I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 704 GTR is running wildly on the fast lane towards completion

Kazuma stepped on the accelerator, and the GTR accelerated past the slow-moving long truck in front.

Although the truck driver honked his horn fiercely from behind to express his dissatisfaction, his speed could not catch up with the GTR, and he gradually fell further and further away.

Ma Sha looked at the road ahead that was currently free of cars. After a short pause, he asked the second question.

"I heard from an acquaintance that before you were transferred, Kurosaki-kun, you were investigating the case of a certain company, and then you received interference from your superiors... Could that 'certain company' be Fuzhi Technology?"

"That's right, those bastards." This time Kurosaki not only didn't hide it anymore, he simply let out a growl like a growl from his throat, and automatically pushed the topic forward without waiting for Kazuma to ask.

"At that time, Ayaka's mental disorder worsened to the point where it was difficult for her to live a normal life. Qin deeply blamed herself and cried almost every night... After learning that Fuzhi Technology was behind the door-opening experiment, I tried to file a complaint with the relevant authorities. , but the result was like a stone sinking into the sea.

"The power of Fuzhi Technology is beyond imagination. I couldn't find any help, so I had to investigate them alone..."

In the absence of assistance, Kurosaki almost single-handedly promoted the investigation of the crimes behind Fuzhi Technology.

His motive is not only to seek justice for his daughter Ayaka, but also driven by conscience to eliminate harm for the people. With his outstanding criminal investigation skills, Kurosaki was able to crack open a crack in the "legal" disguise that Fuzhi Technology had spent a lot of money to create. However, just when he was about to expand the crack and dig out the numerous shady secrets, he was suddenly called in by his superiors. .

Fuzhi Technology has built quite deep connections in the political and business circles. It is said that the person who called to inquire was a senior official from the Metropolitan Police Department.

The "suggested" boss instead asked Kurosaki to put the Fuzhi Technology case aside temporarily and go on vacation or do something else.

At that time, Kurosaki had almost obtained the key evidence and was only one step away from filing a lawsuit, so of course he was reluctant and impossible to let go.

Kurosaki Nagahide and his master Onite Shingen are both well-known hard-liners in the Metropolitan Police Department. If they want to force themselves, there is nothing they can do.

But at this time, Ayaka's symptoms worsened again for unknown reasons. His wife, Ayaka, was exhausted mentally and physically trying to treat her tired daughter, and she was on the verge of collapse.

Even if Kurosaki can ignore his boss's opinions, he cannot ignore his family. When a fire broke out in the backyard, Kurosaki had to stop temporarily and listened to his teacher Onite's advice to go on vacation for a while.

"So, are you going to Hokkaido or Hawaii?" Kazuma asked.

"It's Hokkaido. My wife doesn't like the hot weather very much." Kurosaki replied with a wry smile.

The resort is a famous hot spring hotel in Hokkaido, and the environment and atmosphere are quite elegant.

The few days he spent with his wife and daughter were a long-lost vacation for Kurosaki. Mrs. Qin was also able to relax from her tense state, and even her daughter Ayaka's mental disorder recovered a lot.

"Everything seemed to be changing for the better at that time, but it turned out that I was negligent because of it... Damn it!" Kurosaki showed an expression of regret as if he was cursing himself, and punched his fist hard.

It was the first time for Kazuma to see such an emotional performance from this calm and capable police officer. He felt that it was new and at the same time he was saddened by the reasons behind it.

Kurosaki, who clenched his fists, looked like he was about to fall into the abyss of self-pity, so Kazuma had no choice but to push the topic forward.

"What happened in that car accident?"

"... When we were passing through a tunnel on the way home, a truck on the other side suddenly changed lanes and hit us... I turned the steering wheel as hard as I could to avoid it. At the moment of impact, I was thrown out of the cab and woke up again. I was already in the hospital bed... According to the results, I only suffered minor injuries, but I was told that I became the only person to survive the car accident..."

Kurosaki's voice was extremely depressed, while Kazuma imagined that scene for a while.

Returning from vacation with my family, I suddenly encountered a car accident on the way full of happiness. When I woke up again, I was told that my beloved wife and daughter had died, and I was the only one left in the world. What a sad experience it was!

However, what is incredible is that in Kurosaki, Kazuma did not see the tendency of ordinary people to sink into sadness and be unable to extricate themselves, nor did he see the shadow of hating the world and abandoning himself, which is really intriguing.

——Of course, this can probably be explained by the fact that Kurosaki himself has an admirable strong personality, but there should be other factors at play. Kazuma stared at the shining unique entry above Kurosaki's head, wondering how this thing popped out.

"So, that car accident was really an accident?" Kazuma asked.

"All the evidence proves it like this, but I don't think it is." Kurosaki shook his head, his tone returned to calmness, and he seemed to have regained his composure.

"Then, you applied for a search warrant from your superior to obtain evidence? After being rejected, you beat him up, and then rushed to Fuzhi Technology to open Wushuang?" Kazuma tried to lighten the atmosphere, but Kurosaki Obviously he didn't understand what "Kai Wushuang" meant, and he was stunned for a moment.

