"Lu Yu, now hurry up and say something!"

"Don't be afraid!" Lu Yu waved his hand impatiently.

"Since Antia hasn't done anything until now, and she hasn't killed you beforehand, and then attacked me, most likely because she plans to negotiate terms with me, what are you afraid of her?"

Lu Yu shook his head and continued to walk towards the huge Chaos Stone spaceships!


The long knife in Antia's hand stabbed into Alos's body, and purple blood flowed down the long knife.


The bladed legs on his body kept shaking, and his golden eyes flashed with horror!

Death is so near!

"Didn't we say we were going to talk about it? And don't you want fifty percent here? Now we'll promise you!"

"Lu Yu, this kid is a stunned seed, now that you and I have negotiated something, it can be implemented between the two of us, there is no need to threaten me again!

Alos roared at Antia behind him.

Just now, I just asked Lu Yu for a little more cost!But this three-eyed girl is too ruthless!

"Damn, who told you to call it out?"

Antia's quick knife stabbed Alos through the body again.

Purple blood flowed above the metal earth, and a thick fog of white smoke came out.

Lu Yu listened to the two people behind him singing and harmonizing.

A smile appeared on his face, it would be a pity if these two guys didn't act!

Edit ......

Lu Yu took the Chaos Runner Gun in his hand and leaned towards the side of the spaceship made of Chaos Stone.


All of a sudden.

A spaceship began to roar, and the Chaos Runner in Lu Yu's hand disappeared into space.

Black smoke rises from all sides!

Walk towards the next giant ship.

It seems that there are probably more than a dozen spaceships in this place, but the weapons are knives and swords, and the lines on them are mostly fierce and vicious!

The self-protection and strength in his hands were too weak, and compared to so many ships, he could only move forward step by step now.


His puppet dragon, the claws of time and space, the black smoke of the seats.

Start editing between the huge black ships!


Antiadas was in a hurry, the spaceship seemed to be really gone, what kind of teleportation magic was this, how could she never see it!

She lifted Alos with one hand, and rushed towards Lu Yu with a quick stride!


A faint smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he stretched out one hand into the black mist.


In the black mist.

Purple Thunder rolled around Landing Feather's fingers, and he fused the corpse of the Thunderbolt Earth Evil God with the Chaos Wheel Gun in his hand and a spaceship.

As for how powerful it was, Lu Yu hadn't thought much about it.

Antia felt a hint of astonishing murder, rolled her throat, and quickly carried Alos back!

"What kind of weapon is that, it's so terrifying before it even appears?"

She trembled, her long legs trembling.

This is the fear of the old rulers, the old gods of the past.

And in the black mist behind Lu Yu, there is the strong aura of the old dominator!

Powerful, ancient, fierce, invincible, furious, full of slaughter!


A smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

He grabbed the white handle of the Chaos Wheel.

The Chaos Revolver slowly dragged outside.

The heaviness made Lu Yu's arm sink slightly, and with a click, the bones cracked.

If it weren't for Lu Yu hurriedly dragging his palm with his divine instinct, I'm afraid that his entire arm would have been dislocated at this moment!

The weight of the Chaos Revolver could dislocate the True God's arm, which was still unexpected!

The Chaos Wheel Gun didn't take on a different shape.

At this moment, it's like a revolver.

The hole was so huge that it became long and straight, as tall as Lu Yu, and the weight was like a mountain!


As soon as it reached Lu Yu's hands, the surrounding space trembled.

The Chaos Wheel Spear in Lu Yu's hand had already surpassed the True God level and advanced towards the realm of the Evil God King!


How powerful is this Chaos Revolver!


The spaceship that had just been absorbed turned into a kinetic bullet on the hilt of the Chaos Revolver!

If this bullet goes out.

Then the energy is probably capable of destroying a true god, no wonder Antia is so afraid!


Lu Yu saw the Chaos Revolving Gun in his hand, and couldn't help but praise it.

If he got such a Chaos Revolver to fight, ordinary true gods would not be able to get close to him at all, not to mention that these evil gods appeared more and more!

"Hurry up and tell him to put it down!"

There was a hint of cunning in Antia's eyes.

She put both daggers at Alos' neck.

Alos is about to cry, this is really going to be hijacked!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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