Demon Wine let out a long sigh.

"The death of the whole family back then, I was helpless, I couldn't take revenge at that time, and when I got old, I had the strength to take revenge, and I found that the old guy was dead!"

A long sigh came out of his mouth.

His countenance became solemn and congenial, and the radiance of divinity slowly calmed down around him.

It turns out that when he was young, he used to be aggressive with others, and then he was followed by others, which led to the death and destruction of his family.

That moment was deeply imprinted in his mind, the moment before he became the true God.

This is to vent out one's inferiority, shame, worry, etc.

Lu Yu watched the demon wine turn above the high sky by itself, and the divinity around him already had order.

I don't have to care about the demon wine, and I put my eyes on Tan Si's body!

Tan Si's problem is not small, after all, at the beginning of the beginning, Tan Si's own problem was seen.


Although the divine brilliance on Tan Si's body was orderly, the direction they chose was not to go to the godhead of their hearts.

Instead, towards the soles of the feet!

"What's going on, does it need light?"

Lu Yu couldn't understand what Tan Si was thinking, how could he put his divinity into this foot, and his godhead was not under his feet.

Tan Si shook his head, his demeanor solemn, sacred, dignified, solemn, fanatical......

Behind him, the divine weakness and light began to straighten.

The divinity around him actually surged towards the light statue behind him one after another, without the slightest stagnation!

"It's just that before I became a true god, I missed my family who had passed away, but in fact, I was the same as the demon wine. "

There was infinite sadness in the faint voice.

In this quiet night, someone whispered and groaned in it, and the black wind was the face of a person, and it was the palm of a soothing hand.

The quiet beauty of autumn leaves, the splendor of summer flowers.

The bits and pieces of memories of the two people seem to be a rainbow bridge flying directly into the sky.

Only then did Lu Yu discover that there were actually a lot of stories about these two people.

Tan Si, although he is a little younger, he has experienced a lot of things, it seems that Si Yan is more simple, and becoming a god is even simpler.

The simplest threat left for Si Yan is that Anriel is good, Anriel is dead, and Si Yan's threat is gone.

Therefore, Si Yan is the existence that can become a true god.

The two true gods floated in the sky for a long time.

After a while, they felt that their godhead had stabilized, and the divinity around them flowed freely between their fingers!

"Thank God!"

"Thank God!"

Demon Wine and Tan Si were so excited that they were about to kneel down for Luo Xiu.

Lu Yu was like a preaching god, leading them into the gate of the divine realm, and the godhead determined their status.

With the rise of divinity in the two people's bodies, Lu Yu's brilliance seemed to increase again!

Lu Yu had a feeling in his own body, as if it was a round of eternal sun.

When he looked back at his Thousand-Handed Demon God, he felt that that Thousand-Handed Demon God was powerful and invincible!

"It's fine. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently and told these two people about some things after becoming true gods.


Si Yan had a silver plate, in which the radiance of divinity seemed to be fine wine.

It is brewed and swirled around the silver plate to prevent fear of losing its divinity and deliciousness.

"Come on, after becoming a true god, I can run far away, there is venison, bear meat, wine, brandy, ......"

As she introduced, she brought out the rich dishes on the silver plate.

"There's something to eat!"

Alos had been smelling the fragrance for a long time.

The fast limbs sat in front of Lu Yu's eyes, and the golden eyes of one hundred and eight Zhou stared at this divine meal, and there was also a crystal saliva between the corners of his mouth.

Lu Yu glanced at Alos speechlessly.


found that Alos was followed by Antia, looking at her with a grumbling look in his eyes, he must be dissatisfied with his deployment.

However, now she can't help it.

A group of true gods and evil gods had a beautiful meal, which is a strange phenomenon!

The true god actually ate a meal with the evil god.


Several people fell in this green land.

Si Yan sat beside Lu Yu, with soft spring water in her eyes.

"Give me a pinch of the shoulders and tell me the story of when you were a child......"

A land of green mountains and green waters, quietly listening to the sound of insects and wind in the evening, the past can not be returned.

However, the rest of my life is better, and the conversation is difficult, but it is also very pleasant.

Five days later.

"Why, haven't you found any treasure that is the Dominator? shouldn't you?"

Lu Yu's brows furrowed slightly.

They've been looking for days.

Since the last time I found the treasure of the Old Dominator.

The other treasures seem to have disappeared one after another, and if so, their situation is very bad!

Alos frowned and pondered in front of Lu Yu's eyes, but he also knew that Lu Yu was suspecting him for not telling the truth.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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