One hundred and eight eyes were spinning rapidly, and his whole body trembled, and Antia's knife had cut deep into his shell!

"Don't don't, don't be impulsive!"

His claws flicked slowly towards the tip of the knife.

"Then hurry up and let him put down this Chaos Revolver, as long as this Chaos Revolver is given to me, then I will let you go immediately!"

Antia looked at Alos and said urgently.

If she gets this Chaos Wheel Gun, then her combat power is probably not in the Evil God Realm, and it is very likely that she will march towards the power of the Evil God King.

"Good, good!"

Alos promised again and again at this moment, and now his life is threatened!

No matter what Antia says, he will bear it all, otherwise he will only face the extinction of this assassin.

"Lu Yu, now as long as you promise to give him this Chaos Wheel Gun, I will promise you anything in the future!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, can't you joke at this moment!

Lu Yu raised his head slightly, and a smile was hooked on the corner of his mouth.

This Chaos Wheel Gun is an edited Chaos Wheel Gun, how could it be possible to listen to this Antia's orders.

And this Antia sees things too simply!

Slowly raised the Chaos Wheelgun, a purple light that swung like an arm.

The small purple energy bars on top of the Chaos Wheel Gun began to slowly recharge.

The surrounding space darkened for a while, and the surrounding divinity frantically attached to this Chaos Wheel Gun!

The Chaos Runner is getting heavier!

"Put it down!"

Antia roared at Lu Yulu, and his hand fell with a knife, and a white limb and leg were immediately cut off!

Alos's purple blood spurts!

With a scream of "Ahh

"Lu Yu, Lu Yu, you quickly put down the Chaos Revolver in your hand, just promise her, otherwise I will die without a place to bury me soon!"

Alos looked at Lu Yu and roared angrily.

The bastard had gone mad and had no regard for his safety to confront this Antia.

Looking at the energy of this Chaos Runner, it can already bomb him to smoke!


Lu Yu smiled indifferently and shook his head slowly.

The Chaos Wheel Gun above his arm, the energy gathered around him became stronger and stronger.

With the condensation of the divine brilliance of the energy accumulation, his arm also felt heavier and heavier.

"Now you and I, the two of you count to three together, you kill him, I shoot him out, you will never escape, believe me. "

Lu Yu's voice was confident, gentle, and elegant.

Walk through the empty hall.

It's like entering a no-man's land.

"Don't come here!"

Antia held Alos hostage and hurriedly retreated.

However, looking at the huge kinetic energy in Lu Yu's muzzle, it was able to block all the divinity around her.

As long as she is shot, neither she nor Alos can escape!

"Didn't you and Alos make a blood alliance, if you dare to shoot, then you have to die!"


Lu Yu chuckled, and his fingers lightly hooked a few strands of fluttering silk in his hair.

"There was a blood alliance between me and him, and now I can't kill him myself, but now I look at you like this, as if you are helping me kill him, so now I want to apologize to you, hurry up, you killed him, I started shooting, and this blood alliance was dissolved. "

Lord Lu Yu smiled, it seemed that Alos's death had nothing to do with him at all!

The blood alliance that Lu Yu said was the relationship between him and Alos, and before Alos became the Evil God King, Lu Yu was not allowed to kill Alos!

But if someone else kills it, then it has nothing to do with Lu Yu.

"You despicable and shameless bastard, even as an evil god......"

Alos scolded, Lu Yu actually wanted to wipe him out at this critical time, and at the same time kill this Antia, regardless of his life!

"Shut up!" Antia stopped Aros from continuing to yell.

"Between the two of you, don't sing and harmonize here! Don't come with me now, I'll let him go when I'm in a safe place!"

She kept looking behind her, but Lu Yu's footsteps were still staring at her.

As long as Lu Yu moves slightly, once he presses the trigger, he will fire it from this revolver!


Lu Yu frowned slightly, as if he was very dissatisfied with this answer.

"Lu Yu, hurry up and save me, don't you still agree? Now let's save my little life first, no matter what the conditions are, or what the responsibility, I will admit it!"

Alos said urgently, his life was at stake, and there was no reason for his resentment!

No matter how brave he is, at least he has to save his own life, since he was following Lu Yu, he felt that his luck was getting worse and worse!

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