Lu Yu's Chaos Revolver can be called a Star Destroyer!

Although a single shot did not penetrate the planet, it could at least bring great damage to the planet.

"Look at the sky, now the image of the god of thunder and lightning is clearly ruthless, and it can achieve a large number of true gods, and the opportunity must not be missed!"


The surrounding lightning slashed open like a mirror.

An armored giant flashed with lightning, roaring in the electric light emanating from the sky.

I saw that on the long sword he was holding in his hand, thunder was sizzling from above.

The surrounding mountains and tsunami gods fought in the sky, and countless gods and their realms overlapped each other!

The scene was incomparably gorgeous, accompanied by the fall and death of the Evil God King, the First God, the Dominator, and the Outer God.

The chaos in that scene is even stronger.

The picture suddenly turned.

The mirror turned black, and the heavy breath flowed open.

A huge mouth suddenly opened from the sky.

He swallowed all the warring gods in the sky into that huge mouth, and the blood of the gods fell from the sky, and countless people fled in spaceships.

The shadow of the thunder in the sky dissolved in front of everyone's eyes, like a prehistoric secret, dissipating invisibly.

Lu Yu saw that the so-called Thor was swallowed by that huge mouth, as if a big mouth had automatically descended from the sky.

I can't help but feel creepy.

The god of thunder and lightning is so strong, however, there are gods who are even more powerful than the god of thunder and lightning.

It was as if it was the absolute power of a god over mortals, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

Could it be that when one's strength reaches a certain strength, it is very likely that such a strong person will come!

As if watching their plants mature, they swung their sickles and swallowed the batch of planted plants in one gulp!

All kinds of fearful associations were displayed in Lu Yu's mind.

"Lu Yu!"

Beneath this land.

Qiao Sanif hurriedly followed behind Lu Yu.

After chasing for a long time, when I saw Lu Yu stopping, I ran over.

The war between Lu Yu and the evil god.

If it weren't for them hiding underground, I'm afraid they would have been destroyed by now.

Lu Yu turned his head and shook his head as Qiao Sanif ran towards him.

I just woke up, and the grandeur was so shocking.

With 1% of the energy of that giant mouth, I am afraid that he can dominate this world, and even the Evil God King will not dare to target him.


Who is the owner of that mouth? Is it the Lord God?

"Lu Yu, what was in the sky just now, was it you who fought?"

Looking at this endless desert, the energy of destruction seems to never exist.

From the desert, a trace of flax came from beneath his feet, apparently with an electric light flowing down from here.

The more Qiao Sanif looked at Lu Yu's eyes, the more adoring light appeared in his eyes.

However, Lu Yu's eyes were so deep that he could swallow the gods, and he was terrified in his heart.

Lu Yu shook his head slowly, he was the only one standing here, but there was no one else walking with him.

"I said, it's better for you to go back now, you and I are not all the way. "

Lu Yu stepped on this earth, and felt that there were too many secrets under the ground.

Can the true God really be transcended? How much energy is there under the earth, and what is the secret?

Qiao Sanif hurriedly followed behind Lu Yu.

"Actually, I am not a person with them, I hope to be a person with you, it seems that everyone is a human race, this time, you can act with us. "

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, it is very difficult to pull a huge force, especially a giant like Lu Yu.

With a Lu Yu, it is equivalent to having the power of three evil gods and three true gods.

Lu Yu seems to be able to confront the evil god camp head-on.

After all, he already possessed part of the power of the Evil God King, and along with the mountains of thousands of miles, it was like cultivating a muscle, and under the attack, it was like the end of the world!

The ability in it is self-evident, Lu Yu seems to have become a powerhouse in this world.

Lu Yu smiled indifferently and turned his head.

He knew that Josanif was in a relationship with him, but there was not much need!

"Do you want to become a god?"

"What, what did you just say?" Josanif was slightly stunned, not compelling.

The news that Lu Yu said was so shocking that the exit was to ask people if they wanted to become gods!

It is difficult to guess how far he has come!

Seeing Qiao Sanif's hesitation, Lu Yu smiled indifferently, stepped to the front, and stepped into the sky step by step, getting higher and higher.

"I suppose I just told you that you have heard it completely, and there is no need to ask a second time, whether you have become a god?"

Lu Yu said again, but he just expressed his affection for Qiao Sanif to maintain a rational attitude and to have the same views on human beings as him.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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