Lu Yu's use of the evil gods must not be underestimated.

"The stronger their strength, the stronger the power of my faith, and the stronger the solid foundation for me to become Genshin Impact, if I am faced with the strength in front of me and forget about my future Genshin Impact, this is not right. "

"I'm a little short-sighted. "

Si Yan nodded, there has always been no mistake in his judgment of Lu Yu, Lu Yu is for this group of guys to be more powerful.

Several old men with grizzled faces, covered in blood, walked out after Kygnidos.

Quegnidos greeted him, and the smile on his face became even more grand.

When he looked at Lu Yu, he seemed to see his teammates, although Lu Yu was a false god and had a certain hostile relationship with him.

But Lu Yu, this kid is indeed extraordinary!

"This time, I didn't actually come to save them, but I did a good thing for it, thank you!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said gratefully.

"Hmm. "

Lu Yu smiled and nodded, and said casually, "This matter is not difficult, but this thank you should not be you, but these adults behind you." "

Lu Yu looked at the old men behind him, looking at the fire in the eyes of these old men, he didn't seem to feel happy, but angry at him.


Josanif coughed sharply, knowing that these old men had great opinions about false gods.

At the same time, the trouble caused by this opinion is not just this old man.

It's a long-cherished grudge that has accumulated over time.

"Alright, several, let's go first, the teacher is waiting for you in the camp. "


Several old men patted Josaniv on the shoulder with a smile on their faces.

"Let's go, if it weren't for you coming, I'm afraid my old bones would have been left here, go, go back, I must ask your teacher to take credit for you!"

The old man looked at Qiao Sanif and said with a smile, thinking that it was a great shame for Lu Yu to save them.


Kgnidos's face was gloomy, and he made a clucking sound, never expecting that these old guys would be prejudiced!

Several old men stopped, their strength was strong, their faces were full of embarrassment, and they turned their heads to look at Quegnidos.

"Kegnidos, you are from the War Department, we know that about your breakthrough into the enemy court, we will invite rewards to the upper peak, rest assured......"

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

Kegnidos waved his big hand and said, "You were saved by Lu Yu, looking at the faces of you old guys like a mustard, why, before saving your life, you won't even say thank you and leave like this, do you think it's appropriate?"

He sneered, his gray hair was full of form, but it was a form as childish!


Josanif coughed lightly and looked at Lu Yu with embarrassed eyes.

Although these old men are a little stubborn, at least they are all his old-timers.

"Alright. "

Lu Yu smiled and nodded, knowing that these old men were like pickles, hard and salty, if they wanted to stay, it would cause unhappiness, and said, "Let's go, but let's go quickly, there is a big war here, I'm afraid there will be evil gods coming to check on soon, and they are not ordinary powerhouses!"


When Josanif heard Lu Yu's words, it seemed that he had been amnestied.

Hurriedly took these old men and walked out of the black fog quickly according to the same path.

Kegnidos didn't want to save Lu Yu's face, turned his head, and looked at the indifferent smile on Lu Yu's face.

"You're not angry?"

Lu Yu smiled and shook his head, looking into the distance.

Layers of black clouds are already rapidly approaching, and danger is coming!

And he is not fit for combat now.

"Let's go, I'm afraid you can understand the mood of those old men, who have been enemies for a lifetime, and suddenly let them nod their heads and thank you, how is it possible?"

Lu Yu shook his head and stepped on the mountain peak, and whispered a few words to Tan Si.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Tan Si took Lu Qi Yannian and demon wine, and at the same time left Lu Yu's side in a hurry with several evil gods.

When Kegnidos stepped forward, he originally wanted to set off alone, but looking at Lu Yu's expression, it seemed that he was going to stay longer.

"I'm not like that group of bastards, I don't repay you if you have kindness, I condemn your arrogant behavior of false gods and believing in yourself as gods, but I still know if you have kindness, you will be protected by me these days, and you must not refuse!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said bluntly, although he is a big man who is more than two meters tall, he can't say anything to repay his kindness, but his behavior is enough.

"Thanks, I think we'd better go quickly, I don't want to jump into the second fight right away. "

Lu Yu immediately left the place with the people of Kegnidos.


Bursts of tremors rang out from all around.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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