An instant.

The two slowly exited the black stone cave and came to a mountain peak near the cave.

"What's going on?"

Lu Yu originally planned to go to the layout, but he was hurriedly invited by the demon wine, which must be a big deal.

Demon Wine told Lu Yu all the things in the cave.

Lu Yu nodded, and he entered the cave with Demon Wine and the others.

It wasn't to go in and kill and kill, but to rush through the human area where the sacrifice was being made.

The more you go into the stone cave, the more powerful the evil god power you feel.

On the surrounding evil, violent, and hideous walls and rocks, the black pressure pressed a sense of oppression around them.

With a burst of blood, countless arms waved indiscriminately.

They were like arms growing out of the walls.

Keep going.

I saw a dungeon that was not too big or too small.

Everyone in this dungeon has been washed in blood, the walls, the floor, the dead trees......

There are bones everywhere, and there is a tragic appearance in front of me.


A cold voice rang out from the dungeon.

It's a dungeon where people are hidden.

After being attacked by these gods, they used this place as a base for their sacrifices.

And the group of sacrificers who were just outside the door, they seemed to have lost their breath of life, and their movement was caused by the divinity of the evil god.

Lu Yu's expression was indifferent.

I didn't expect them to be found anyway, and I don't know from which side they were discovered.

For him, though, exposure and unexposure are the same.

"Your evil god is Yunild, isn't it? Where is it? Let him come out to me?"

He saw the evil god in front of him say tentatively, and the divine brilliance around him lit up, sealing off the surroundings.


The evil god who had not yet noticed it sneered, he was the general of Yun Nierde, and he was also a brother.

And his attack strength is no worse than Yun Nierde's means, but in terms of status, he can't compare to Yun Nierde.

"With your divine brilliance, you want to block my way? I'm afraid it's a bit of a drag, but I'm not going to hide it, I'm going to eat you as a true god today. "

Strode towards Lu Yu, already made up his mind to swallow it.

The evil aura around him steepened.

From his human body, "Puff Puff" stretched out huge arms.

From the palm of his arm, his eyes opened.

Breath of the Evil God!

Although this guy has not reached the whole evil god、

However, this dangerous aura made Lu Yu feel it.

If he really wants to fight, I'm afraid this guy is no weaker than the entire evil god.

"Stand back. "

Lu Yu waved his hand back and walked towards the evil god with a step.

Covered in arms and eyes, he wanted to see how this guy was attacking.

The three nodded.

Even after Si Yan listened to Lu Yu's words, he began to slowly retreat, since it was Lu Yu who said it, then just do it.

Yun Nikshi is not afraid of this human god!

The steps under his feet became bigger and bigger, and the blood around him surged up, wrapping his whole person like a blood cloud, and in the center of the blood cloud, there was a dark green light that gradually shone brightly.

"Today, since you're here, I'm going to give you a big gift, don't even think about leaving, hahaha...... Devouring a true god would do me even more good. "

He looked at Lu Yu and smiled fiercely!

Suddenly, his eyes froze, blood floated all over his body, and in the palm of his hand, a green glow suddenly burst out!

Countless arms, the faint green light seemed to have turned into a green divine sun shining on the cave, and it suddenly brightened.


There were countless souls tearing in the ghostly light, and one by one the faces rushed towards Lu Yu in fear, bloody, furious, and killing......

Lu Yu didn't think so, and his whole person stood forward.

"The light of destruction. "

A light accompanied a murderous aura.

The black light was sent out in an instant, and it rolled forward like a dragon roaring tsunami.

"Puff puff ......"

One after another, the hideous faces were wiped out.

The smile on Yunnish's face was still there, and there was no horror in his heart.

The arms around him exploded into a mist of blood.

"Sure enough, there are some means, but you're still a little too tender for me. "

He looked at Lu Yu and said in a cold voice.

This huge blood cloud actually opened its dark green mouth, and in the blink of an eye, a series of electric flints and purple lightning thunder shuttled from this blood cloud!

The surrounding rocks crumbled, the capacitors became pulp, and everything turned into fly ash.

Lu Yu didn't have any fear, and smiled.

A ring was found in his hand.

Puppet Dragon!



The wooden ring coiled in Lu Yu's palm and turned into a colorful little dragon.

I saw that it had a mouth, and it exploded out with colorful colors!

Yun Nishi didn't retreat in the slightest, especially looking at Lu Yu's attack, which didn't seem to be in danger.

With a condensation of his palm, a purple light thunderbolt rushed out, splitting out a purple light.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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