time seemed to him quite subtle.

"Absolutely." Tanjing nodded, changed his sitting position slightly, held the tea cup and talked about past events in the police system.

"Kurosaki Nagahide is recognized as the successor to Oniwa Shingen," Tanai confirmed this first.

Shingen Kiba is no stranger to Kazuma. In terms of swordsmanship, he should be an unparalleled swordsman in the police system, and he also has the potential to become a swordsman.

In addition to his prowess in swordsmanship, he also has many impressive achievements in criminal investigation and solving cases. He can be said to be a legend in the Metropolitan Police Department.

The fact that Kurosaki Nagahide is the heir to Oniwa Shingen's mantle, in addition to force, more refers to the extraordinary execution of criminal investigation and solving cases.

After Shingen Oniwa made his debut, Nagahideki Kurosaki, who was still junior at the time, solved more than ten vicious cases in succession, brought down two Yakuza gangs, and brought several extremely vicious gangsters to court.

His resolute action was once regarded as a rising star in the Metropolitan Police Department.

"So awesome?" Kazuma couldn't help but whistle. Sure enough, what he was looking for was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Then, how did he become the 'Kamakura Mad Dog'?"

"Before the incident, Kurosaki Nagahide seemed to be independently investigating a certain case, and it was said that considerable progress had been made. However, it was probably because he was so aggressive that he affected some senior officials in power. As a result, his superiors asked him to suspend the investigation and gave him special treatment. A vacation has been arranged..."

Tanjing's mouth curved into a mocking arc. It is almost an unavoidable fate of Japanese society for corrupt high-level officials to collude and cover each other, but it is precisely because of this that they have the meaning of being ombudsmen.

"Kurosaki Nagahide was initially reluctant to accept it, but later the Oniwa Police Department convinced him to take his wife and daughter on a long-lost vacation.

"Xiu accepted the arrangement and went on vacation. She seemed to have a pretty happy time, but she didn't expect that she had an 'accidental' car accident on her way back."

"Car accident?" Kazuma was stunned.

"Yes. It collided with a large truck driven by a drunk driver in the tunnel, and the two vehicles burst into flames.

"The driver was killed on the spot. Kurosaki Nagahide's wife and daughter were also engulfed in flames. Only he barely survived because he was knocked out of the car..."

Tanjing's voice gradually became deeper, and Kazuma's expression also turned heavy.

Car accidents like this disguised as "accidents" are often actually a method used by the evil party to kill people and silence them.

Most of the drivers who were treated as outcasts were low-level workers who were coerced by life, and no evidence could be found even if they were investigated afterwards.

For example, when the Kiryu Dojo first faced off against the Tsuda-gumi of the Yakuza, they suffered a lot of losses. It was not until Kazuma rose up to challenge the Tsuda-gumi that they calmed down.

However, there are still some problems in judging whether Nagahide Kurosaki was betrayed by his boss.

It would be a taboo for the entire police community to attack the rising frontline elites in this way, just like the corrupt and colluded Fengguo gangsters. If one of them fails, the factions may go to war, and they may even be wiped out together.

"Yes, theoretically it shouldn't be the case. In fact, the Ghost Court Police Department is also known as a tough guy. If anyone dares to deal with him in this way, he must be prepared to be retaliated and liquidated.

"The accidental car accident of the Hei family caused quite a stir in the police community. It is said that during that period, the Ghost Court Police Department was surrounded by murderous intent. Several factions jumped out and said that they had nothing to do with this matter. Even the Yakuza side urgently investigated None of my gang members seem to have found any connection with the car accident..."

"So, let's just forget about this?" Kazuma frowned and subconsciously grabbed a bean daifuku and took a bite.

"Of course not, but Kurosaki's own actions diverted everyone's attention." Tanai smiled bitterly, shook his head, and announced the answer under Kazuma's close gaze.

“On the first day after he was discharged from the hospital and returned to work, he went to his boss who had put him on leave and asked for a search warrant from a certain club, but he was refused due to insufficient evidence.

"After being rejected, Kurosaki flew into a rage, kicked over the table, and beat his boss into a pig's head in full view of everyone... When the Onitō Police Department heard the news and came to stop him, Kurosaki entered the club building with his own gun. "

"And then go on a killing spree there?" Kazuma began to feel more and more like a mass eater.

