
Josanif swallowed his saliva, his eyes flashed with excitement, his fists clenched tightly, and his whole body trembled!

Become a god!

What a desire to be God.

There are countless people in this world who wish they could become gods.

It is a great honor for the gods on high to be able to charge into battle and fight the evil gods head-on!

"Still not!"

He clenched his teeth, and the words popped out nervously between his teeth, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

He expressed remorse and sadness for his choice!

"I think I'm really sorry that if I agree to become a god, I'm afraid I'll lose my own freedom, or I'll become a believer in false gods......

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and didn't pay any attention to Qiao Sanif's choice.

"You may have made the right choice, but tell those old men not to go against me, or the consequences will be unpredictable. "

His expression was indifferent, and in a few steps, he walked towards the heavens.


Josanif was weak all over, swallowed his saliva, and sat directly on the ground!

He had just lost an opportunity to become a god!

A while.

"Josanif, what are you still doing sitting here? I seem to have seen Lu Yu just now, he seems to be with you, what about others!"

Tu Delin hurriedly rushed up, and a pair of fiery eyes shone all around.

Lu Yu is a pseudo-god, but now his heart is in an extremely tangled form!

Josanif shook his head slowly, with a great sluggishness in his expression!

Was he regretting that he had rejected Lu Yu's invitation to become a god?

Another old man stepped forward.

He looked at Joe Sanif's dejected eyes, hurriedly checked it, and found that Joe's mental power was not damaged in any way.

"Qiao Sanif, why didn't you keep that guy Lu Yu just now, he is a false god......"

"I ......"

Josanif wanted to explain, but he didn't hurt himself at all, and to put it a little bit, these old guys have always been against false gods!


Above the mountain peaks.

Everyone was already waiting for Lu Yu to come.

"Lu Yu! Lu Yu ......"

Everyone greeted Lu Yu one after another.

As for calling Lu Yu's name, it was Lu Yu who didn't want them to call themselves gods, after all, this kind of title was weird.

"Here you go. "

A godhead appeared between Lu Yu's fingers, and it rolled directly to the eyes of the White Bone Evil God.

The White Bone Evil God hurriedly hugged the godhead, and the light above the godhead lit up in a panic, and the divine power flowed into his heart.

He let out a long groan, and he was extremely comfortable, and only an evil god with a godhead could be regarded as an evil god.

Alos hid in Lu Yu's system space.

When he saw that the White Bone Evil God had obtained that godhead, he was puzzled.

"Lu Yu, aren't you planning to get rid of the White Bone Evil God? Why are you ...... now?"

"You're just trying to get that godhead, yours. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and with a wave of his fingers, another godhead in the system space flowed towards Alos.

Alos slammed into the godhead, for fear that Lu Yu would hurriedly take the godhead back.

"Count on you kid, ahem......"

Under Lu Yu's eyes, he covered his mouth and smiled awkwardly at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu didn't have time to pay attention, Alos came to his senses, and looked at the group of people sitting around Lu Yu.

"Now, we have completely become enemies of the evil god faction, and we have fallen out, even if the evil god king has confronted us, you will not be able to turn back, if any of you are afraid, you can quit this team. "

Lu Yu's eyes scanned the group of people around him.

"I ......"

The White Bone Evil God and Antia were just about to speak, but they were glared back by Lu Yu.

"Except, of course, the White Bone Evil God and Antia, you two guys don't have any chance of repenting, and neither does that big snake. "

Lu Yu saw the white bone evil god and goddess and said indifferently, and a solemn decision had already been made in his resolute eyes.

Whether these two guys want to or not, they are already under his control, and there is no possibility of escape!

The White Bone Evil God and Antia glanced at each other, and shook their heads helplessly at this moment, Lu Yu was so domineering.

"I'm not afraid...... I'm not afraid of ......."

Demon Wine, Tan Si, and Si Yan expressed their attitudes one after another.

There was a battle intent in their eyes, their fists clenched together, and the visualization picture behind them floated brightly, and they seemed to have some urge to fight!

Lu Yu saw that the three of them were always supporting him, but instead looked at the two evil gods next to him and exhaled fiercely.

"That's good, in the next period of time, we will take advantage of the current situation of human attacks on the west, and explore the world of the west more deeply, Tan Si, do you have anything to say?"

For Tan Si, Lu Yu first used him, in order to ensure that he did not fall into the devil, and it was better to see that his state of mind was like this.

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