I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 700 Started working as a detective again

"Alas, I have become a big shot without realizing it. I really want Amao to learn from it..."

"Hmm, it feels like Kazuma's temperament has started to change since the statue of Jizo was enshrined in the dojo... Is it really because of that?" Seiryu muttered, subconsciously looking at the cherry blossom tree not far away.

Tamamo shook his head: "Well, you can't say that. People have to help themselves and God will help them. If you don't work hard, Bodhisattva can't help even if you want to.

"If you really want to talk about it, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's visit to our dojo is actually the help inspired by Kazuma's own actions. Otherwise, do you think it is that simple to welcome the god body?"

"I don't understand a bit." Qingliu raised his hand in confusion, "Since you have to work hard on your own anyway, isn't it the same with or without the help of a Bodhisattva? It feels like sophistry to insist on it."

Tamamo covered her mouth and smiled softly: "There is indeed such a saying. Here is another metaphor.

“For example, if you have a field and cultivate it intensively and have good weather and good weather, you will naturally get a bumper harvest.

"But if you don't plow or plant, then no matter how much God takes care of it, you will only end up with weeds. What do you think?"

"Yeah, it seems quite reasonable." Instead of Haru, who was still struggling with the concept, Chiyoko nodded approvingly, "So, I am experiencing a good year now?"

"It's probably true. After all, Kazuma originally had the qualifications to stand out from others. As for the current situation, it should be closer if we want to compare it..." The fox narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a moment, and then chanted an ancient Chinese poem in a happy tone. .

"The golden rotten scales are just a thing in the pond. They turn into dragons when encountering storms. Our master is indeed on the road to becoming a human being."

The fox's words caused a wave of exclamation in the dojo. The female relatives of Kiryu Dojo, regardless of whether they understood or not, could not help but clapped their hands and applauded, showing the same high-spirited expression as Yourongyan (Beier has face).


Tanai's visit to the dojo had multiple meanings for Kazuma.

First of all, he made reliable friends for his future career.

Although Kazuma is temporarily unemployed because his partner is hospitalized, he will return to the mobile team sooner or later. If he really aims to reach the top of the police system, capable subordinates and reliable friends will be indispensable pillars.

Then, I learned about the past reasons why Kurosaki Nagahide was exiled and demoted. Kazuma was a little surprised that Kurosaki Nagahide was the heir to Oniwa Shingen's mantle, but it also strengthened his determination not to bury outstanding talents, especially because the reason for Kurosaki's demotion was the damning corruption at the top.

However, Tanai's explanation from the standpoint of a bystander was somewhat lacking in detail, and Kazuma could only manage to organize a general outline. He wanted to inquire with Kurosaki about the specific details when he had the opportunity.

After all, the question itself is a good starting point.

Finally, and most importantly, Kazuma obtained information about the so-called "Open Door Experiment".

Thanks to Tanjing's ability to obtain detailed official and unofficial records, he was able to gradually figure out the tricks played by the mastermind behind the scenes.

There is no doubt that Dream Eater Tapir and Fuzhi Technology have joined forces. Fuzhi Technology paid for an organization from Waseda University to come forward to organize this seemingly legal social experiment, and carefully selected a number of psychological clinics as experimental sites.

Psychological clinics like the Taiping Clinic gradually promote free trials to attract unsuspecting people to participate in experiments.

The specific content of the experiment is not yet known. The only thing that is certain is that the Dream-Eating Tapir must have manipulated the minds of the participants during this period. There are almost countless victims like Mikoto Hasegawa who became trance-like and dreamy after the experiment, and even lost their jobs as a result.

However, due to the mental invisibility set up by the Dream-Eating Tapir, all the victims everywhere cannot remember the fact that they participated in the experiment. As a result, this mysterious movement of unprecedented scale was quietly covered up until the daytime sleepwalker appeared recently.

The lost person who daydreamed appeared after the Kiryu Dojo was darkened, and there is an inevitable connection between the two. Exactly what such a connection is is currently unknown.

The probability that Fuzhi Technology will promote social stability and progress is less than one in a hundred billion, and He Ma dares to bet on this with his dojo signboard.

But he couldn't risk damaging the souls of the lost and let the fox forcefully open the blocked dream, so the key to solving the puzzle fell on the specific content of the door-opening experiment——

Regarding the content of the experiment, the official information that could be found was only a bunch of flashy words that made the ears tired. However, according to the data given by Tanjing, the open-door experiment spread the targets to several clinics and lasted for more than half a year. The latest The end point is more than two years away from now.

In the current era when the Internet and hackers are far from popular, it is almost impossible to find traces of social activities two or three years ago. Therefore, Kazuma's only way to obtain information is to visit the clinics that participated in the experiment.

Tanai gave him a list of twenty-one clinics in total, scattered across the vast area of ​​Tokyo and adjacent districts and counties.

The Ohira Clinic on the list had been crossed out by Kazuma with a red pen. The suspicious behavior of its owner Ohira Yasuki gave Kazuma a very bad premonition, so he drove out early the next morning to visit the remaining twenty people on the list. Experimental Clinic.

