Evil gods and the like would never allow such beauty to exist.

Because they represent destruction, killing, and all the beauty of the world is what they hate......

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, the one-horned giant snake was already his subordinate evil god!

shook it violently from his hand, and his real body was held in his hand by the Thousand-Handed Demon God, and he was directly pressed under his body and suppressed!

"Since you have formed a blood alliance with me and are my subordinates, I think you will honestly obey my orders!"

Lu Yu sneered, strode his eyes and scanned the surroundings, no one has come yet, it seems that there is something else in the base!

Stepping into the warehouse, I suddenly noticed something different.

Antia held a long knife in her hand and Alos's head in her other arm, and a sneer curled into the corners of her mouth.

Alos waved his arm, watching as Alos's neck had been pressed against a long knife.

The cold light flickering on the long knife, as long as he moved his divine godhead, I am afraid that Alos's body will immediately disappear!

"Lu Yu save me!

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, now only Lu Yu can save him.

The corners of Antia's mouth hooked a hint of joke, and now Lu Yu's face was indifferent, looking at this look as if it was a delicious dessert!

"Humans are a delicious food, but the more powerful the humans, the more curious I am, and when you just cleaned up the unicorn serpent, your men became my playthings!"


Lu Yu shook his head, and with a wave of his arm, the metal saw door directly merged into one and closed it.

He looked at the weapons cast by the Chaos Stone around him, and the amount was gold.

While a few things aren't, most of them are weapons forged from Chaos Stone!

It can be seen that the planet and the earth of the Chaos Stone in his time.

One Chaos Stone is quite too much Chaos Qi.

If you don't collect it here, it's a terrible thing.

Antia looked at Lu Yu, and actually absorbed the chaotic qi on the spot here, as the confidence of his thousand-handed demon god condensation.

Suddenly frowned slightly!


She called Lu Yu, but Lu ignored him!

Lu Yu's figure slightly released a stream of spiritual power, and a ray of light emerged.

The divinity of the heart is the size of half a house!

"Don't scream, if you want to kill, then do it as soon as possible!"

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked a cold smile, anyway, it wasn't for the Alos he killed, he wouldn't get the power to fight back!

And after Antia appeared in front of his eyes and killed Alos, she would definitely not be able to escape!


Antia scoffed, her arm sticking out as if a snake's tail wrapped around the dagger and began to strike at Alos's head.

"Do you hear me, poor little spider, your master doesn't seem to care about your life, if that's the case......"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Alos was furious, and the golden eyes of one hundred and eight glared at Lu Yu angrily.

"You guy is at least an ally between us, so you won't die without help, now you hurry up and say a few good words, and let her let me go, otherwise the cooperation between you and me will be all in vain!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, now he can only save him, but it can only be Lu Yu.

"I'll avenge you, don't worry, you don't know my methods. "

Lu Yu said boredly, lifting a few weapons and squinting.

Alos glared angrily, he had never seen this pair of shameless teammates before!

"Hey ......"

"You're a fart!"

Lu Yu sneered and shook his head, took down a Chaos Stone, and shook it in the palm of his hand.

The next moment, he was taken in the godhead.

"As far as I can see, you guy should have been arrested for being lustful, and it's not a pity to die!"

"It's not!"

"It's not a fart! Your one hundred and eight golden eyes, you really thought you were stupid, you didn't even have this little defense? Even if you couldn't stop the attack, at least you could squeak, but you didn't even scream!"

Lu Yu immediately went back, this guy was taken hostage by others because of some of his selfish desires, he was simply stupid!


The corners of Alos's mouth twitched violently for a while.

One hundred and eight eyes slowly looked down, always feeling that something was wrong, and they were really right!


Anti Adam immediately became unhappy, and the two guys started talking.

"I see you two have a good chat, why don't you talk to our son of the Evil God King, it's been a long time since you've seen a new guest. "

She looked at Lu Yu and said with a sneer, and a third turquoise eye suddenly appeared between her foreheads.

Beneath the brownish-red hair, there are small snakes curling out of the ends of the hair!


Alos immediately became nervous, if he wanted to fight immediately, I am afraid that he would die without a place to be buried!

Especially in the hands of this ruthless Antia!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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