I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 703 The destined happy ending

"What happened?" Kazuma asked with a frown.

"Well, a young participant has an incredible mental disorder. Specifically, he is often troubled by strange dreams at night, often in a trance during the day, and sometimes speaks words that no one can understand..."

Kazuma noticed that Aida subconsciously glanced at Kurosaki when he said this, but the latter held the tea cup and lowered his head as if he didn't hear.

"Those mental disorders appeared soon after participating in the experiment, so I judged that they were directly related to the open-door experiment. Although I don't know the principle, it obviously has a negative impact on people's mental state.

"So I refused to participate in the experiment anymore and returned the sponsorship money to the other party."

Having said this, Dr. Aida lowered his head rather guiltily. "Later, I thought of many ways, but it turned out that I couldn't cure the patient's mental disorder until she suffered an accident..."

"Did you encounter an accident..." Kazuma glanced at Kurosaki. Although the weapons expert was still immersed in his tea with an expressionless expression, Kazuma already had a rough inference in his mind.

So he didn't dwell on the details, and instead pushed the topic forward: "Mr. Aida, when you quit the door-opening experiment, was there any special reaction from Fuzhi Technology?"

"No, they only asked that all the imaging data they provided be returned, and that the details of the experiment not be disclosed to unrelated people... I have not contacted them again since then. I really didn't expect that a Yakuza would suddenly come to kill people and silence them. ." As he said this, Aangda shook his head in fear.

"On this point, please allow me to recommend a safe place for you to take shelter later, but I think it won't take long."

Fuzhi Technology did not hesitate to use Ji Dao to destroy clues this time, which is enough to prove that there are huge implications behind the door-opening experiment.

Even if the Yakuza is settled this time, there is no guarantee that there will be no more trouble later, so Kazuma plans to arrange for the Aida family to temporarily go to the Nanjo Zaibatsu to avoid the limelight.

"I can't thank you enough." Aida bowed his head to Kazuma and thanked him.

"No, the clues you provided are very valuable. It's me who should say thank you. By the way, have you returned all the materials used by Fuzhi Technology for the door-opening experiment?"

Kazuma was sure that the key to the problem lay in those music and video materials, so Fuzhi took them back.

If Aida couldn't find the real thing here, then he planned to go to Fuzhi Technology in person.

"Well, I thought there was something wrong with those things at the time, so I asked someone to make a copy before returning it... Please wait a moment, and I will go find the copied tape for you."

Dr. Aida said as he stood up and left the table to walk to the second floor. Kazuma heard the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets from the living room on the second floor, and after a while he saw Aida coming down with an object wrapped in newspaper.

Kazuma took the paper package from Aida and opened it. Inside was a video tape and a tape. Probably for confidentiality reasons, no markings were written on the video tapes or tapes, but the newspaper date was indeed two years ago.

Kazuma briefly checked the status of the tapes and video tapes, and took a long breath in his heart - he got the physical data of the open-door experiment, and also protected the Aida family from being purged by the mastermind behind the scenes. It can be said that the most important goal of this trip has been achieved. In this way, the investigation surrounding the lost people finally broke into the core stage.

Kazuma planned to study the relevant content carefully after returning to the dojo, carefully put away the tapes and videos, and then briefly glanced at the person opposite.

To be honest, he didn't expect Kurosaki Nagahide to be involved, but after listening to Dr. Aida's introduction and combined with what he learned from Tanai, Kazuma already had a rough prediction of the cause and effect, but at this time, he didn't It's not suitable to talk about it.

"Mr. Aida, can I borrow your home phone?"

Kazuma planned to contact the Nanjo family first to implement the protection of the Aida family. When he got permission and walked to the phone at the doorstep, he met the daughter of the Aida family at the corner of the stairs.

The girl who was almost raped by the Yakuza had changed into a set of simple casual clothes and seemed to be waiting for Kazuma.

"What's the matter?" Kazuma stopped and looked over with a smile.

"Uh, um, um..." Although the girl had a majestic bust beyond her age, her personality seemed to be introverted, and she was speechless after meeting Kazuma's eyes.

"Hey, Lingzi, don't you want to thank Mr. Police Officer?" Mrs. Aida walked from the kitchen, wiping her hands and encouraging her daughter.

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Mr. Police Officer, for saving our family, and...well, for keeping my virginity!" The girl named Lingzi bowed deeply to Kazuma. Although she seems to be quite introverted, her words are unexpectedly powerful.

"You're welcome, it's our duty to protect kind citizens." Kazuma saluted somewhat dumbfounded, extending his ordinary and sincere greetings. "All in all, having nothing at home is better than anything else."

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Police Officer." Lingzi raised his head, his face was red, and he smiled happily.

The girl's luminous smile made Kazuma couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

If he hadn't arrived in time at that time, such a beautiful smile would probably disappear from Aida Reiko's face forever, right?

Although there are indeed many annoying and ugly things in the world, the small and ordinary beauty in front of you is enough to make people feel comfortable.


