
After swallowing his saliva, the White Bone Evil God was now unsure of Lu Yu's combat ability, and directly killed these evil gods with a raised hand.

"Hide first!" Josanif hurriedly left with his companions, they couldn't participate in a battle of this level, they would only die!

But after cleaning up the two evil gods, what is the mystery underneath, I want the two of them to take a second look!

"Let's go inside. "

A faint smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he patted the shoulder of the White Bone Evil God.

His heart was beating faster and faster, and it felt like the huge heart was about to be devoured, and it was his!

The Bone Evil God nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

The next moment, his palm slowly slapped against the huge portal, and he still knew how to enter.

"This, this, this ......"

The companion was surprised, he approached Qiao Sanif, and always felt that there was an evil god hidden under Lu Yu's majestic body, which was very terrifying.

"How do I feel, this is a mutual threat and transaction between evil gods. "

Josanif's brows furrowed, and he felt more and more that Lu Yu was unfathomable.

Even if his master came and besieged Lu Yu with a group of old men, I am afraid that Lu Yu took out a Chaos Wheel Gun.

In an instant, they could be cleaned up.

"I can't say anything about that, but I always think he's still human, so let's follow him first. "

He was also infinitely horrified in his heart, why was the Eternal Sun he had seen at that time so different from him now!

Those two crazy godheads, but in Lu Yu's eyes, they seemed to be two small candies, and they were gathered up at will.

It seems that Lu Yu really needs to have a deep understanding.


A crisp voice rang out above the huge glass cover.

I saw a purple ghostly light, accompanied by thunder and lightning in the sky.

"I want you guys to die, and you, the evil god of white bones, dare to betray us. "

Vanill watched the crowd besieging them, and was furious!

I didn't expect these guys to be a waste, and they couldn't stop the attack of this group of people in a moment.

Lu Yu's palm was slightly raised, and the chaos turned up and turned the rim.


With the rotation of the divine flame like the sun, the hot muzzle suddenly brightened!


The next bullet was fired by Lu Yu.

"Now you guys are holding this guy back for me, I don't have the kung fu to fight him, and now I'm going down. "


Three evil gods, three true gods, combined with the strength of six gods, can't they still fight one Eganibul?

Alos did not attend and quietly hid to the sidelines

There is hatred between him and the White Bone Evil God, especially the provocation between Lu Yu and them.

If this white bone evil god goes crazy and dies with him, then wouldn't it be a big loss, and the five of them will also fight against this evil god who is good at change.


The laughter of the five suddenly rang out in the middle of the mountain.

Their hands exuded the divinity of true gods and evil gods, and their eyes were full of war intent!

Five beats one, this fight is quite loose!

The earth-shattering battle of the six gods will fight the earth here!

The mountains sank frantically towards the ground, and countless smoke slapped into the blue sky, highlighting the imagery.

"Run!" Qiao Sanif regrets it now, the few people brought by Lu Yu are so strong, they don't need Lu Yu to do it to be so strong!

", this guy Lu Yu is really fierce, he just slaughtered three evil gods directly, and it's still in the blink of an eye!"

The companion's face was full of horror, he wanted to bring this news back, it was best not to fight against Lu Yu, otherwise things would get worse and worse!

At least, Lu Yu doesn't have any thoughts of harming any humans now!


Lu Yu closed the glass cover to prevent disturbing the battle between him and Eganipur.

"Hey, you can come out, I know you can borrow his energy, but you haven't absorbed it enough, and there's still a chance that it's better to slaughter you together." "

A sneer appeared in Lu Yu's eyes.

I saw that he brought the claw of time and space, and the chaos revolver gun in his other hand, and there was a puppet dragon flying around his waist.

His eyes were cold, haughty, holy, holy, and holy......

Like angels, they have to judge and kill many sinners.


The huge heart throbbed violently, and a roar of displeasure rang out.

"Why? Why! You dared to jump out and disturb me when I was most critical, do you know what I wanted to do? I want to be the supreme ruler of the Evil God King! "

The voice just ended.

A black figure suddenly turned into a blood mist, and actually swallowed the whole heart into his stomach.

Eganipur's face was gloomy and almost dripping blood, and the two Chaos Wheel Guns on his arms spun around, and the muzzle of the guns turned with great might.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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