Alos crawled quickly on the map, and his old eyes had already judged several mistakes.

In other words, he didn't have an accurate judgment at all.

"I think we'd better continue to push towards the west, and I've already used my own strength, the silver spiders have the Bright Moon, and the Eternal Sun level is almost all there, but they haven't found anything abnormal. "

Several people glanced at each other.

Lu Yu nodded, what Alos said made some sense.

After all, you can't find it here, so you can only continue to move forward, most of the world in the west is sandy, and there is an aimless search, not far from the hills and high mountains, long rivers and waterfalls, and strange peaks of the falling streams.

"It's back! it's back!"

An eager voice suddenly sounded from outside the door.

I saw that Demon Wine and Tan Si were panting.

Although the two are true gods, they are also tired and panicked when they run around for thousands of miles, not to mention that they have to check inch by inch with their spirit.

However, both of them had happy faces on their faces, and Tan Si was holding a wet clay in his hand.

Lu Yu hurriedly won, this Tan Si is really his lucky general.

I didn't expect that this was how much time it would take to find a new location again.

He and Alos had scanned the area and didn't notice any difference.

Sure enough, it's only right to look for it inch by inch.

"Very good, Demon Wine and Si Yan plus Antia, the three of you immediately check any traces around me, and if there are any relics of humans and evil gods, report to me immediately!"

"Good! good......"

The three of them agreed one after another.

Si Yan was relieved to see that Lu Yu didn't bring Antia with him.

Tan Si smirked.

Lu Yu kept him, probably because he was a lucky general!

"Lu Yu, I don't know why I can find such moist soil every time?"

He looked at Lu Yu and said puzzled.

Although there is some meaning of commendation in it, however, more than such things he said he did not know!

Sometimes, the fear of the unknown is there, but you can't find where he is!

Lu Yu nodded, what Tan Si said was indeed reasonable.

"If it's really different, let's put aside the lucky component, it can only mean that your strength here belongs to the weakest one, and in the early stage of the state of mind, your flaws are the greatest, so the aura of the evil god king generally likes to follow you, and so does the old ruler. "


The corners of Tans's mouth twitched violently, and he didn't know whether to praise him or scold.


Demon Wine laughed loudly, and to avoid such an embarrassing situation, he patted Tan Si on the shoulder.

"Okay, okay, you guys will do it, now a few of us have gone to the neighborhood to patrol, but you must be careful, the danger is all underground!"

"Hmm!" Tan Si nodded, and then waved his hand at the demon wine, without any fear on his face.

Alos walked up to Lu Yu's side and turned one hundred and eight golden eyes.

"Lu Yu, forget it, there is very likely to be a big crisis here, if the crisis arises at that time, you and I will not be able to escape, and there will be no place to die!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently.

If you find it again, you will have to collide with Eganipur and the others.

He is Eganipur, not only does he have the inheritance of the Evil God King's Godhead, but he also has a part of his bloodline!

"I'm looking for him!"

There was a hint of extreme confidence in Lu Yu's eyes.

With the Chaos Runner in his hand, the adaptability has reached 100%, and at the same time, the Claw of Time and Space, and this little puppet dragon, as long as these three things are assembled!

No one is a burden to him, but a help.

What conditions are there to defeat Eganipur.

Alos is full of death, and his mood is still a little bad!

Lu Yu is talking about arrogant words and looking for him, isn't this looking for death?

"Well, I know that some things can't be helped, but in this world of the West, you must be careful, besides them, there are probably other outer gods, they are powerful and mysterious, and it is very likely that they left the earth on their own from their heyday, and were not driven out by the old rulers. "

"There are also rumors that this old ruler is just some lackeys of the outer gods, they directly command this planet through the instructions of the outer gods, and there is a large possibility that the outer gods are much stronger than the old rulers!"

Lu Yu listened quietly to Alos telling him, as if he had opened layer after layer of window paper.

It's getting closer and closer to that layer of truth!

The two of them talked as they walked, walking in the vast desert, but it was pleasant.


Coming to the piece of dirt that Tan Si was holding, Tan Si once again put his hand down triumphantly.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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