The closest to Ohira Clinic is a private clinic run by Dr. Fujiwara. Kazuma lowered his head to examine the map and found that although the Fujiwara Clinic was somewhat far away from the bustling streets, the nearby transportation was quite convenient. If the experiment was promoted here, its impact would radiate to several surrounding blocks.

"Tsk, it really took a lot of effort."

Kazuma couldn't help but click his tongue.

The more in-depth he investigated, the more he realized the sinister intentions of the opponent. The feeling of being greatly ahead of his opponent made him uncontrollably anxious.

Kazuma couldn't help kicking the accelerator, slamming the horn, accelerating past the slow-moving bus in front, and swerved into the street where Fujiwara Clinic was located.


After turning into the street, Kazuma looked around, and without much effort, he saw a cordon on the street diagonally ahead.

The bright yellow cordon made Kazuma frown. He slowed down slightly and approached the street corner isolated by the cordon, and then saw a two-story house that was close to collapse.

I saw that the wall on the side of the house close to the road was completely collapsed, and even the two partition walls behind it had big holes.

Looking in through the breach, one can see a clinic-like interior layout, but most of it has been covered by collapsed masonry.

Among the rubble of bricks and stones scattered along the way there were fragments of windshields and headlights, and among them were quite obvious traces of dried blood.

"Could this be..."

Kazuma's heart sank. The building in ruins in front of him was undoubtedly the Fujiwara Clinic he had found. After surveying the surrounding area, Kazuma could roughly imagine what happened here.

To confirm his speculation, Kazuma went to the grocery store diagonally opposite the clinic to ask. The lady at the grocery store was very enthusiastic. After seeing the police badge displayed by Kazuma, she kept talking about the tragic car accident three days ago.

"I was here at that time, watching with my own eyes the garbage truck rushing down the slope in front, and then crashing into the clinic with a bang...

"Ah, that formation was really scary. Mr. Fujiwara was still picking up a newspaper at the door of the clinic, and he was knocked out like that..."

The aunt's description was almost the same as Kazuma's prediction, and the fact that Dr. Fujiwara was seriously injured made him speechless for a moment.

“The police came not long after, and it was said that the brakes failed.

“Later, they hired someone to tow away the garbage truck and put up a blockade over the clinic, but that thing was of no use to the bad boys nearby.

"These days, they are rushing into the clinic like buying groceries. They have probably moved most of the valuable things... Oh, what a crime..."

The aunt's addition made Kazuma feel confused. He originally planned to go to the clinic to investigate, but now he had to give up the idea.

The aunt, who was still not done saying goodbye, left the grocery store with Ma.

The Fujiwara Clinic probably had to be crossed off the list like the Ohira Clinic, but Kazuma wasn't sure whether the car accident was an arrangement to kill someone or a pure coincidence.

If it's the latter, it's okay, but if it's the former, it means that his actions have been noticed by his opponent.

"Go check it out."

Kazuma got back into the GTR and started the engine. This time he chose another clinic relatively far away as his target.

After about half an hour's drive, Kazuma arrived at the clinic. The clinic was located on the fifth floor of a certain complex, but when Kazuma drove a long way away, he saw that the fourth floor and above of the complex were burned black.

Kazuma, who was wearing a black line, got out of the car and asked around for a while, and then learned that a fire broke out in the complex two days ago.

The cause of the fire was an electrical fault and short circuit somewhere on the fourth floor. The fire burned from the fourth floor all the way up to the fifth, sixth and seventh floors. The five-story clinic was located directly below the fire point, so it was burned to nothing.

However, I heard that the doctor at the clinic seemed to have barely escaped, but he also seemed to have been seriously burned and was currently receiving emergency treatment in the hospital.

"Damn it!"

Kazuma angrily punched the roadside sign. Thirty paragraphs of actual combat entries were blessed, leaving a slightly concave and clear fist mark on the thin steel plate.

It is not a good example for a police officer to take the lead in destroying public property. He Ma tutted and retracted his fist, then forced himself to calm down and analyze the situation.

Taiping Clinic, Fujiwara Clinic, and the clinic in front of me, involved in the opening experiment, have had accidents happen one after another in a short period of time. One or two times may be accidental, but more than three times, it can only be considered inevitable.

The masterminds behind the scenes tried to destroy clues by killing people and silencing them, and the reason that prompted them to take such radical actions was most likely their own actions.

However, the open-door experiment has obviously been over for two or three years. If you want to destroy the evidence, you have plenty of time. It is really abnormal that it has been implemented in a hurry until now. For such a counter-intuitive action, Kazuma roughly analyzed and interpreted it as two reasons.

One thing is that the mastermind behind the scenes is very confident in his arrangement and believes that there is no need to do other things to avoid extraneous troubles.

The second point is that the appearance of the lost people and Kazuma's investigation activities are indeed close to the truth of the conspiracy. The mastermind behind the scenes felt that he was personally threatened and had to rush to remedy the situation.

"It seems the direction is correct..."

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