Although he couldn't understand the meaning behind the scenes, Kurosaki roughly understood what Kazuma meant.

After a few moments of silence, Kurosaki looked up at Kazuma, his eyes flashing with unusual sharpness, and confessed like this.

"No, actually, I rushed into Fuzhi Technology with the intention of destroying their president, that bastard named Aikawa Horon."

"Oh?" Kazuma blinked and whistled uncontrollably. "So handsome!"

"...Don't you think there is something wrong with the police department?" Kurosaki probably said it with some consciousness, but Kazuma's unexpected reaction obviously confused him.

Kurosaki looked over as if to distinguish whether his attitude was true or false.

"As a law enforcer, he does things that violate the law, and even plans to harm ordinary people without conclusive evidence. Isn't it ridiculous?"

"That's right..." Kazuma, who was holding the steering wheel, frowned slightly.

Kurosaki's problem is actually similar to the struggle he had during the Takata case a while ago, that is, when the current law cannot punish the criminal, where should he go as a law enforcement officer?

Kazuma got the answer after going through a difficult psychological struggle, so now he can answer Kurosaki's questions honestly.

"It's true that law enforcement officers take the law as their standard of conduct." Kazuma nodded and said while sorting out his thoughts.

“But laws are made by people. In my opinion, people themselves are a collection of contradictions, so of course the laws made by people cannot be perfect.

"In fact, in current Japanese society, it is more common for those who make laws to use laws to protect the unique rights of their own class... Therefore, I don't think this thing has any absolute inviolability and sanctity."

These remarks jump out of the issues Kurosaki is struggling with, and even fundamentally deny the basis of the problem. Even Kurosaki was frightened by such a radical gesture, and stared at Kazuma for a while before coming back to his senses. "...The police department added, you really deserve to be a graduate of Dongda University."

"Haha, there are so many debates around legislation and law enforcement in the Tokyo University Library that it can drown people. But those are actually useless boring words. If you really want to talk about it..." said Here Tokiwa Ma paused deliberately.

"Do you really want to talk about it?"

"In the Dahe drama, have you ever seen any swordsman who would go against the government and the court when he was trying to eliminate violence?" Kazuma snorted heavily.

"Evil is to be killed, it's that simple."

"Evil means beheading!?" Kurosaki was shocked again by these heroic words, as if he was about to carry justice in the world on his shoulders.

Kurosaki couldn't hide his astonishment and opened his mouth, looking at Kiryu Kazuma in the driver's seat as if he was getting acquainted with him again.

This high school student who beat up the Kanto Union loses his temper, a close disciple of Qingquan Sword Master, a man who is so powerful in the underworld with the name of "Dragon of Kanto" that even the Toyo clan does not dare to provoke - when he said these words, he and Ma There was no deliberate emphasis on anything, and it was precisely because of this that Kurosaki felt the huge difference in size.

An impact that nearly shattered his worldview left him speechless, but at the same time, he felt as if he was swimming into an abyss.

"...Has anyone ever said that the police department thinks that you are not suitable for being a police officer?" Kurosaki stared at Kazuma for a long time before speaking with a wry smile, and his tone was already convinced.

"What did you say?" Kazuma waved his hands casually. "I am the man who wants to be the police chief."

"Yes... I'm sorry, it was the junior official who made a mistake." Kurosaki shook his head and took back his words, then laughed inexplicably.

Kazuma frowned and glanced at the co-pilot next to him, and sounded the horn twice as if he was unhappy, scaring the speeding motorcycle in front of him into pulling over and slowing down.

In the GTR, Kazuma pursed his lips and Kurosaki lowered his head and smiled. Although the two of them seemed completely incompatible at the moment, the invisible barrier that had existed between them so far seemed to have disappeared.

Dark Horse pursed his lips and looked in the rearview mirror, then stepped on the accelerator and drove the GTR onto the winding mountain road. This winding mountain road has several continuous curves, and it is said that it is also the actual prototype of a certain text racing car.

The GTR's excellent maneuverability allowed Kazuma to drive equally solidly on winding mountain roads. When climbing an uphill slope, Kazuma glanced to the side and found that the co-pilot had changed his face again.

"I'm very sorry, I'm so rude, young official." Kurosaki paid attention. "Please continue what you were talking about."

"Well, actually, what I'm more curious about is, why didn't you kill Horon Aikawa?" Kazuma asked sincerely.

If Kurosaki had really killed Horon Aikawa at that time, then even if Fuzhi Technology had any conspiracy, it would have been aborted, and the current lost people on the streets of Tokyo would most likely not have appeared. "Did you suddenly feel that your approach was too radical?"

"No, although the police department didn't have the courage to do so, at that time I also seriously wanted to kill Horon Aikawa... but it was a pity that I was stopped."

"Been blocked? You?" Kazuma looked over in shock.

Believe me, it's almost over. Why don't you quickly say thank you to Brother Xinshu?

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