The current strength is not enough to compete with Acnologia, with Zeref as a cheap big brother, wouldn't it be stupid not to let him go to the front?

Stand behind Zeref and give Acnologia a few sneak peeks to get a feel for his strength and figure out what it takes to kill that thing.

Just not too fragrant!

There is no one but Zeref who can give Natsu a powerful boost when he goes to war with Acnologia.

Zeref can't die!

Before Acnologia dies, he must not die.

Zeref said solemnly: "Natsu! You should be the person who knows me best in the world. You are the only one who understands the things I have experienced and the thoughts in my heart. Please help me!"

It's already a warning!

Zeref's patience is only so little, and Natsu's repeated refusal makes him very upset!

Natsu shrugged and spread his hands, "Brother! If you really want to die, can you wait until we kill Acnologia together?"

"No!" Zeref said very simply.

Four hundred years of thirst was in sight, and Zeref didn't want to wait a second.

Every breath is a torment for him, an unpleasant experience, and a deep disgust from the depths of his soul!

Only death can get rid of all this, no longer have to bear those painful torments.

The four guild leaders next to him looked at Natsu innocently.

Didn't you just say you wouldn't fight Zeref?

What's the situation now?

You don't want to fight, Zeref is chasing to fight with you and want you to kill him, can you explain what the hell is this?

The strongest magician in the world!

The most evil dark wizard in the world!

He was a guy who wanted to die.

Who would believe this if I didn't see it with my own eyes?

Such a person, still staring at Natsu, trying to make him kill himself.

Completely subvert everyone's imagination of Zeref!

Natsu sat on the ground, spread his hands, and acted as a rogue: "Brother! Don't force me, I can't kill you with my current strength."

"I don't even have the ability to face Acnologia, who will soon land on the island!"

"Even if your big brother refuses to help me, no one can face Acnologia with me!"

"You know Acnologia best. He came to Sirius Island, and he will never leave unless he kills everything here."

The four guild leaders trembled, Makarov said anxiously: "You guys have been mentioning Acnologia here, are you talking about Acnologia, is that Acnologia?"

Natsu shrugged and said with a sullen face: "Apart from that Acnologia, is there any other Acnologia in the world?"

"Quick!" Makarov shouted: "Quickly organize everyone to leave the island!"

""Happy", Carla, Pansari, you take the people away as fast as you can, fly ten miles away, and immediately turn back and take the others away!"

Ultear's voice suddenly sounded in the middle of the recitation: "President Makarov, just find me some powerful magicians."

"The spaceship of the devil's heart can take everyone away at one time, and the speed is beyond your imagination."

Makarov yelled, "Then what are you waiting for?"

"Gildarts, Laxus, Erza, Gray, Mirajane, are there enough wizards for you?"

"All Fairy Tail wizards cooperate fully with Ultear and must leave Sirius Island as quickly as possible."

While Gildarts was carrying out Makarov's order, he asked in a deep voice, "President! Didn't the Zeref thing calm down?"

Makarov took a deep breath and said with a bit of desperation: "The presence of Zeref has drawn the attention of another being, Gildarts, you have dealt with him!"

Gildarts trembled, and the terrifying figure that crippled him in an instant appeared in his mind.

"Everyone! Go! Dragon! Dragon is coming!"

The reason why Zeref is said to be the strongest sorcerer in the world is because Acnologia is no longer a sorcerer.

He was stained with so much dragon blood that he was no longer a human, but a dragon!

Dark Dragon!

The strongest life in the world!

The voice of Gildarts sounded, and everyone on the island felt a chill coming from the tailbone to the brain, and the whole body was extremely cold.

Even the movement was uncontrollably slow.

Ultear looked at the sky in despair, always feeling that a terrifying figure was approaching fast from a certain direction.

Melody hurriedly urged her: "Ultear! Let's go, it will be too late if you don't go."

There was only Ultear on her mind, nothing else.

Neither the black dragon nor any other life was as important to her as Ultear.

As long as she can protect Ultear, it doesn't matter how much she pays, and she won't be affected by anything.

"Yeah!" Ultear shook his head and nodded, summoning the panicked Fairy Tail members to board the spaceship.

After everyone boarded the ship, immediately start the spaceship and leave at the fastest speed.

The presidents of the four major guilds and Natsu who were still on the island were led away by "Happy".


Zeref stared at Natsu and shook his head: "You underestimate yourself, your strength now guarantees that you won't be killed by Acnologia."

"Your future can still change and you can become stronger, but Acnologia can't. He has no room for improvement."

"It's only a matter of time before you kill Acnologia!"

Natsu stared at Zeref unhappily: "Brother! Can't you be rude?"

"I've never played against Acnologia, I don't know how strong he is, let alone what magic he is best at!"

"What's more! My strength has always improved very quickly, and there has never been a solid time."

"I don't know how much power I have now and what kind of power I can exert."

"You want me to go to Acnologia like this, one bad, and I'm finished."

Zeref is silent!

What Natsu said makes sense.

Before, I thought about using Natsu's lack of understanding of his current strength to let him kill him, so how could he say such a thing now?

If Natsu wants to harden Acnologia, he must fully master his own power.

A little bit out of control, there is no way to harden Acnologia!

Let's sigh!

You can't die by yourself!

Can only die after Natsu kills Acnologia!

Mavis quietly gave Natsu a thumbs up.

Zeref is too stubborn!

No matter who tried to persuade him, he just wanted to die, and only Acnologia could make him care.

The four guild presidents also silently praised Natsu.

Until this moment, they didn't know how much Zeref cared about Acnologia.

The legend is unbelievable!

Zeref is not evil.

Not some evil wizard.

He became what he is now, entirely because of Natsu, because of the affection he cares most about.

He has been begging for death, but no one can kill him, so he has to create the devil.

And because of Acnologia's existence, he can only change his mind.

How could such a person be evil?

The demon created was also to kill him, and he never manipulated the demon to harm the human city.

That's all the devil's own behavior, and it's also something that some evil wizards have done.

Power is good and evil!

Because of the character of the person who uses him, the power is differentiated!

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