Prevent humans from besieging and killing, and if you catch him next time, ask him where these methods come from, maybe he can be stronger!

Above the blue sky.

Three evil gods, one true god, and two eternal Yang levels, were following behind Lu Yu.

Demon Wine and Tan Si were shocked when they came out, and even Antia was inevitable.

Si Yan glanced at Antia intentionally or unintentionally, this guy is an evil god!

However, this kind of dress is a little exposed, and looking at this posture is good, it shouldn't be Lu Yu who took it back, right?

Could it be Lu Yu......

"Ahem...... Don't think about it, jealousy has an effect on your divinity. "

Lu Yu felt a slight discomfort, it turned out that among his thousand-handed demon gods, a trace of impure thoughts came, guiding him to look at Antia.

Antia's face turned red, her head lowered, and one or two fingers were pointed together, very embarrassed.

"What's the matter, we've got another evil god in our ranks? and, ...... moreover."

"Alright. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently.

"Take advantage of the fact that now we have all our people, and there is also the White Bone Evil God inside, for our internal response. "

"Hurry up and go to the Western combat command room, maybe you can catch them, if it's too late, it's too late!"

He now has these three artifacts, and his own unparalleled power!

Grab that Yunilde, the evil god who has changed a lot, and the evil god's subordinates.

It shouldn't be difficult for him, but if it is delayed, it will be troublesome!


Several people nodded at the same time, and a bolt of orange light turned under their feet, flying into the distance.


In the Western Monster Command.

Yun Niel had to look at the casualty data in front of him, as well as the human counterattack, and he was furious.

However, a message gave him a reminder.

"What? Eganibul actually commanded me to retreat, and he commanded my head with a hairy boy!"

Although the White Bone Evil God doesn't know what happened.

However, if you want to disturb the affairs of the evil gods, then it must be on the opposite side!

"Yes, Erganipur is just a kid who thinks that he is the son of the Evil God King and can do such nonsense, maybe he wants you to pick him up for his own prestige?"

Vanille shook his head, his eyes solemn.

"The information from the information said that some of the energy that could threaten him had already gone to his base, destroyed all his facilities, and at the same time, stole all the Chaos Stone ships and weapons of the old rulers he had collected, so we should not be underestimated, so let's retreat first. "

The second word was not verbose, it turned into a streamer in the blink of an eye and disappeared in place!

The Bone God shook his head and sighed as he looked at where Yunniel had left.

I didn't expect this guy to be so timid, and he was counting on making meritorious service to Lu Yu and getting his godhead back.


When Lu Yu and the others came to the western command post.

It was empty, and more demon beasts didn't know that several of the leaders were dead, and they were still fighting on the front line.

However, several high-ranking generals have disappeared!

At the moment, it is a one-sided situation for humanity!

"Let's go, if I meet with humans soon, I will have to fight them for a while, this is not my intention. "

Lu Yu looked at the chaos all around, and the two controlled evil gods were no longer there.

Fleeing decisively, it seems that what Eganipur said, Yunniel must be able to listen a little.

Not a single evil god remained!

It seems that Yun Nier's caution is still strong!

Several people left in a hurry.


At the moment when a few people had just left.

Several high-ranking people rushed in with long swords in hand, intending to have a fight.

However, without the existence of this evil god, for them, there are only some high priests to slaughter!

I just fought head-on, and I thought I had a chance to fight back, but now it seems that these evil gods have retreated by themselves, which is really strange!

"This ...... How is this possible, could it be that the evil god has retreated, it is impossible, with the powerful life ability of the evil god, he can create endless demon beasts. "

Tu Delin shook his head, incredulous at what he was seeing, and reached out to brush the white beard on his chin.

He'd never seen it before!


An old white-haired man rushed in from outside the cave, and when he saw that there was no evil god here, a burst of laughter rang out.

"It must be that group of bastards and evil gods who knew how powerful we were, so they fled in a hurry. "

Tudrin shook his head in disbelief.

"Although this war was won, I always felt that something was wrong, and most of the land in the west was encroached upon by the evil gods.

There was a hint of worry in his eyes, and he strode out of the base.

He hurriedly gave a death order to the members of the war department behind him, no matter what, he must advance a hundred miles!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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