"Your heart is hesitating?"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently.

"No...... No, I ......" Si Yan said in a panic, once Lu Yu had some doubts about her, I was afraid that he would reject her.

"Don't worry. "

Lu Yu patted Si Yan on the shoulder, trying his best to soothe her nervousness, Rao is becoming a god, but Si Yan was still so flustered in his own way, and said, "I know that your heart is so defined, don't worry, let's go." "

The two stood side by side in the sky, drawing a rainbow light and leaving this southern world.

The geography of the southern world.

"Alos, you guy is playing tricks on me, the level of false gods of those two guys is already comparable to that of a true god, and the next step is equivalent to ...... with Nu"


Alos rushed forward, and with a frightened look on his face stopped Klockdahl, almost saying the names of the people.

"You guy is dying, you don't know that the love powerhouses of the human race can change their names and come to this world!"

"I know, while you're free now, then you can go with me and kill that guy in the north, if it works, then it's fine, if it doesn't work, forget it. "

"Are you crazy?" Alos looked at this guy in disbelief!

I didn't expect to kill that guy in the north again, but they are still in the south now, and they are fighting on the front line.

Once this southern line collapses, then Klocodahl will not escape the blame.

"Don't worry!"

Klockdahl patted Alos on the head.

"Didn't that kid say just now, if he begged him, he would kill another person, even if we couldn't kill that bastard in the north, Lu Yu could ......"


It is in the Western camp that is in full swing.

One by one, the members of the point department have the courage to rush to the front and resist the striker!


A roar rang out from the camp position.

Tu Delin, who was wearing a white robe and had "justice" written in big black letters behind him, rushed out!

"The head of the war department is here, everyone rush

A burst of anti-quizzes rang out!

Everyone raised their swords and watched as three powerful shadows glided across the sky!

The eyes are extremely worshipful, don't order the demon beasts in front of you to kill them.

Lu Yu was above the sky, watching the killing at the bottom in full swing, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go, rendezvous, those two guys seem to have discovered something amazing, and came to tell me through the observation map. "

"Good. "

Si Yan glanced at the ground and found that the battle line was still stable, so he originally wanted to go down to help.

Still, forget it.

The combat effectiveness of the three old men is not a joke, and when the time comes, she will be a pseudo-god, and I am afraid that there will be jokes to watch!

Si Yan looked down and saw that it was indeed a grand and brilliant war momentum, coupled with countless demon beasts impacting the human camp like an ocean.

If it weren't for these three true god powerhouses, who were trying to pull out the mountain and cover the momentum, I am afraid that the camp of the human race would have collapsed at this moment!

It's also true, the three true god powerhouses are in a hurry at the right time, otherwise I really don't know what happened to them.

It's just that if the three true god powerhouses don't go, I don't know if Lu Yu will make a move.

The two of them flew in the sky, relaxed and comfortable.


Inside the black pressed stone cave.

Bursts of evil came from all directions.

A lot of stalactites flowed bright red blood, and the smell of fish came to the nose, which was disgusting.

Inside the cave.

There are countless human beings wandering back and forth, shouting, screaming.

Their faces were full of sincerity, their hearts burning, and they slashed their palms, and drops of bright red blood dripped towards a huge pool of water in the middle!

"Demon wine, if this group of people bleeds more, I'm afraid they will die immediately, don't we care?"

Tan Si said worriedly on the side of the demon wine.

This group of people are all human, and it would be a pity to die here.

And if Lu Yu was here, he would definitely not let this group of people die.

Sitting still, I'm afraid Lu Yu won't be happy.

Demon Wine shook his head slowly, he was more composed and determined than Tan Si.

A pair of eyes looked at a green stone statue in the center of the pool.

The image depicted on this stone statue is messy, as if it is a random outline of lines, and it is like a tadpole surrounded by a thin line.

A green dot is in it, and there are chaotic black lines everywhere.

During the sacrifice of this group of blood, the black lines began to float, making the green center more crystal clear.

"Now, we can't act rashly, I think this sacrifice is very suspicious, and the evil aura is strong, but there is no evil god here, and here is the West has these three evil gods, if we act first, I am afraid it will disturb Lu Yu's big affairs, and then wait ......." "

Halfway through the conversation.

At this moment, a wisp of Jingxi appeared in his eyes, and at this moment, the visualization map behind him had slowly emerged, this was Lu Yu calling them.

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