Mystogan's face instantly turned ugly.

Natsu this guy took the X-ball to take his little daughter-in-law home?

The guild's partners are not as important as his little daughter-in-law?

No matter how I feel that Natsu is very unreliable!

Say it!

Who is Natsu's cute little daughter-in-law?

Carla with Wendy, "Happy" with Natsu.


Hold Seilah!

"Natsu! You are too heavy!" "Happy" complained.

Why do you take a woman to play and ask me to be the means of transportation?

""Happy"! You can do it, you can, come on!" Natsu didn't feel like adding a burden to "Happy" at all.

Taking a deep breath, the intoxicated look on his face made Seilah want to punch him in the face again.

This guy has absolutely no idea what morality is.

"Yahahah!" "Happy" roared and squeezed the magic power, and the wings became twice as big.

Flying with two people and flying with one person are completely different concepts.

More than twice the burden on "Happy"!

Wings get bigger!

The speed skyrocketed, breaking the air, leaving a white streak rushing into the aperture.

Carla was stunned when she looked at "Happy" who was so far away.

He whispered softly: "Male cat! You are working hard!"

"Carla! What did you say?" Wendy asked with a little doubt.

"Nothing!" Princess Cat Tsundere wouldn't express her shock.

It is completely impossible to fly two people with her ability.

"Happy" flying with two people and at such a speed is far beyond its expectations.

Feeling unwilling in my heart, the speed increased a little bit, and took Wendy through the aperture.

When you go through darkness and get back to light.

Natsu blinked his big, bewildered eyes.

Even knowing what Edolas was like, he was speechless at the sight of the world.

There was a white streak in the air not far away, and some huge fish jumped out of the water from time to time.

A variety of floating islands, covered with strange-shaped plants.

I don't know if the floating island below is a mushroom or a plant.

Flashing with colorful light, the ball-shaped thing looks particularly novel.

Looking up at the sky, there are huge planets that are within reach.

I don't know how far it is, but Natsu feels that with a little effort from "Happy", he can fly to those planets.



Those things just don't exist in Edolas.

The river flows in the sky.

The floating island below can be seen everywhere by pouring water into the floating island above.

Some of the birds on the floating island, they are lying and flying, and their wings are flapping from bottom to top.

Phenomena that completely violate the laws of physics and gravity, but can feel relaxed and comfortable from them.

Some birds on floating islands are flying normally again.

A very strange world.


A very interesting place.

Every floating island is worth the adventure to explore.

The magic of this world can be preserved as much as possible.

These phenomena that violate the laws of physics and gravity alone are worth Natsu's efforts to preserve the magic of this world.

"Go find my cute little daughter-in-law first!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly.

There are places in this world to explore, and there are places to play.

First find out Lisana, the daughter-in-law, and then take her to send back the Fairy Tail people and those who turned into magic crystals from Aslant.

There are so many interesting things in this world.

It’s hard to come here, and naturally, we must carefully appreciate the scenery of this world.

"Natsu! I can't do it!" A weak voice called "Happy".

Natsu was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that he was still holding a Seilah.

"Happy" can fly with two people for so long, which is amazing.

Just throw Seilah away and hug "Happy"!

"You!!" Seilah was directly blown away by him.

I flew into this world with myself before, but now I threw myself away so casually.

He didn't even say hello, and he didn't remind himself of the risks in this world.

Falling from a height of several thousand meters, even a demon would not feel good.

Is this f*ck a man?

Is this what a man does to a woman?

"Natsu!! I hate you!!" Shouting with grief and anger, Seilah released the magic power and turned into a demon state.

In this state, even if you fall from a height of several kilometers, you will not be injured.

When it hits the ground, it's going to give Natsu a hard blow!

A heavy blow in a demonized state!

Holding the disengaged "Happy", Natsu said with a bit of embarrassment: "Sorry! "Happy" is too weak, falling from such a high distance will cause serious injury!"

Seilah feels like her lungs are going to explode!

Cats have nine lives, no matter how high they fall, they won't die, not to mention this is a cat that can fly.

Even if it is a little off now, with a little recovery, it will be able to open its wings and ensure that it will not fall to the ground.

A woman by yourself!

Thin skin and tender meat!

There is no part of the skin that is not soft!

Could it be much stronger than a cat's body?

This damn man has refreshed the realm of straight men of steel!

"You wait for me!" glared at Natsu viciously.

If it weren't for the magic power that would be absorbed by him, Seilah would like to give him the strongest attack now!

Seeing them fall vertically from the sky several thousand meters high, Wendy hurriedly said, "Carla! Go and help them."

"No way!" Carla refused bluntly.

"I don't have the magic power of "Happy" to fly with two people."

"I'm going to help them, and you're about to fall."

"Your body is much weaker than the two of them!"

Wendy, who was still a little excited at first, was turned off by Tsundere's words.

The whole person became extremely gloomy in an instant, and whispered: "Carla is talking too much."

Carla yelled, "One of them is a demon, the other a monster, and you can't compare to either!"

"Natsu-san is not a monster, he is human." Wendy quickly corrected Carla's words.

"What's the difference between him and a monster?" Carla said with a look of course.

Wendy froze for a while.

The same Dragon Slayer, Natsu is as strong as a monster.

From this perspective, Carla's words are completely fine.


Seeing the strange round object on the ground getting closer and closer, Seilah burst out with magic all over his body, preparing to resist the imminent impact.


When it landed on that object, a soft feeling hit the face.

The force that fell from the height of a thousand meters suppressed the soft feeling.

A bad premonition was born in my heart!

next moment!

The force of the rebound sends Seilah into the sky.

"Damn it! Didn't hit that bastard Natsu the first time he landed!"

Seilah, who bounced back to the sky, first thought not how to save himself, but how to beat Natsu.

"Oh!!!! It can bounce back!!" Natsu got excited when Seilah bounced.

Release "Happy" and let him enjoy the trampoline too.

One person and one cat who landed on the round plant were bounced off by the colorful plants.

Natsu, who took off, quickly caught up with Seilah, flapping his hands like wings, and looked at Seilah: "Would it be fun?"

Seilah gritted his teeth and said, "It's really fun to beat you to a hemiplegia!"

Wendy in the air saw Natsu having such a good time, and yearned for it: "Carla, throw me down, I want to play with Natsu-san."

Carla exploded, yelling, "Can you think about the comrades who were taken away?"

"Don't just think about having fun!"

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