
Lu Yu smiled slightly, the two spears in Erganibour's hand were exactly the same as those in his hand, as if they were being imitated.

This ability seems to be able to copy other people's abilities at will, and Eganipur is really strong, but he seems to have a little more desire for this ability.

"Since that's the case, then you want me to see your strength, as long as you can't kill me, every time you advance to the realm in the future, I will appear. "

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked up a sneer.

If you lead this guy crazy, you can scratch him between battles and fight restlessly!

He needs a sharp brain, and he doesn't need that kind of fanatical violence!


A sharp voice sounded from this black shadow, like steel on the ice, which made people's hearts begin to flutter, and there was great discomfort in the spirit.


His large blood-stained hands slowly stretched out, and between his index finger and thumb, white lines suddenly appeared around him.

"Woo Woo Blah ......"

The white thread pierced through the space and disappeared in front of Lu Yu's eyes.

"Hell Flames. "

Lu Yu's footsteps stepped down violently, if this kind of silk thread passed through his body!

There's a good chance he'll treat him like a puppeteer.


The surrounding space inexplicably burned with a pale blue flame, and this flame burned directly upward.


Lu Yu's fingers moved slightly, and his arms couldn't help but move upward, as if countless threads were tied around his body.

"Hey, hey!"

Urganibul's fingers were hooking to their heart's content, and with Lu Yu's body, he walked towards Eganipur as if he was dancing a mechanical dance.

He felt as if he had been completely stripped of his powers.

"You idiot, you really dare to come, in my puppetry, no one can beat me, even you kid, let you taste my power now. "

The two spinning energy light guns were slowly lifted by his hands and arms, and a hideous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Lu Yu counted Eganipur's footsteps, his head slowed, a sly smile came out of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth bit out a trace of cruelty.

"Chaos Revolver!"


A purple electric light, accompanied by the rotation of Lu Yu's muzzle, blasted towards Yun Nierde, who was close at hand.

"How is that possible?"

Vanill let out a startled exclamation, and the two Chaos Runners in his hand opened fire at the same time.

"Bang bang ......"

The two flames collided with each other, and the fireworks on the muzzle of the guns turned into rounds of sun.

The energy they burst out of is at most a flare on the surface of the sun!

However, such a huge amount of energy is simply a burden on the earth.

These two men blew the ground up like a hellish world.

"You're so good, you can suppress it!"

Eganipur had a confident smile on his face, and the puppet line he had just had just now definitely not broken!

And he can control Lu Yu, but now Lu Yu doesn't accept his control, why is this?

"Don't you understand?"

Lu Yu chuckled, that was because he could control the puppet lines in the opposite direction.

Although the puppet line is constantly burning with flames, thunder and lightning are constantly splitting, and the divine brilliance and holy light cannot be sanctioned, the puppet line is really terrifying.

"However, your puppetry with me is child's play. "

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, and the huge bone claw on his arm slowly raised, and the surrounding time and space were listening to his call.

Isn't it a joke to want to control him in his plane now?

At the same time as twitching Lu Yu, it is equivalent to twitching the energy in time and space, and with the mutual cancellation of energy, now Eganipur is just pumping a loneliness.

"Damn it! I didn't expect it to be space-time power, it looks like you've touched that layer. "

There was a trace of solemnity in his eyes!

His heart throbbed, and there was a wisp of murderous intent in his eyes.

"If it weren't for my lack of time, I would have slaughtered you, and then, tortured you and detained your soul!"

His fists slowly lay up, and the powerful divinity around him became stronger and stronger along with the melody beating in his heart!

He seemed to be an evil god king, and the visualization behind him was becoming more and more real!

The visualization picture seems to be a huge eye, but in fact, there are dense bloodshot streaks on it, and under him there are countless jagged sharp teeth, and the long saliva makes people feel disgusting and terrifying.

The aura of evil was like the sea of Wang Yang, paved from this tunnel.


Lu Yu's heart beat fiercely, as if it had been suppressed in an instant, but his belligerent heart had been excited.

"Hitomi Hell Dragon King Hitomi

Dragon's Body

Fear Domain

Spider dragon spinning silk

Hell Dragon King Foil

Destroying the Light


One after another, the brilliance emerged.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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