It's not that Klockdahl is more cowardly to be an evil god.

It's because the enemy seems to be too powerful.

Between the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, you can give the evil god, this seems to be the means of the evil god king, it seems that this kid has recently obtained a lot of divinity!

The West is a heavy domain, and the Evil God King is optimistic about Yunielde, and sure enough, Yuniel has to be a guy with a backstage.

"Yes. "

Lu Yu nodded without doubt, if it was before, he didn't dare to say anything else, but now he has another puppet ring!

"As long as you cooperate with me, it's still very easy to beat him. "

Lu Yu said indifferently, and at this moment, he took out his fingers and gently tapped on the table.

"And what do you want?"

Klockdahl directly bypassed Alos, and now this man's momentum is much stronger than Alos.

I don't know where Alos pulled such a false god from, and a false god and his apprentices are also gods!

That's too strong!


Lu Yu chuckled, if he didn't want benefits, he would probably be suspected of being here to make them kill each other.

But if you want benefits, this guy is suspicious, and he is afraid of being caught by their praying mantis, and the yellow finch is behind!

This is the most important thing to grasp the psychology, and there are also psychological needs between the evil gods!

"Yes, good!"

Klockdahl said firmly, I want to hear what the benefits Lu Yu is asking for?

"Of course it's his followers!"

Lu Yu slapped the table violently, his face showing ambition.

"You don't want to think about it, the evil god is so powerful, how many support groups are behind it, 100,000, million, 100 million?"

"I'm just starting out now, I want to be stronger, to go in the direction of the true God, the general Godhead and divinity are useless to me, I want faith, you know?"

"Hmm. Klockdahl nodded.

Once you become a true god, I am afraid that you will have to evolve to the next stage, but the stage is not as simple as the divinity of the Godhead, but the value of the faith of the beings you care about is stronger than us in the future. "

"Then are you willing to give it?" Lu Yu smiled indifferently.

"Of course I do!"

Klockdahl did not hesitate, and gave this benefit to Lu Yu, but his face was a little embarrassed.

"Even if we capture it, the big head will be taken by the evil god king, but once we succeed this time, we will slaughter all three evil gods, you are a human being, you are guilty, right?"


Lu Yu laughed, evil gods are evil gods, no matter when, when their interests are maximized, they will do it.

Now that he has slaughtered the three evil gods together, this is exactly what he wants.

"That's it, since we are all collaborators, and I am an evil god hated by mankind, I promise you to kill another evil god, whenever you want, or act together. "

He looked at Klockdahl and said happily, from Alos's mouth, he already knew.

He has a conflict with the evil gods of the north!

Follow this guy's wishes, and when the time comes, it won't be his own!

"Well, well, we're done. "

Klockdahl did not reveal the intention of killing other evil gods again, and the case was decided.

"Let's make a blood alliance, there is mutual trust between you and me, and this matter must not be known by your evil god king, otherwise he will come to hunt me down, and I will have no way to live." "

Lu Yu's face was full of worry.

"I like prudent people, good!"

Klockdahl happily agreed, and happily made a blood alliance with Lu Yu.

If anyone wants to tell the other party's information in the past to reach the grave of the god of death, once the blood alliance has formed an effective effect, then it will face ashes!

Several people happily reached an agreement, and a sense of harmony came out in their eyes.

Out of this base.

Fly towards the west.

"Lu Yu, why didn't you just give him the number one hand in Klockdahl? In this way, the form between us is much more convenient. "

Si Yan didn't understand a little, and flew above the sky with Lu Yu's side.

Lu Yu saw the demon wine and Tan Si did not report to him.

Nothing happened in the visualization map, and it was quiet for a while.

"Now we know that guy can venom, but we don't know the means, and this guy Alos doesn't understand it thoroughly, not to mention that Alos has some information that he hasn't told us!"

Si Yan nodded slowly, and Lu Yu was more cautious.

Compared with her, Lu Yu is not a little bit stronger.

"So, this time we are going to the West Sea, not only to fight a few evil gods, but also to fight a group of old men from the War Department, do we want to kill them?"

Si Yan reminded.

Those old men are all heroes of the human race, if they are really killed, then I am afraid that it will not be good for the human race to face the evil god again.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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