"Then we'll take our leave for now."

Saying this, Kazuma shook hands with Dr. Aida and said goodbye. When he walked out of Aida's house, he nodded slightly as a greeting to Nanjo's bodyguard in sunglasses and a suit at the door.

After Mrs. Aida packs her luggage, the bodyguards will take the Aida family to stay temporarily in a villa owned by the Nanjo Consortium, and then move back after the incident of the open-door experiment has passed. Kazuma has temporarily arranged for two weeks to buffer, but it is estimated that it will not actually take that long.

Following Kazuma out of Aida's house was Kurosaki Nagahide.

He was visibly relieved when the bodyguards arrived, and Hema checked with him while walking along the old street.

"Kurosaki-kun, didn't you come on a motorcycle today?"

"Motorcycles are public property assigned to the police station. The junior officer is not on duty today." Kurosaki shook his head.

"If it's convenient, can I take you back? I happen to be driving here, and I also want to chat with you." He Ma pointed to the GTR parked in front of the old street and made an invitation with a smile.

Although he and Ma said they were chatting, the actual content of the conversation was probably far more serious than chatting. Of course, Kurosaki was aware of this and silently nodded to accept the invitation.

Kurosaki followed Kazuma as he approached the GTR and sat down on the passenger seat half a step later.

Kurosaki, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to look at the refined decoration inside the GTR curiously. He especially stayed for a while in the hidden compartment where the comprehensive radio station, tracker and other equipment were installed, and then he couldn't help but nod with an expression of approval.

"It's a good car, the police department said, just as you said."

"Well, actually, I still have a lot of things I want to put in. If you have time in the future, can you help me take a look at them?"

Kazuma smiled and twisted the key. As the engine starts, the GTR roars like a waking beast. Kazuma drove slowly onto the road, then stepped on the accelerator, and the GTR accelerated instantly and shot out like an arrow.

The strong pushing feeling on the back showed the surging power, and Kurosaki in the passenger seat couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Real men like steel beasts, and Kazuma holding the steering wheel once again confirmed that he and he should have many common topics to talk about.

The GTR drove smoothly on the highways of Tokyo, and it was at least an hour's drive to where Kurosaki lived.

During this period, the cab was an ideal space for conversation without any interruption, and Kazuma did not waste the rare opportunity to broach the subject while turning onto the main road.

"A while ago, I asked an acquaintance to help me investigate the door-opening experiment, and then I also inquired about Kurosaki-kun, and unexpectedly I heard a quite extraordinary title."

"For example, Kamakura rabid dog or something?" Kurosaki raised the corner of his mouth, but he didn't shy away from asking.

"Yes, but at the time I didn't expect that Kurosaki would be related to the door-opening experiment, but it would make sense in many places..."

Kazuma tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Unable to think of any euphemism, he asked directly after a few breaths of silence: "I will confirm with you directly. Kurosaki-kun... developed a mental disorder after participating in the door-opening experiment at Aida Clinic. Is it your wife or daughter?"

"It's my daughter, Ayaka." He had seen Kazuma's extraordinary reasoning power at Aida's house, and Kurosaki answered in an unsurprising tone.

"If it's convenient, could you tell me more about it?" Kazuma asked with a frown. Although he has obtained the physical data of the open-door experiment, hearing first-hand information from those who have experienced it will undoubtedly be of great help in getting closer to the truth.

"I'm afraid the situation is similar to what the police department has grasped. In fact, it took me several days to realize that something was wrong with Ayaka..." Gazing at the passing scenery ahead, Kurosaki spoke in an almost sighing tone.

During that time, he noticed that his daughter Ayaka was in a trance and could not understand what he was talking to, so he asked his wife what happened to Kotoko.

However, Qinzi didn't seem to be able to remember. Kurosaki, who sensed something was wrong, investigated and confirmed that Kotoko had taken Ayaka to Aida Clinic a few days ago.

Because Qinzi once mentioned to him that Aida Clinic had a free trial course recently, Kurosaki wondered whether Qinzi had attended that.

Kurosaki's suspicion was confirmed by Dr. Aida, and when he came back to talk to Kotoko, Kotoko suddenly recalled that he had indeed brought Ayaka to that experience course.

Kotoko herself has no other problems except forgetting what happened that day, but Ayaka, who is five or six years old, has a serious mental disorder. At first it was just a trance, but later it became drowsy and dreamy, and sometimes even during the day there were symptoms of sleepwalking without consciousness——

This situation also surprised Dr. Aida. After preliminary examination, he determined that it was probably caused by the door-opening experiment.

Aida, aware of the danger of the experiment, hurriedly terminated the cooperation with Fuzhi Technology, but there was nothing he could do about Ayaka, who was suffering from a mental disorder.

"So that's it..." Kazuma nodded silently.

Although I subconsciously wanted to ask Ayaka if she was cured later, based on what Tanjing heard, this story was destined not to have a happy ending.

Next time I open both books, the protagonists of the two books should have the same name...

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