Countless ice picks suddenly emerged from the ground, and the Evil God King's aura poured out.

"Philisloc, Philisloc, you immortal old fellow can't really be dead, right?"

Suddenly there was a rise from under the layers of ice.

A huge finger broke through the ice, and a dark green eye reached out from above the finger, looking around.

Empty all around.

The mountain peaks were covered in blood, and there was no trace of Frislok anymore.

Layers of ice broke through the surface and came into an empty space.

"Damn, I didn't expect that Phyry's warehouse in Lockery had been emptied by others, it seems that you are indeed dead!"

His huge dark green eyes blinked slightly, and he didn't feel any sadness, but instead looked down at the ground slightly, and said, "The breath of the human god of war?"

Sniffing again, he said, "The smell of the Holy Light, and the smell of the false gods, they don't seem to be fighting, and they seem to be acting together against this unlucky guy." "

The dark green eyes suddenly blinked a few times, and the invisible lines around them spread towards the surrounding mountain peaks.


A tremor sounded in the sky, and a blood-white flesh opened from the sky, sharp teeth opening from his lower eyeballs, and said, "Another piece of evidence of collusion between humans and false gods, it seems that we are going to re-sign a pact with them, Guman Haqived." "

"Aren't you supposed to be in the East? Why are you here again now? You are the Evil God King of the East, a general under the Outer God, as the Evil God King, you have put down the projection so far without permission, aren't you afraid that we will blame you?"

Under the huge palm of Guman Haqived, tentacles suddenly appeared, and the whole body rushed out of this land.


Gergiendes sneered, as the Evil God King of the East, he was not afraid.

With a grunt, a projection stood on top of the mountain peak.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you right now, and you don't want to get the slightest advantage from me, the humans are starting to cooperate with the evil gods, which is both a disadvantage and a benefit for us, it's time to ask for more benefits from the humans! "

"Damn! people come to hunt our evil gods, and we also hunt humans as our sacrifices, which just complements each other, and those greedy guys have brought gifts, I'm afraid they can give us more anthropological sacrifices! "

Guman Haqived slowly nodded his giant finger, for him, the evil gods under his hands were just fat sheep.

As for the belief of thousands of human beings, it is more like delicious food for him, interchangeable with human beings, although it is a little worse than the image, but the quantity can make up for it.


In a large ruined building.

After the sweep of divinity.

The vast ruined building was white and tidy, and it was crystal clear.

"Let's eat. "

Si Yan held the dinner plate in his hand, and several people behind him took a hand behind him, and the radiance of divinity helped cook.

For cooking, they just aren't proficient anymore.


Lu Feier almost jumped up from the table, her left knife and her right fork raised.

Lemon chicken, sour and tender, orange grape pizza, sweet and glutinous......

"Wash your hands and go. "

Lu Yu looked at Lu Fei'er and said solemnly.

"I am God, and the essence of God is in an absolutely clean state, no need to wash your hands!

Lu Fei'er grimaced at Lu Yu.

With the brilliance of divinity, the ontology has been cleaned all the time.

What's more, Lu Yu was clearly looking for fault, and said, "I have already taken the same treasure as the Evil God King, as for what Kegnidos and you want to share, I won't look at it, stingy ghost." "

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled, this girl is smart.

"Take it out, you can see it too, you can't take her away at all, like a kraft candy. "

"You're the kraft candy!" protested Rufeld by tapping the fork in her hand.

"Okay, let's eat, don't make any noise!"

Si Yan uncovered the silver plate in his hand and put the tender and juicy beef with black pepper, lemon juice, rosemary, parsley, black sesame .......

Lu Fei'er's plate was full of meat, topped with a thick and smooth mushroom sauce, and a bite of flower and fish soup.

This made this Lu Feier quiet down, and ate obediently on the side.

Without any hesitation, Quegnidos took out a silver square box from his hand.

"Although you said that these things should be half of mine, but I always feel that it is not appropriate to hold these things, you can pick half first, and give me the other half. "

"Yes. "

Lu Yu didn't retreat from the enemy, what Kegnidos had already decided, if he was to be forcibly stuffed into him, I was afraid that it would cause discomfort to the two of them, so it was better to come quickly.

ps: Ask for collections!Ask for subscriptions!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!

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