Lu Qi is more like a tool, if such a person stays, it will be good for mankind, but it will definitely be a threat to the final human development!

"Not bad!"

Lu Qi Yannian picked up the purple ball in his hand and threw it into the sky!

"Their god of war, you just look at the appearance, they don't even know the divinity of the god of war, now come and see my god of war!"

He said with a fanatical expression, his mouth was full of words, and the expression around him brightened!

Accompanied by esoteric ancient words, his demeanor was calm, and the divinity on the canopy of heaven gathered wildly.

There are 100,000 hectares of white clouds, condensing, transfigurating, and spinning wildly at the feet of Lu Qi Yannian!

Lu Yu wouldn't be stupid enough to wait for Lu Qi Yannian to have such a huge amount of energy and fight him!

"Puppet Dragon!"

A colorful puppet dragon did not spew out colorful light to stop Lu Qi Yannian, and turned into a spaceship in a flash.


Two light blue rays of light light poured out at the bottom of the spaceship, and with a burst of chaotic qi burning, Lu Yu turned into an aurora and left this battlefield!


There was a wisp of excitement in Lu Qi Yannian's eyes, and when he saw Lu Yu running away, he was not angry.

He stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corners of his mouth.

"Is it for you gods?" he turned his head to look at Si Yan, Demon Wine, and Tan Si, and said, "I won't do anything to this group of ants, all I care about is you, die!"

As soon as the words fell.

The powerful tornado beneath his feet dissipated, and in the blink of an eye, it had disappeared into the void.

Every time they took a step, ripples rippled in the space-time around them, and the space-time power retreated to both sides!

The speed of their movements was still close to the speed of light.

The scenery around them has become lines and light in their eyes!

"And sure enough, it came. "

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked up a smile, and fighting with this terrifying guy could only lead him away first.

Otherwise, his own small mistake is likely to cause Si Yan, Demon Wine, Tan Si, and those two evil gods to make mistakes.

"Lu Yu, now you can't fight this guy, let me go, I'm going back to the evil god space!"

Alos jumped up and down in Lu Yu's system space.

Follow this guy behind Lu Yu, but he wants to become the existence of Genshin Impact.

He didn't know that among the human beings, such a little monster was raised!

"Want to go?" Lu Yu shook his head and said, "If I can't fight him today, you'd better prepare to be cooler now, when it stinks, it won't rot too quickly." "


Alos stared at one hundred and eight eyes, not knowing what to say about Lu Yu.

He jumped out of Lu Yu's system space directly, and rushed out of the spaceship transformed by the puppet dragon made by the system.

"Death to Lao Tzu!"

Among his one hundred and eight golden eyes, golden rays of light were emitted.

"Woo Woo ......"

The tail of the spaceship emitted a colorful glow, and along with this golden light, it surrounded and killed Lu Qi Yannian behind him.

Lu Qi Yannian did not panic at all, and stretched out a palm, purple divinity swirled in the heart of his palm, flowing like a light and thin glove.

He easily grasped the colorful glow and golden light, and squeezed them together.

With a "click", a cracking sound exploded, and the energy collapsed in the hand!

I saw that this attack had already been destroyed by him!

"I didn't expect that there would be you cute little spider, you would die. "

A thick smile flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes suddenly swirled with purple light, causing the speed space around him to collapse for a while!

"Damn, it's over!"

Alos panicked!

Lu Qiyannian behind the spaceship was not serious at all, and just blocked their attack at will with this hand.

It can be seen that if Lu Qi Yannian really wants to fight, he and Lu Yu will not be enough to watch!

"It's over, my God, that kid ......"

"Shut your mouth!"

Lu Yu glanced at Alos, and saw that Lu Qi Yannian behind him had such a strong combat power, and the corners of his mouth rose even more!

Alos kept looking at Lu Qi Yannian behind him, and his heart was panicked.

However, looking at Lu Yu's almost perverted smile, my heart is both comforting and safe!

Lu Yu seems to have a way to deal with it, and he is afraid that Lu Yu has strong psychological ability.

Although there is no way, people can at least laugh!

"If you can beat this kid, you should hurry up and make a move, what are you waiting for now?"

Now he Lu Yu said urgently, he was about to cry.

"Sanity. "

Lu Yu spit out two words, and saw the divine brilliance in his palm slamming towards this spaceship!


The ship exceeded the speed of light, and any light around it vanished, leaving it in darkness.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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