In this way, you can search for the location of the remaining demon beasts, and at the same time, you can also find out where the evil gods have gone.

Otherwise, he didn't know that he was bypassed by them that day and went directly to the interior of the continent, it was his fault!



Clusters of bonfires began to glow around them.

Lu Yu and the others no longer need to hide in the cave and cower.

Because now Lu Yu can already defeat the evil god, and the means don't need to be too strong, it's easy!

"Now, the time has come for you two to become true gods!"

Lu Yu took out the two complete godheads of Dougal and Barbaros from his hands.

The two godheads slowly moved with red light, and the divinity bloomed like lotus flowers, graceful and abnormal, slowly floating in the air.

Alos scratched his ears and cheeks on Lu Yu's side, and a hundred and zero eyes flashed.

I didn't expect to give the godhead of these two evil gods to human beings, which is simply a great waste!

"What a waste, if you give me these two godheads, then I can be stronger......"

"Shut up!"

Lu Yu glanced at this guy, always the snake's heart was not enough to swallow, and said, "Now you and Antia are both on guard, she listens to you!"

"Why?" said Antiada.

Their evil gods have always worshiped the strong, how can they bow down to Alos.

"I said it!"

A cold murderous intent flashed in Lu Yu's eyes, and he said, "He may be a hundred or a thousand times stronger than you in the future, and he is the evil god king I prescribed, go ahead!"

With a wave of Lu Yu's arm, he saw Alos and Antia, both of whom got up at the same time.

Alos winked at Landing Feather in gratitude and disappeared into the mountain.

Si Yan glanced at Lu Yu lightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I'll go and prepare dinner for you. "

After saying that, she left the place in a hurry, as if she were a virtuous wife, not like a true god.


The stomach of the demon wine couldn't help but mutter, the food made by the true god, the deliciousness of which needless to say.

Now, however, it is more important for both of them to become true gods.

"Lu Yu, could it be that the two of us can really be gods?"

He looked at the godhead in front of him and said stupidly, there was a kind of longing in his eyes, not a fanatical desire from before!

Lu Yu has three evil gods as his subordinates.

At the same time, they have a true god as logistics, if it weren't for the two of them believing in Lu Yu, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to get such a true god power!

"Hmm. "

Lu Yu nodded, without any hesitation, he slowly floated in the palm of his hand one by one.

"Now, when you visualize the two of you from your heads, you must take it easy and slow when you operate the divinity, and when the Godhead rushes against your soul, you must stick to your own heart and there must be no turmoil......

Lu Yu solemnly talked to the two of them about the specifications he requested.

After all, this move is likely to cause the destruction of the gods and the death of the characters!

Demon Wine and Tan Si are credible to him, and they are a hundred times stronger than that Alos.

The two listened to Lu Yu and nodded with joy on their faces.

As long as they can become true gods and ask them to do something, I am afraid that they will do it immediately, without ambiguity.

The eyes of the two people closed slightly, and a thousand-armed demon god of Lu Yu appeared behind them in the blink of an eye.

I saw this thousand-handed demon god slowly grow up.

Lu Yu pushed the crimson godhead in his hand towards these two people!

"Light divinity, holy light shines!"

Lu Yu had words in his mouth, and there seemed to be two more mirrors in his hands, each of which shone on the foreheads of the two.

To prevent these two people from thinking wildly, it can be regarded as a layer of guarantee.



In the eyebrows of the two people, there was a red red light, which slowly lit up.

The two of them sat on the ground and floated, only to see the radiance of the divinity around them surging towards their hearts layer after layer!

Demon Wine's brows furrowed slightly, and a golden light slowly appeared in his eyes!

"What's wrong?"

Lu Yu had long known that at such an age of demon wine, he must have some fetters in his heart.

The ginger is still old and spicy, and there must be a lot of stories behind this old ginger!"

"I'm sorry, I'm fine!"

Demon Wine gritted his teeth, and the divine brilliance between his body frantically rushed into his inner life!

The divine power was like a headless bullet, frantically striking at the godhead in the heart of the demon wine.

If this serious state of affairs continues, not only will the godhead not be able to survive, but even the demon wine will have to die!

"Let you forget all the things of the past, and do not remember anything about it, and now is the time for you to be the true God, do you still have to hesitate about the things of the past?"

The light above Lu Yu's palm suddenly brightened.

The light just shone a divine soft light, and it did not attack the two of them, hoping to wash away the uneasiness in the hearts of the two people!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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