Natsu smiled and said something that Seilah wanted to chop him on the spot: "No problem! I can wait for the day you voluntarily sleep with me!"

If it weren't for the huge gap in strength, Seilah would tear him to shreds in minutes just by spitting out this stinky mouth!

Who would have slept in Lucy's bed with him if he hadn't been forced to resist before?

Who wants to sleep with this thing again?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Seilah glared at him and said, "Second..."

Natsu was so angry that his brain crashed, and he thought about the three chapters of the law for a long time on the way, but he forgot!

Natsu asked curiously, "What is the second rule?"

So full of thoughts on how to kill Natsu, Seilah completely forgot what the second point was.

Without any guilt, he said solemnly, "I'll tell you when I think about it!"

Natsu spread his hands and said helplessly: "I'll implement your first rule when you've figured out all the conditions!"

"You..." Seilah exploded with anger.

What the hell was this guy thinking?

He has already promised him that he will not leave Fairy Tail for the time being, as long as he fulfills a small condition, he is not willing.

He had promised well just now, but because he was angry and forgot what he had thought about before, he denied what he had promised before.

Is this guy still a man?

How can you be so untrustworthy?

Natsu walked over to Seilah and grabbed her shoulder like a good buddy.

With a smug smile on his face, people can't wait to slap his face with a slap!

"Bang!" Seilah punched Natsu hard in the face, but couldn't even tilt his head.

It's so irritating!

With that kind of smile, he always felt that he was thinking about something unfavorable to him, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seilah couldn't think of any other way to vent his anger other than beating him.

The more he tried to punch Natsu, the more he couldn't shake his face, the angrier Seilah got!

The more angry you are, the less you can remember what you thought about before.

Straight into an endless loop!

Natsu is so proud in his heart!

Seilah, such a beautiful chick, has to wait until she volunteers, and I don't know when it will be realized.

after all!

She hates humans so much.

I hate myself more than I hate humans.

It feels like the world can't be destroyed until the day Seilah volunteers.

If you can't wait, you can only use strong.


Just get used to it.

After a long time, she herself does not know what the situation is, and will habitually lie on her bed.

Although she is a devil, she is also a woman!

As long as it is a woman, it works!


Somewhere in Magnolia, Mystogan looks up at the sky and feels the unstoppable f*ck in it.

The hand holding the magic wand gradually seeped sweat.

"No way! Ah f*ck's expansion has been so fast in recent years, I can no longer suppress it."

"Are the Edolas people crazy?"

"By expanding Ah f*ck like this, they won't be afraid to bring devastating disaster to Edolas?"

The magic power in the magic wand has boiled to the top, but no matter what, it can't suppress Ah f*ck in the sky.

We are on the verge of breaking through!

No one can help him!

Someone who is not Edolas, doesn't understand the magical nature of that world, and doesn't have the ability to suppress Ah f*ck!

This is the same principle that Aslant's mages go to Edolas and cannot use magic!

"Huh?? Are you Jellal-san?" Wendy, who was holding a pile of living materials, asked with a little doubt when she saw Mystogan.

Except for the mask, the body and other parts are exactly the same as Jellal.


Jellal and Richard were sent to the Royal Palace of Fiore a few days ago for the king's notary trial.

He shouldn't be in Magnolia.

"Wendy!" Mystogan recognized Wendy at a glance, and was slightly taken aback when she saw the Fairy Tail crest on her body.

With a bit of bitterness: "I didn't want to involve you in this vortex, but I didn't expect fate to be so confusing."

"Crack!" Wendy's hands fell to the ground, and she stared at Mystogan, tears streaming down her face.

"Jellal-san! Do you remember me?"

When Jellal was still in the guild, she often chatted with Jellal and told him about being his little tail when he was a child.

But no matter how much he said, Jellal was stunned, he didn't know anything about those things.

If you can remember everyone, forget yourself.

Wendy was crying secretly for this.

Mystogan froze for a moment, then quickly wondered what Wendy was referring to.

With a wry smile, "I'm Mystogan, the wizard of Fairy Tail, not the Jellal you've seen."

"So that's how it is!" Wendy breathed a sigh of relief, as if the savior still remembered herself.

The kindness of the year can still be repaid!

Showing off the Fairy Tail crest on his body, he smiled and said, "Look! I'm also a Fairy Tail wizard!"


Mystogan staggered and looked at Wendy with a dignified expression: "Go! Get out of Magnolia!"

Wendy was stunned for a moment, then hurried to Mystogan to support him: "Jellal-san! What happened, as long as I can help, I will do my best to help you."

Mystogan pushed Wendy hard and yelled, "Go! Get out of Magnolia!"

"Crack!" A magic wand behind him suddenly shattered, and Mystogan's face changed horribly.

"That's too late!"

Look up at the sky.

A black cloud suddenly shrouded the sky over Magnolia, and I had no idea how big it was.

As far as the line of sight, directly from day to night!

A wave of magic power slowly emerged in the center of the black cloud, turning into a bright white circle, sweeping away in all directions.

Everything under the shroud of magic was sucked away by the aperture.

Not just humans!

Even animals and buildings are sucked away by the aperture!

The white halo disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, not knowing how big a place it would suck something magical into Edolas.

"Bang!" Mystogan punched the ground hard: "Damn! I still can't protect everyone, even Wendy..."

"Jellal-san!" Wendy hurried to Mystogan and helped him up.

"Mystogan!! Get me out!" Natsu's shout resounded through the sky, and Mystogan cheered up and stood up.

Wendy was not taken away by f*ck.

Natsu wasn't taken away by f*ck either.

It means that f*ck can't suck Dragon Slayer away.

Everyone in the guild is still saved!

With Wendy and Carla, they ran in the direction of Natsu's voice.

"Natsu! I'm here."

Been waiting for this answer for a long time!

Natsu ran at the fastest speed with Seilah, and saw Mystogan directly reach out: "Bring it!"

Mystogan was bewildered, unable to understand what Natsu wanted.

"Specially made Xiaoyao Pill, something that allows me to use magic at will in the Edolas world!"

Mystogan looked confused, how did Natsu know about the efficacy of the X-Ball?


What kind of crazy name was he called?

No matter how he knew it, with the X-ball, he must have wanted to go to Edolas to save people.

He took out a bottle of X-Ball from his pocket and handed it to Natsu: "It's called X-Ball, not a special Xiaoyao Pill!"

"You have to complain about this, you are not Lucy!" Natsu said angrily.

I ate one for myself, one for Wendy, and one for "Happy" and Carla.

It doesn't matter if Seilah eats or not, she is a demon, her basic strength is not magic.

Not limited by the world.

In order to avoid favoritism over the other, I also ate one for her.

When everything was ready, Natsu shouted, "My sweet little daughter-in-law, I'm here to take you home!"

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