When Lu Yu had just entered this battlefield, he had already noticed that someone was paying attention to him.


A long laugh came from among the clouds.

A small purple ball spun wildly, causing the surrounding clouds to suck into the small ball, and above the dome of the small ball, a figure suddenly appeared!

"You're a false god?"

"Oh, it looks like you're interested in me. "

Lu Yu chuckled lightly and turned his head to look at the guy who looked like a child.

Under the long purple coat, a star shines and is decorated, a mouthful of white teeth smiles innocently and cutely, and careless yellow hair is draped over the shoulders.

In the breeze, the two of them seemed to be old friends who had not seen each other for a long time.

"Of course. "

Lu Qi Yannian stood up, and the clouds under his feet automatically drooped down, and the spirituality began to extend.

A cloud bridge was formed between it and Lu Yu.

Lu Yu looked at this guy triumphantly, and lowered his head to look at the humans who were fighting below.

"Why don't you help them, I see that humans have lost a lot of ......."

Lu Qiyannian still had that smile on his face.

He didn't mean to look down at all.

"We have now reached the realm of Genshin Impact, we are real gods, and there are some things that we can't interfere in, and the evil gods can't interfere either. "


Lu Yu felt that he seemed to have heard some information wrong in his ears.

The big war between humans and evil gods, as the top of human beings, has reached the realm of the evil god king level, but he said that he can't interfere?

"You've heard you. "

Lu Qi Yannian still pricked up his white teeth, and smiled as if he was the little brother next door.

"I heard that you are a false god, and that you believe in yourself, can I take a look?"

"You're going to fight. "

Lu Yu smiled slightly, and the bones on his body crackled.

"Yes, we believe in the ancient gods, and you later, vainly trying to overthrow the faith of the ancient city, show us as enemies, damn it!"

When he spoke, Lu Qi Yannian was still smiling so sweetly, and there seemed to be a child on his soft face, which made people unbearable to start.

Lu Yu's face turned slightly cold, and the divine brilliance was boiling wildly towards his body, with more divine power.

"It seems that people like you can no longer be called human, you have transcended the existence of human beings, and the bullshit rules you abide by are just watching this group of people perish, just to save the safety of your so-called human elite, am I right?"

Lu Yu's fists clenched and gurgled, and the divine brilliance of his body was accompanied by golden light, and the beating in his heart suddenly accelerated.

The two hearts beat together, making Lu Yu's divinity extremely strong!


Lu Qi Yannian lowered his head and muttered for a while, holding the purple ball in his hand and turning the light of the stars, as if he didn't care about Lu Yu's sneak attack.

"Of course, those adults are the ones who cultivated us......


Lu Yu went out with a divine brilliance and domineering body, and pulled out the Chaos Wheel Gun in his hand!

Such guys no longer regard human beings as human beings, and they only maintain the existence of a group of supreme capital!

As for the sorrow of education, or whether they themselves have rebelled against humanity, those are two words!

"Bang bang ......"

In a blink of an eye.

In the sky, there were lines of white grand flames, which turned into a dense gun curtain, and killed Lu Qi Yannian one after another!

The huge kinetic energy caused the surrounding clouds to heat up, and the surrounding air kinetic energy waves tore through the stable space above the canopy, and black cracks exploded from all sides like spider webs!


Lu Qi Yan Nian burst out laughing!

I didn't feel any fear of this great power.

The purple ball in his hand spun around and turned into a star-covered ball.

The light of the starlight suddenly shot out ten thousand divinities!

"Boom ......"

In the sky.

A burst of grand energy rioted, and a void crack more than a hundred miles wide was deeply torn between the two of them!

"I didn't expect that you still have some skills, originally I thought it was just a one-sided hunt, and I would arrest you and go back to make amends! Lord An does not allow humans to resist, human beings are already a gift when they live!"

There was a hint of hideousness in Lu Qiyannian's eyes!

All of a sudden, his eyes were blood-red, and his yellow blonde hair was growing, which could already be hung at his feet, as if his whole body was full of divinity.

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked up a smile, his eyes opened slightly, and he was extremely harmonious, harmless to humans and animals.

"Little one, you want to kill me, you still say it, unfortunately, I won't leave your life behind, unless you are my slave!"

Lu Yu has already made up his mind, such a person has lost his humanity, and all he exists is divinity!

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