I, the Creator, cultivated a civilization of monsters

Chapter 483 Transforming the Protoss Warriors!

Due to the negligence of the defensive deployment, it was not expected that the Ax protoss warriors would attack in this way.

So there is no way to restrain them here.


This does not mean that Lin Han lacks the ability to perform on the spot.

Although I don't know why, these Akers Protoss warriors haven't taken action yet, but this is a perfect opportunity in Lin Han's eyes.

To be honest, the so-called Akers Protoss warriors must be stronger than the previous group of minions.

The destructive ability of that group of minions has already reached the level of extinction of civilization, and these Akers Protoss warriors will definitely be even worse.


Fighting on the surface is very disadvantageous for Lin Han, the creator.

Others don't feel sorry for the surface environment of the monster planet, but he feels very sorry for it.


The battlefield must be sealed within a thousand miles of radius that has been destroyed.


Simply stop fighting on the surface and move the battlefield to the stars!

"Diamond Nova, prepare the sun cannon!"

The creator Lin Han conveyed orders to his creations.

Diamond Nova was a little confused when receiving such an order.

If the enemy is on the surface of the monster planet, wouldn't it directly destroy the monster planet with its sun cannon?

But Lin Han's next words made him understand Lin Han's intention.

"Target: Aim at the airspace!!"

The solar cannon is a continuous ultra-high power output. The Diamond Nova must first absorb the energy released by the star in Lin Han's star system, and then transform it into a weapon with extremely powerful lethality.


while giving the order to fire.

Lin Han immediately turned his perspective back to the surface of the monster planet.

And ordered several teleportation dragons on standby on the surface to "teleport all the destroyed areas with a radius of thousands of miles to the solar cannon orbit!"

This step gives the opponent no time to react at all!

But the speed of cooperation between the two is very important.

By firing the sun cannon first and then moving the target, you can directly place the target under fire coverage.

The enemy will directly fill up the sun cannon!

If the teleportation is too early or too far away, there will be a blank space for the solar cannon to fire, leaving time for the enemy to react.

If the teleportation is too late, then it is very likely that the sun cannon has been fired before the enemy appears on the sun cannon's orbit and fights alone.

Under Lin Han's precise command, Teleport Dragon and Diamond Nova showed perfect coordination.

I saw.

When the solar cannon at the tip of Diamond Nova was just released, a group of creatures suddenly appeared in the originally empty space!

Those were eighteen dark weirdos and one disheveled human being!

Before the extreme environment in the universe could affect them, a torrent of energy drowned them!

Being exposed to this huge energy torrent, the disheveled human being was disintegrated in an instant!

Flesh, hair, bones, and even souls were ruthlessly destroyed!

As for those Akers Protoss warriors, as soon as they were attacked, a layer of honeycomb-style light shields automatically opened around them!

These light shields are very similar to the light shields on the previous half-length monster.

That is a super defense method that can absorb the light of the mechanical lion god's explosion star!


The sun cannon and starburst beams are different!

Although the energy levels of both are enough to explode stars, the energy contained in a solar cannon is more than just explosive stars.

You can explode stars, but star explosion is not the upper limit!

See you!

Submerged in the sun cannon, the light shields on the eighteen Akers warriors were still strong at the first second, then started to flicker at the second second, and by the third second, they were already turning red!

When they discovered that the light shield was glowing red, every Ax Protoss warrior panicked!

When being submerged by this huge energy, it is like a person sinking into the ocean, and he has to endure huge pressure.

Under the constant pressure of the sun cannon, even the protoss warriors find it difficult to carry out effective activities!

This is the power of the sun cannon.

If it were another attack, even if the light shield could be pushed to the limit, the Ax protoss warriors would still be able to escape the attack and dodge it!

So don’t panic at all!

But not now!

The huge pressure of the sun cannon made it difficult for these protoss to move!

Like the broken branches in a hurricane, they can only fly far away according to the direction of the wind.

At this critical moment, the Ax protoss warriors made a decision and could only use space jump technology!


It's too late!

Before the fourth second came, the defensive light shield was completely shattered!

As the light shield shattered, all eighteen Akers warriors were exposed to the wrath of the sun cannon!

Even though their physiques were extremely strong, they showed extremely painful expressions during the baptism of the sun cannon.

The pitch-black body was like evil ghosts, twisting and struggling in the sacred light.

This blow directly knocked these Alex's lackeys to the edge of Lin Han's star system!

They also withstood the baptism of sun cannons along the way!

When the solar cannon continued to the edge of Lin Han's star system and finally dissipated due to exhaustion, there were only eighteen floating bodies left in the universe.

Lin Han looked at it from the perspective of the demigod creator and couldn't help but be stunned, "He's not dead yet...but his life is very weak."

So, a powerful creature with a weak life is in front of him. According to Lin Han's usual habit, that is...

Looking at these eighteen protoss warriors who were not completely dead, Lin Han did not send any troops to deal with the wounds.


"Create 180,000 monster cells! Average of all types!"

With a move of power, 180,000 monster cells were immediately born on the monster planet!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Han used his demigod authority to pack the 180,000 monster cells into eighteen portions on average!

Then, he went to the edge of his own star system and implanted it into the weak protoss warrior!

The sun cannon has left a large number of wounds on their bodies, which are the entrances to the implanted monster cells!

"Everyone will be rewarded with a pack of Seven Dimensions of Space, oh no, 10,000 monster cells!"

As the monster cells invaded the bodies of these weak protoss warriors, Lin Han's creator's perspective could also follow the cells and sneak into their bodies for observation.

After observation, he discovered, "It turns out that the blood of the gods is also red."

The 10,000 monster cells in each protoss warrior begin to erode crazily once they enter the body.

It has to be said that the cells of the divine warriors are far beyond the strength of mundane things.

Even though the owner has fallen into a coma, the resistance of these cells to the monster cells is still quite strong!

The advancement speed of 10,000 monster cells is even slower than the last time Lin Han transformed the cosmic giant monster!


Fortunately, the power of the solar cannon kept these eighteen Akers Protoss warriors in Lin Han's star system!

As long as it is within its own star system, the demigod creator has countless ways!

After taking a look at the power points that were still growing in his background, Lin Han took the risk...

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