The war came very suddenly.

One second ago.

The monster planet serves as the entrance to the shelter, welcoming the arrival of hundreds of comet trains at all times.

It was a special meteor shower on the monster planet.

The next second.

A comet train mixed into the evacuation team suddenly hit the ground.

The teleportation dragon Lin Han had set up was preparing to teleport this car of people to the entrance of the cosmic astrolabe.

The war suddenly broke out!

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

The earth trembles!

Extinction-level disasters occur within a radius of thousands of miles!

Countless dinosaurs in captivity were brutally murdered!

Even hundreds of low-level monsters that were looking for food were wiped out in an instant!


Lin Han, the creator of these monsters, immediately cast his gaze!

See you!

In the smoke and dust, there were more than a dozen figures standing.

Lin Han could tell at a glance that they were not the Creators who came to take refuge, but came from the Conqueror Civilization...

This is his intuition!

Those people were not the 'little minions' I had seen before.

This can be clearly judged just from the body shape and appearance.

Compared with the previous group of arrogant minions, these dozen figures looked more... dignified.

When I saw them for the first time, that different aura and that sense of oppression hit my face.

Compared with the previous group of minions, their bodies are not tall or strong.

Even looks thin.

Everyone is like a dark wooden figure carved out of a fire stick.

In front of this group of humanoid creatures stood a disheveled human.

It is not difficult to see that these soldiers of the Conqueror Civilization hijacked a human creator and then used the moving comet train.

The thing is, the comet train can only carry the Creator and creation.

You can't just hitch a ride - with a group of native civilized creatures.

Then, there is a great possibility that...this group of soldiers from the Conqueror Civilization temporarily became the creations of the Creator.

Lin Han didn't know what method they used. After all, the other party was one of the top ten god-level civilizations in the universe.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that even if they temporarily become the creatures of this creator, this creator cannot control these soldiers.

In the middle, I'm afraid it's another high-end technology.

Lin Han frowned.

Looking at these dozen people.

"I didn't expect you to arrive in this way. I almost neglected to entertain you."

To say that they neglected hospitality is actually to say that they almost neglected the defensive arrangements in this area.

At this moment, what Lin Han has to do is to reduce the scope of the battlefield to within a thousand miles of the destroyed area!

He opened up the Voice of the Creator.

He said to the leader of the Creator hostage: "Did you lead the people from the Conqueror Civilization to invade?"

Hear the words.

That person...that is, Di Da slowly raised her head, looked up at the smoke and dust that had not yet dispersed, and said: "Lin Han, I have no grudge against you, and I am even very grateful that you have frustrated someone somewhere, but... I can’t help myself this time, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

"So, you are really a human being who has surrendered to the enemy?"

Before this, Lin Han had never believed that humans would surrender to a group of native creatures.

From Lin Han's perspective, this is difficult to understand.

Why would someone surrender to an animal?

Deda laughed miserably at the pun, "Not everyone is as arrogant as you, Lin Han. These Akers warriors will dampen your pride."


Understood the basic information.

It turns out that this group of dark wooden figures that look like they were carved out of fire sticks are the so-called warriors of the Ax Protoss!

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