
Tan Si sensed that something was wrong, but his hands began to dig frantically on the sand, but the sand thought that no matter how deep he had planed, it was still sand!

There wasn't a handful of wet dirt down there.

"Lu Yu, I've never lied to you......"

"Well, I know you won't lie to me. "

Lu Yu smiled and waved his hand, patted Tan Si's shoulder, told him not to be nervous, and said, "Everyone get ready, go directly to the ground, I feel that this place has been opened by others!"

Lu Yu came to the conclusion that the evil god aura here had been opened by someone, and the reason why there was such an aura was felt by Tan Si was very likely to be a trap!

But with these few things he was heading to, what kind of trap could bind him?

Unless it is an evil god, however, the evil god must also be punished by powerful means!

Alos nodded, although Lu Yu's idea was very crazy, but now that he was standing on the same line as Lu Yu, he could only follow it!


Three different colors of light appeared in the palms of the three people's hands, shining down under the huge ground in front of them.

Under the light of this light, the collected sand formed an extremely high temperature, and turned into a scatter on the molten lava.

The light came into the ground, and soon found a blue-gold stone.

It is similar to the ground where Lu Yu found the spaceship, or even the same, but a shaft was forcibly opened here, and it was as dark as night at first sight!

"Let's go down!"

Lu Yu looked at the two people around him and said with a smile, jumping down the huge shaft.

Several people glanced at each other.

Since Lu Yu said so, then most of them are not much crisis, although there are moments of crisis with Lu Yu.

However, jumping is a bit dangerous, and if you don't jump, you doubt Lu Yu's command ability!


Several people gritted their teeth, simply fought to the death, and plunged down.

It's not that they might be thrown to death, but that they were struck by the evil god in mid-air, and it was possible to be swallowed directly in one bite.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, and the recent demon beasts have become more and more rampant!


Lu Yu saw a few people who had just arrived on the ground, and he shushed, and he shut up personally.

"Knock Knock ......"

The sound of the huge heart beating, Lu Yu would never hear it wrong.

However, every time this heart beats, the ground shakes, as if this heart is big!

"Lu Yu, otherwise you can assign us a task!"

Si Yan looked at Lu Yu and said softly.

Rather than just wait and see, it's better to get in and explore.

Or it's okay to kidnap a little monster and know what they're doing.

"Hmm. "

Lu Yu nodded to Si Yan first, Si Yan thought well, and he had an innate advantage in speaking.

There are so many strong people beside him, three true gods and two evil gods, there is no problem in the last fight.

"Okay, now you guys follow me and go in with me......"

"There's someone ahead!"

Tan Si turned his head and said, a divine light in his hand slowly appeared behind him, waiting for a killing blow.

"Wait a minute. "

Lu Yu's palm pressed down slightly.

He had just heard the heartbeats of a few people, and it didn't look like an evil god, but a human being.

"Who's in there?"

From the other side of the cave, several people slowly walked out of the stone cave in the dark light.

Lu Yu knew who it was just by listening to this voice.

"This is not the place for you to come from, hurry up. "

Josanif shook his head fiercely.

He remembered Lu Yu's voice!, it was definitely Lu Yu, he wouldn't hear it wrong.

The black shadow revealed the face in a few dim rays of light.

"Oh, Lu Yu, I found you, we originally wanted to do a ticket here!"

A faint smile appeared in Lu Yu's eyes, and a divine light emanated from the palm of his hand!

"Don't do it!"

Qiao Sanif was full of death, but he didn't expect that the first time Lu Yu saw him, he would directly send him this beam of divine brilliance.

"Damn it's been said a long time ago, he's not human!"

The companion beside him reprimanded urgently, instantly turning into a golden light, and a golden shield of light appeared on his arm.

"Woo!" the golden light struck behind Josanive.


A werewolf with the body of a three-headed wolf-headed man, the long knife on his arm was raised high, and he had fallen straight down.

Qiao Sanif and his companions glanced at each other, and an embarrassed smile appeared on their faces, Lu Yu just saved them.

"Thank you!"

Lu Yu didn't care, he waved his hand, and walked into the cave with a few people behind him.

"I said, you two better go back, if you start fighting right away, you'll both die. "

Qiao Sanif shook his head and followed behind Lu Yu, Lu Yu gave him a feeling that he was already sacred, majestic, and extremely powerful.

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