"No, no, it's not a terrorist. It's impossible no matter what, right?" Tanjing shook his head repeatedly.

"And the other party is a legal business in name. Kurosaki rushed in with a gun as if he was going to find evidence of their crimes, but it seemed to be in vain. He also beat up many security guards... but the ghosts who came here were The court police subdued him and took him back to the police station."

"I see. Beating his boss into a pig's head in front of everyone, and breaking into a legitimate business with a gun to cause trouble. Both are very drastic actions. Is this why he is called the 'Kamakura Rabid Dog'?" Kazuma said He nodded in understanding.

"Yes, because this incident was so outrageous that it overshadowed conspiracy theories and factional conflicts. At that time, there were many opinions that Kurosaki should be dismissed from his post and investigated, but the result was that the Oniwa Police Department ran around and used many talents. He was barely saved.

"His position was transferred from the front line of criminal investigation to the traffic section of the local police station. And after this incident, he basically has no chance of promotion in this life... I just didn't expect that you would fall in love with him in the police department."

From the tone of voice, Tanai should have sympathy and good intentions for Kurosaki Nagahide, but he did not forget to remind Kazuma: "Kurosaki Nagahide's ability is fine, but there is a risk of losing control and going berserk in terms of personality. Moreover. If you plan to use his words, the police department will face another problem."

"What's the problem?" Kazuma asked curiously.

"Kurosaki Nagahideki is considered a heretic by the people around him. If you move him to the police department, you will be regarded as a deviant. This will probably not have a good impact on the police department's career." reminded cautiously.

"Then, in order to have a smooth career in the future, would it be better for me to exchange this watch for a gold watch?" Kazuma laughed and raised the cheap electronic watch on his left hand as a sign.

"Huo Jian, I made a mistake." Although he said sorry, Tanjing's expression was quite refreshing.

Kazuma, who graduated from Tokyo University and was directly promoted to the police department, is also a member of the powerful elite of the Sakurada clan, and even the Toyokuni clan once extended an olive branch to him.

But until now, Kazuma still wears a cheap electronic watch, and this has caused many related topics in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Some people say that Hema intends to demonstrate a positive and clean image, while others say that Hema wants to form a new generation team for the electronic watch team.

Although there are good and bad rumors, no matter whether they are good or bad, it is enough to prove that many people in the system have high expectations for Kazuma, and Ko Tanai is probably one of them.

"If the police department makes up for it, he should have the ability to control Kurosaki, right? If there is any trouble with the procedures, I will help."

"Thank you, but I might have to wait a little longer..." Kazuma smiled bitterly and shook his head. "In fact, I tried to invite him a while ago, but was decisively rejected."

"Yeah?" Tanjing looked over with a face full of disbelief. After two or three beats of silence, the sound of a certain inspector banging the table and laughing could be heard in the living room.


"It sounds like they are very happy, those two." At the dojo not far from the living room, Qingliu, who lowered his head to wipe away the intermittent rain, stopped and looked at the living room with a slightly complicated expression.

"Are you curious? That's why I just suggested that you go in and play with your samadhi string." Tamamo, who was flipping through a book next to her, patted her shoulder. "As a member of the dojo, it is quite rare to have the opportunity to earn face for the master of the family like this. In this way, you can listen to their conversation openly and earn a lot of points for yourself. Why not do it?"

"But I don't know how to play the samadhi line, either?" Qingliu rolled her eyes, seemingly moved by Tamamo's words.

"It's great. In an atmosphere like this, it feels like a general and an elder are drinking and chatting..." Chiyoko held her cheeks and sighed.

Most of her impressions of "shoguns and family elders" came from the period dramas she had watched before, but in fact, since the Heian period, Japanese monarchs and ministers have been accustomed to using this method of incorporating etiquette and attention to build a harmonious relationship with each other. Those who have played the Legend of a certain pavilion should know it quite well. It's just that Kazuma and Tanai are not superiors and subordinates of the same system, so Chiyoko's metaphor is not accurate, but no one will care about this at this time.

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