Their speed of light has long been surpassed, and now they can tear through the void.

Although they are traveling on the planet, no one can detect their existence anymore!

"Damn, I didn't expect you kid to have ......"

The voice has not yet fallen.

Lu Qiyannian's figure still appeared behind their spaceship, his fingers slowly pointing forward, and a purple sword spun in his hand!

"Oh my God!"

Alos's one hundred and eight eyes almost popped out!

"This ...... It's useless, this kid is still following us, what kind of trick are you using, at least get rid of him quickly......"

Lu Yu didn't care if Alos was chattering behind his back, the farther away he was from that battlefield, the farther away those dangerous messages became.

He wants to fight, but it's just a Lu Qi Yannian alone, and he doesn't want anyone to come to support!

And the direction he leads is the most western central area.

There are many evil gods here, if De Shiang and Shi Jin Yunyan come, I'm afraid they will also be blocked by the evil gods!

That's what he was all about......

Connections in the camp.

A hint of doubt appeared on Deshion's face, and he walked back and forth in the big tent.

With his beard like a steel needle, he slowly floated, and his big fist hung down on the ground.

"Shi Jin Yunyan, I think we should hurry up and support Lu Qi Yannian now, I always feel that that guy seems to be a little dangerous!"

Shi Jin Yunyan glanced at De Shi Ang, sprayed bath water on her body, and lay in the bathtub, full of divine bubbles nourishing her skin.

"I think it's better for you to go out honestly, so that I'll chop you into seven or eight pieces and throw them to feed the dogs. "

"This, hehe......"

De Seon chuckled awkwardly and hurried out of the tent.

He knew that this woman was terrifying, although they had all surpassed the True God Realm, but the ability of this woman in front of him was stronger than him.

"I'm telling the truth, it's really very likely that Lu Qi Yannian is in danger, so I will come to you, otherwise you really think I want to rush the camp?"

". Shi Jin Yunyan said lightly, and flicked her fingers between them.

The water in the tank suddenly turned into a small one, and spun around the tents.


Ice was formed all around, as if it were an impregnable ice tent, and the stones around it were bursting apart.

"Damn. "

Looking at the scene in front of him, De Shiang could only hammer his palm, shook his head helplessly, and left with a sigh.

A day later.

Under the ship.

Many forests have turned into oceans, black waters, red skies.

Everything around has changed greatly, and the divinity here is soaring, and the evil spirit is also soaring to the sky!

More evil gods raised their eyes one after another, as if they were aware of it.

A will came, there are two humans fighting each other in the sky, don't worry about them!


There are a lot of ancient eyes, staring squarely at the two people above the sky, chasing after each other.

The sarcastic smile that rose from their faces seemed to be considering whether the combat power of the two humans would be won or lost.

The aura of the evil gods around him is about to scare Alos to death!

"Lu Yu! That bastard behind is still chasing after us, have you thought about it, this is the base camp of the evil god, as long as I get out of this spaceship, I will be directly caught and executed!"

Lu Yu, who he was watching, said urgently, a large area of the sea below was black, like the tomb of the god of death!

"Shut up. "

Lu Yu's voice was indifferent, he twisted his neck, and the bones between his whole body crackled.

"Without my consent, the evil gods will not easily check your existence, and now I happen to be fighting with this kid, those evil gods can't wait to see humans fighting, and it happens to be a show, and I am a false god, they are eager to have more such scenes. "

Lu Yu figured out the evil thoughts between this group of evil gods.

Their huge eyes rolled out of the black sea, and golden light shone into the sky.

Aros sighed, since that was the case, then there was not much he could do.

Lu Qi Yannian liked this feeling and chased it for a day!

He looked at the evil gods around him without the slightest fear, and felt Lu Yu's sudden stop, throwing the purple ball in his hand.

The whole body seemed to be wearing a set of ancient all-metal purple ancient armor, holding a purple long axe in his hand, and holding a huge shield in his right hand, straddled a purple steel giant horse.

Looking at this appearance, it seems to be an ancient lancer, a typical god of war itself!

"It's okay if you don't leave, I'll end up here today, if you want to throw this person into the evil god region, just follow your heart, but I tell you, there is no evil god who can come up and save you at all!"

He looked at Lu Yu and sneered, since he was a pseudo-god, most of them were in collusion with the evil god!

But this is a human family affair, and the evil gods can't control it!

Moreover, he himself is at the top level, and some things are still in the period of peace talks.

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