With a click, a ray of light shook the stone pillars of the cave to one side, accompanied by the fall of countless boulders.

At this moment, the power grid is like a giant python, blocking this passage one after another, and starting to attack Lu Yu!

Lu Yu was not quiet about the powerful purple thunder power grid, and there was no slight movement in the corners of his eyes.

"The Body of the Dragon. "

The black scales on the whole body were suddenly laid up layer upon layer, and the electric light and purple thunder attacked on it, surging towards the surroundings like a mirror reflected light source.

Right now!

The puppet dragon's multicolored light had struck Yunnixh's body.

In a black blood cloud.

A burst of colorful light brightened, and even the little green light just now, under this colorful light, seemed to be pulled into a big world of dyeing vats.

"Puff puff ......"

Blood clouds suddenly split out of the big clouds, and several green crystals rolled out with a gurgling slurp.

The whole body began to decompose, and the light of the puppet dragon worked for him.

Yun Nikos has found out the seriousness of the incident!

"What is this?"

Yunnish wasn't surprised at first, but at this moment!

It was terrible to find that his whole body was decomposed by this color!

Even his evil god power is as if he has an independent life form.

See here!

He knew that he had to give it his all, otherwise Lu Yu, this kid, would most likely kill him here!

I didn't expect a human being to have such a means.



A huge purple electric light lit up from Yun Nix's body, accompanied by an even more intense colorful light.

"Puff puff puff!"

Yun Nixsh struggled to break himself down into countless parts!

He turned into a colorful sword and stabbed directly at Lu Yu!

Huge gravity comes with rage, killing, gore!

The arms on the wall rushed towards the light of Yunnish.

The evil aura became heavier and heavier, and the mountain blood pool also turned into a blood dragon and rushed to kill!

Powerful electric light and fist bang!


The powerful electric light was blasted out by Lu Yushengsheng with his fist!

A huge tunnel mountain unexpectedly revealed a glimmer of light, followed by a burst of explosions!

"You guys go in first, this guy seems to be a little tough. "

Lu Yu noticed a slight difference.

The whole earth trembled.

Countless resentful spirits seemed to be screaming and screaming all around.

Divinity can no longer suppress such a huge force.


The three of them smiled wryly, didn't they hide far enough?

Hurriedly nodded, and walked into the tunnel in the direction of Lu Yu's finger.

"Lu Yu, now that I'm a true god, can't I help you?"

Si Yan said hurriedly, she wanted to contribute to Lu Yu at this moment, after all, she was a true god now.

Lu Yu shook his head in refusal.

"It's good for you to watch from the sidelines, although you are a true god, you still have little experience in fighting evil gods, and now is the time to accumulate experience. "

That's all it takes.

His form was suspended in the air, and the earth around him was melted into pieces of molten pulp by the flames of hell.

Taking advantage of the floating of the molten slurry, the entrance of Si Yan and several others was blocked.


All around, the orange-red flames were like fire dragons spewing out a sea of fire.

This cave suddenly melted the magma, and the divine shock that came from the surrounding impact was blocked by the hot molten magma!

"Boom, boom, boom......"

Thunder slammed into Lu Yu's magma, and a huge explosion caused the magma to splash everywhere, and the cave collapsed!

Outside the cave is dusty!

Yun Niksh's body kept rolling out blood-colored clouds, and purple thunder and lightning flew all over the ground.

Yun Nikshi not only wants to attack Lu Yu, but also to collect back the differentiated divinity in his body!

However, the colorful light above the beads of his body is still there!

Endless growth.

"Damn it, get out of your turtle shell. "

He saw that the layers of electric light above the molten slurry were blocked, and scolded angrily!

Lu Yu seemed to be hiding under this piece of molten lava and refused to come out.


An indifferent voice sounded, and Lu Yu walked out of the hell flames with his steps, his eyes only staring at Yun Nikoshi.

"If what I'm saying is correct, then you're just a doppelganger of Yunild, or a fart worm, and now it's better to go against me, and I'll make you its body. "

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Maybe Yun Nixsh can use it, especially when he sees such a form of rage, most of the changes are probably taught by Yun Niel.


Yunkish laughed to the sky as if he had heard the best joke in thousands of years.

"Boy, before my face changes dramatically, you'd better organize how you can beg me for mercy, but now I've decided that I'm going to break you to pieces so that I can satisfy my inner killing. "

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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